Interorganizational Transfers
Pacific Northwest Consultants
3M ago more
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Small Businesses Need Accounting Software Designed for the Federal Marketplace
Pacific Northwest Consultants
8M ago
 A transcribed interview by the founder of PROCAS discusses some of the 'compliance' issues that small businesses face when pursuing or thinking of pursuing Government contracts.  This interview focuses on Accounting and Timekeeping systems and other requirements of the SF 1408 (Accounting Systems).  You can access the interview here. This is not an endorsement for PROCAS. We have no first-hand experience with this particular software although it seems to have a lot of features necessary for Government contract accounting more
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IRS Mileage Rate for 2024
Pacific Northwest Consultants
1y ago
 For 2024, the standard mileage rate for business will increase from 65.5 to 67 cents per mile. The rate for medical and moving will decrease by one cent to 21 cents per mile while the rate for charitable purposes is set by statute and remains unchanged at 14 cents per mile more
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Compensation Caps for 2023
Pacific Northwest Consultants
1y ago
The Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) recently published the compensation cap for 2023. The new cap is $619,000 and represents a 5.1 percent increase over the 2022 compensation cap. This is the largest annual increase since these caps were established by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013).  Following are the compensation caps by year: Prior to 2014, compensation caps were applied variously to 'top five employees in management positions', and 'all employees' depending on the year and whether the contract was awarded by DoD/NASA or a civilian agency. Also, compensation caps prio more
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IRS Mileage Rate for 2023
Pacific Northwest Consultants
2y ago
For 2022, the standard mileage rate for business will increase to 65.5 cents per mile The rate for medical and moving will also increase to 22 cents per mile while the rate for charitable purposes remain at 14 cents per mile more
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Costs Incurred During a Strike Period
Pacific Northwest Consultants
2y ago
FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulations) does not provide specific guidance with respect to the allowability of costs during strike periods. FAR 22.101-1(b) requires that Governmental Agencies (e.g. DCMA and DCAA) remain impartial concerning any dispute between labor and contractor management and not undertake the conciliation, mediation, or arbitration of a labor dispute. Later provisions in the same FAR section, contracting officers are instructed, in the event that labor disputes give rise to work stoppage, to impress upon contractors that they shall be held accountable for reasonably avoidab more
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NDAA 2020 - Post-Award Explanations for Unsuccessful Offerors
Pacific Northwest Consultants
2y ago
The President has now signed the 2020 NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act). A 19 page summary of its key provisions prepared by the Senate Armed-Services Committee can be read or downloaded here. We have been discussing some of the procurement related provisions buried in the bill. So far we've discussed a new requirement for sole-source offerors to provide cost or pricing data it the Government determines that it is necessary to ensure fair and reasonable pricing, a requirement for GAO to study the extent to which DoD is awarding contracts when contractors refuse to provide adequate supp more
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Contractor Loses Out on Significant Profits due to "Marginal" Performance Reports
Pacific Northwest Consultants
2y ago
The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Inspector General's latest Semiannual Report to Congress (April 1 - September 30, 2019) included CPAR (Contractor Performance Assessment Ratings) summaries for the contractor responsible for building its $17 billion vitrification plant at the Hanford Nuclear Site, Bechtel National. Specifically, the report included the following summary: Downgraded Contractor Performance Rating in False Claims Act Investigations: As a result of ongoing OIG (Office of Inspector General) criminal and civil investigations, the Department’s Office of River Protection issu more
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Acquisition Regulation Comparator (ARC)
Pacific Northwest Consultants
2y ago
The new Acquisition Regulation Comparator (ARC) is now live on  ARC provides users the ability to compare up to three regulations side by side. The results are displayed in a column layout, with regulations compared at the part/subpart level and lined up by the sections. Its not quite finished however. Currently it contains the FAR, GSAR (GSA FAR Supplement), and DFARS (DoD FAR Supplement) but soon (they say) ARC will release all of the civilian agency acquisition regulations (e.g. NASA, DOE, etc). ARC is easy to use - select the three regulations you want to compare, sel more
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IRS Mileage Rate for the Second Half of 2022
Pacific Northwest Consultants
2y ago
 The IRS just announced an increase in the standard mileage rate for the final six months of 2022. Effective beginning July 1st, the rate for business travel will increase to 62.5 cents per mile from 58.5 cents per mile. The rate for medical and moving will also increase four cents per mile from 18 cents to 22 cents. The IRS stated that the adjustments are necessary to better reflect recent increases in fuel prices more
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