MontClairMedium Blog
Learn how you can strengthen your connection with spirit and scale your business to heal more people. Chris Lippincott seeks to raise the spiritual awareness and vibration of humanity. I teach the everyday person how to step into their psychic powers and lean into their true potential by opening the portal to spirit.
MontClairMedium Blog
1M ago
Ever tried to sit still and meditate, only to have your brain throw a full-on rave of thoughts the moment you close your eyes? Same. That’s why guided visualization is such a game-changer. It’s like meditation, but with ..read more
MontClairMedium Blog
1M ago
Since there's only 6 days until Christmas (OMG is that all that's left?!) I thought it would be interesting to dig into what the holiday season really means. I know it’s often about the gifts (and certainly for children ..read more
MontClairMedium Blog
2M ago
Ever Had the Feeling the Universe is Trying to Tell You Something ..read more
MontClairMedium Blog
2M ago
How Practicing Loving-Kindness Meditation Can Change Your Life ..read more
MontClairMedium Blog
2M ago
You know how sometimes your feelings can either carry you away or completely take over any rational part of you, despite your best effort. The same can be said of your emotions, for they too are extremely powerful. Both ..read more
MontClairMedium Blog
2M ago
Do you ever wonder how you can strengthen your connection with your spirit team or get more meaningful evidence from spirit for your sitter? Do you wonder what it’ll take to start getting those gold nuggets of wisdom or ..read more