Development Debate
Driven by a COVID 19 induced economic chaos, creating high-wage jobs and capital investment is not as easy as it used to be. Join Dave Robinson and Nate Green of the national economic development consulting company the Montrose Group to hear their unique perspective on economic development and life in general.
Development Debate
9M ago
Nate Green, Dave Robinson and Wade Williams of The Montrose Group welcome Lee Crume, President and CEO of Be NKY to discuss the development of northern Kentucky ..read more
Development Debate
1y ago
Dave Robinson hosts Alan Schlossberg and Brian Bernstein this week to discuss the "Doom Loop." With expertise in architecture, public space and building reuse planning, Brian and Alan provide great insight on this weeks episode ..read more
Development Debate
1y ago
This week we welcome guests Ryan Scribner, Director of Economic Development at Montrose Group, and Renee Smith, President at Fostoria Economic Development Corporation. They discuss industrial park development and rural development ..read more
Development Debate
1y ago
Nate Green, Dave Robinson, Tim Biggam, and Jon Melchi of BIA of Central Ohio all join us on this weeks episode of the Montrose Podcast to discuss state policies in Ohio that will impact economic development in 2024 ..read more
Development Debate
1y ago
The Montrose Economic Development Podcast welcomes Wade Williams to their team. They host Kenny McDonald, President and CEO of Columbus Partnership, to discuss the economic development career path and his expertise ..read more
Development Debate
1y ago
Dave Robinson discusses the economic development within Erie, Pennsylvania with Tina and Jake from the Erie County Redevelopment Authority (ECRDA ..read more
Development Debate
1y ago
Nate Green and Dave Robinson discuss the greater Chicago economy this week. Greg Bedalov and Kyle Schulz of the Greater Chicagoland Economic Partnership join the conversation to give insight into the Chicago regional development ..read more
Development Debate
1y ago
Dave Robinson talks with Andrea Enders, Director of Business Development at REDI Cincinnati ..read more
Development Debate
1y ago
Dave Robinson chats with Chad Whittington, guest and President & CEO of Columbus Association for the Performing Arts, to discuss the intersection between the arts and economic development ..read more
Development Debate
2y ago
Housing has become a primary concern for communities. It has become challenging to manage developer investments, whether that is a struggle to gain investments due to slow growth or an inability to build housing quickly enough to keep up with a fast-growth market ..read more