Geography Teacher Sharing
This blog is a sharing of the workshops and seminars which I have attended for Geography as well as some of the practices which I have adopted. Hi, I am Lily Lee. I am a Geography teacher who loves to explain concepts from the subject that are important to the average person's understanding.
Geography Teacher Sharing
1M ago
The AI analysis in ITT function is already integrated. Simple to use to filter the responses. AI will generate the analyse but the downside is it cannot be saved so I had to screenshot.
It is simple to use - just click on the icon which I circled here. Then type in what you want AI to filter and analyse.  ..read more
Geography Teacher Sharing
3M ago
We took an hour ferry ride from Singapore to Batam. Left Singapore at 8am.
Passed by Sentosa
Reached Batam at 8am too as Indonesia time is one hour behind Singapore time.
Coastal protection at Batam ferry terminal.
Our local tour guide. Learned from him that Batam is a cluster of 329 islands. The plug used in other parts of Indonesia is 2 pins, but in Batam it is 3 pins, similar to Singapore.
Explored Batam's Pantai Sekoto beachfront area to learn about the mangrove in this area as part of the field study for Geography Symposium 2024. The program ..read more
Geography Teacher Sharing
3M ago
Love the Geography symposium as the fraternity came together to share good practices which allow students to see the world through the geographical lens, developing observation skills, analysing trends, and understanding world issues.
So honoured to hear from the Keynote speaker, Mrs Margaret Roberts, author of Geography through enquiry.
Last attended her workshop on geographical inquiry in 2010. The workshop influenced me in putting up questions with the photos or videos with the link to the source on my geographical issues update (olevelgeog.blogspot.com) rather than just information on the ..read more
Geography Teacher Sharing
10M ago
Sign in to school AI https://schoolai.com/
Select discover and select Video Explorer.
I have chosen a video on pro-poor tourism for the lesson.
Enter the YouTube video url.
You can also show the video to the class first and allow the students to explore the content of the video by asking questions or getting feedback from the AI. It is all personalised!
On the student's device.
The AI will provide questions to check on the student's understanding based on the video.
The student's can also ask the AI questions such as ..read more
Geography Teacher Sharing
10M ago
The storymaps arcgis is similar to the Google Earth gallery (replacing Voyagers in Google Earth) learning package I shared earlier. Can think about using them too for inquiry-based learning
For Lower sec
For Upper sec
For Pre- University
Map Library by MOE CCPD (all)
https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/33111195ba324433beafd3883a7d0c60?fbclid=IwAR2jXlBjqNhbfH15SfYcC08SW0Xskq9bK8upQ ..read more
Geography Teacher Sharing
10M ago
A very creative project for Earth Day 22 April
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Pirjada Arif I Tlm creativity (@pirjada_arif_creativity ..read more
Geography Teacher Sharing
11M ago
Gotten my students to share their ideal holiday. To make it more immersive, I gotten them to take a picture of themselves and then superimposed their picture over a holiday destination of their choice using remove.bg
Instruction for the photo.
a. Download the background of a tourist destination you dream to be at.
b. Take a picture of yourself and goto https://www.remove.bg/ and remove the background of your picture.
c. Add the background of the picture you have downloaded.
Instruction for the description of the ideal holiday on Padlet with the photo
a)state the country/city
b)Reas ..read more
Geography Teacher Sharing
11M ago
Voyager in Google Earth has moved. It's no longer available in the main app but showcased on the website.
Explore the stories on the gallery here.
Guide to learning longitude and latitude with Carmen Sandiego game on Google Earth.
Carman Sandiego detective game which used to be accessible from voyager
Carmen Sandiego https://g.co/carmensandiego
Crown Jewels of England
https://www.blog.google/products/earth ..read more
Geography Teacher Sharing
11M ago
Gotten my students to create the sorting game. Purpose is for them to apply what they have learned under the roles of different stakeholders and the different approaches in sustainable development.
The game Vortex from classtool is easy to use and free with no need for login.
Click on create game @ https://www.classtools.net/vortex/
Create the first game on how effective are stakeholders in sustainable tourism development.
Input the title of the game e.g. How effective are Stakeholders in sustainable tourism development?
Category title: Government, International Organisations ..read more
Geography Teacher Sharing
11M ago
Access the historical maps of Singapore on https://libmaps.nus.edu.sg/
Get the students to zoom into a section of the Singapore Map.
Enable the view of the selected historical map.
Use the slider to control the level of transparency of the historical map over the present map.
Students can observe the changes in their neighbourhood - observing the spatial association, distribution and interconnection ..read more