Coffeetime Forum
The Coffeetime Forum is a UK coffee forum to Chat about coffee, espresso machines, roasting and grinders with experts.
Coffeetime Forum
1w ago
I use 27-30 grams a day and price increase hasn’t changed my habits yet. If they do and I want to spend less money, I’d prioritize quality over quantity and drink less coffee each day. Either smaller ..read more
Coffeetime Forum
1w ago
It helps when you contact someone who did the top level design for the MK1 ..read more
Coffeetime Forum
2w ago
Thanks again for replying. The Water comes from the OPV not the safety valve. I aready replaced the solenoid valve. So this shouldn‘t be the issue. How likely do you think it is that the control unit ..read more
Coffeetime Forum
1M ago
OK, by the way, I will also support EG-1 blind burr, please look forward to my products ..read more
Coffeetime Forum
2M ago
They can also stall quite easily on the lighter beans which are more common now, than back in the day ..read more
Coffeetime Forum
2M ago
Hi, just an update from my problem. It was related to microswitch 9600080, Lelit Care sent this video: In my case some leaking generated oxide in the contacts: Cleaned with isopropyl alcohol, no need ..read more
Coffeetime Forum
2M ago
but lance said pressure is a red herring..goes to show theres just way to many ways to do this whats the fill rate on the lever? i agree thicker pucks are better, i think sworks does a step down baske ..read more
Coffeetime Forum
2M ago
Thank you for the advice. PTFE tape seems to have done the job. I’ll know to check lelit insider if I run into any other problems too Thanks again ..read more