In Islam, Is it a Must to Live with In-Laws?
Imam Services Blog
2y ago
Cultures are great ways to celebrate human diversity, however when they clash with Islamic values, they will most likely bring negative circumstances. Islamically, there is no obligation to live with in-laws. In general, it is the duty of the husband to provide at least one private room where his wife can have her own privacy. This room should only be accessible to the husband and wife. No other family members. Imam Abū al-Ḥasan al-Qudūrī (may God’s mercy be with him) writes, “It is incumbent upon him to house her in a separate building in which none of his family [members live], unless she more
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Can Parents Force a Marriage?
Imam Services Blog
2y ago
Communication is very important in matters such as determining a suitable marriage partner. In most cases, parents are looking out for the best, regarding their children. Parents are duty bound to provide encouragement and sincere guidance. However, parents are not to force their children into a marriage. You should respectfully communicate to your parents, your choice of a good spouse. Your consent is mandatory for the marriage to be valid. It is recommended that you respectfully and openly speak to your parents related to your specific intentions of a marriage partner. This can be rendered more
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What to Expect at a Traditional Marriage Ceremony
Imam Services Blog
2y ago
Here is how a traditional islamic marriage ceremony typically takes place. Watch this brief video for information.  Have you been to a traditional islamic marriage ceremony? Are you getting married and want to set up a ceremony? Here is what to expect at the event: The ceremony commences with an introduction and opening remarks. The clergy/ imam will then deliver an English sermon on the topic of love and marriage. Arabic readings and Quranic recitations are then conducted by the Imam.  The clergy will then transition in to document signing with the couple and their witnesses.&nbs more
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How to Book a Marriage Officiant
Imam Services Blog
2y ago
Getting married? Need to book a marriage officiant? ​Watch this brief video below for everything you need to know about booking a marriage officiant.  Getting married? Need to book a marriage officiant? Here are the steps required to book a marriage officiant.  Contact a religious institution such as your local mosque to connect with a registered officiant. ​Imam Services also has a number of registered clergy that we can connect you with for your ceremony.  To verify your officiant is actually registered with the government to perform your ceremony, visit more
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Marriage with a Different Religious Sect
Imam Services Blog
2y ago
Regarding the question of a sunni muslim woman marrying a shia man, kindly note that those wishing to adhere to Qur’ānic principles and prophetic teachings know that marriage is only permitted to certain individuals. As a general principle, the Qur’ān dictates that a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man. “And do not give (your women) in marriage to polytheist men, unless they come to believe” (Qur’ān 2:221) Regardless of what one labels themselves to be, if one sincerely believes in all the major tenants of Islam as outlined in the Qur’an and authentic Ḥadīth, they are considered a genui more
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Mahr, the Bridal Gift in a Marriage
Imam Services Blog
2y ago
Mahr is an Arabic islamic term used to denote a bridal gift that is given to the bride by the groom at the occasion of marriage. This is an Islamic obligation upon the husband. A husband receives great blessings from Almighty God for fulling this Qur’anic injunction in obedience to Him. In Islam, mahr is the right of the wife (bride). The husband (groom) offers an amount, commodity or service that is then negotiated and finally agreed by the bride (wife). Technically, this is payable to the bride immediately upon the completion of the nikāḥ / religious marriage ceremony. If the wife w more
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How to Obtain a Marriage Licence
Imam Services Blog
2y ago
Getting married? Need a marriage licence? Watch this brief video below for everything you need to know about a marriage licence.  Getting married? Need a marriage licence? Here are the steps required to obtain your marriage licence.  Contact your local municipality city hall to make an appointment. ​ Take two pieces of government issued ID for both partners. One should be a photo ID. If you are divorced and are remarrying, you will be required to present your official divorce decree.  Take your debit or credit card to purchase your marriage licence. Every municipality h more
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Post Divorce Islamic Obligations
Imam Services Blog
2y ago
Once an islamic divorce takes place, here are the key obligations of both parties:   Husband: Pay the mahr if it was outstanding. Give the wife expenses (spousal support) for iddah (3 months) – this includes basic necessities of life such as food, shelter and medicine. Encouraged to continue spousal support for at least one year after the iddah but not mandatory. Return any belongings that are exclusively the ownership of the wife. Any belongings that were considered shared should be split. Support any children that were the result of the marriage. Financial support of children, in Isla more
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Praiseworthy Divorce in Islam, Dismantling the Marriage Relationship
Imam Services Blog
2y ago
By Shaykh Yūsuf Badāt Did You Know About the Following Muslim Divorces? The Prophet Muḥammad (peace and blessings upon him) divorced his wife Ḥafsa – (See: Sunan Abī Dāwūd) ʿOmar bin Khaṭṭāb (may God be pleased with him) divorced three of his wives, namely, Qarībah, Omm Kulthūm Malīkah and Jamīlah Bint Thābit – (See: Faṣl Al-Khiṭāb) ʿAlī Bin Abī Ṭālib (may God be pleased with him) divorced a number of his wives. – (See: Al-Bidāyah Wa Al-Nihāyah) ‘Abd Al-Raḥmān Ibn ʿAwf (may God be pleased with him) divorced his wife Tumāḍir Bint Al-Asbag. – (See: Tārikh Dimashq) Zayd bin Ḥārithah more
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The Intimate Bond 
Imam Services Blog
2y ago
By Shaykh Yusuf Badat ​Marriage is an important component of human life. In each of the stages of human growth (infancy, childhood, teenage period, adulthood and the final stage of old age), there are numerous privileges, challenges and responsibilities. When one passes through these phases of life, understanding and fulfilling rights and responsibilities, one is bound to experience peace, tranquility and bliss with oneself and also the people one is surrounded by. Marriage is something that is to last forever. This is why it is said, “marriage is not a ‘word’ rather a ‘senten more
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