Diversão ao sol: uma nova geração de protetores solares amigos dos corais
by reefbites
1w ago
Read in English here! By Danielle Moloney  Edited by Jasmine Haskell Translated by Ana Carolina Grillo Reviewed by Jessica Bleuel Photo courtesy of savethereef.org. Introdução Recifes de coral são uma das atrações turísticas mais populares no mundo todo. As regiões onde eles se encontram geralmente têm clima quente e muito sol. À medida que os turistas se aglomeram nos recifes e dão um mergulho no oceano para ver o que há abaixo da superfície, eles levam consigo um visitante indesejado: protetor solar! O protetor solar é recomendado para proteger nossa pele de raios ultravioleta (UV) que ..read more
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Coral Nurseries: Planting the Seeds for Ocean Revival
by reefbites
1M ago
Written by: Manu Madhavan Reviewed by: Hannah Kish Illustration credit: Serena Richelle Everyone loves a good comeback story, and that’s precisely what coral nurseries are about: a symbol of hope in preserving our oceans. Our story begins with a sliver of coral clinging to life. The rising threats of climate change, sea level rise, and shifting weather patterns like El Niño and La Niña significantly impact coral reefs (Wilkinson, 2004).  Elevated ocean temperatures disrupt the delicate balance between corals and their symbiotic partners, zooxanthellae, resulting in a loss of nutrition an ..read more
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In Living Color: Color-Blind Cephalopods & Sensational  Shrimp
by reefbites
1M ago
Written by: Rebecca Campbell Gibbel, DVM Seeing in color is important for reef creatures whether it is to understand information for reproduction and territorial protection displays or for changing the color of their bodies to camouflage themselves and escape predators.  Color vision in many marine species is similar to humans’, with the familiar rods and cones of the eyes responsible for sight. But other aquatic species have color vision that is perplexing and raises questions about whether “color-blind” animals like octopuses and squid can see color and how they do it. The color v ..read more
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The 20-Million-year-old reefs in North Western Australia
by reefbites
1M ago
By Carra Williams Edited by Sandra Schleier Introduction – the mystery of coral reef success! An old scientist from 1830 was correct when he said that ‘’The past is the key to the present’’ (Charles Lyell, 1830). Coral reef scientists need to understand the long-term history of coral reef evolution to truly understand how they will respond to the changing climate that we see in the news today. Think of the past like a big treasure chest that holds secrets. Coral reef scientists are like detectives who want to find out how coral reefs, like underwater cities for sea creatures, are doing today ..read more
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The Perks of Poop: Corallivore Feces as Hotspots of Coral Symbionts 
by reefbites
1M ago
Author: Ellie Casement Edited by: Miranda Spencer Altice Signs in public parks remind pet owners, “Clean up after your pet.” The dreaded chore of any child is pooper scooper duty, and stepping in dog feces is a sure way to put a damper on your day. In our world, feces are synonymous with waste and are seen as something foul to dispose of. Under the sea, poop takes on a different significance. Fish do their business wherever and whenever, which has innumerable benefits for our oceans. Fish feces contribute to white sand beaches (Milks, Cloud, & Fuller, 2023), carbon sequestration in the de ..read more
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HOW TO SURVIVE: life lessons from precious red corals
by reefbites
1M ago
Rebecca Campbell Gibbel, DVM Red corals have been collected by humans for over 2000 years and are prized for their lustrous  red or pink hue after polishing. Even in our modern world, red corals are still worn in some cultures to protect against evil spirits and misfortune.  Although there are 31 species of red corals, most of the harvest for the jewelry trade consists of the vibrant red Corallium rubrum and Corallium japonicum, which have similar coloration. They are known as “red gold”.  Corallium rubrum (top) and Corallium japonicum (bottom)  are the  species of re ..read more
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Creando el Arca de Noé de los Corales: La Iniciativa del Conservatorio Mundial de Coral
by reefbites
1M ago
Escrito por: Tim Bateman Traducido por: Diana Carolina Vergara Revisado por: Francisco J. Gutiérrez Los arrecifes de coral están bajo la amenaza constante de factores estresantes a nivel local y global, lo que hace que los esfuerzos de conservación sean más críticos que nunca. Aproximadamente el 25% de la biodiversidad marina depende de los arrecifes de coral, y su valor anual se estimó en 30 mil millones de dólares. A pesar de su importancia ecológica y económica, los arrecifes están en grave declive, con una disminución del 15% en el crecimiento coralino a nivel mundial durante los últimos 2 ..read more
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Verwendung von Meeresalgen für die Nanopartikelsynthese
by reefbites
2M ago
Geschrieben von Sofia Perez, übersetzt von Selma Mezger Read in Portuguese Read in English Abb. 1 Seetang ist eine Art von Makroalge, die häufig an Küsten vorkommt. Lyn Ong; fotografischer Druck; Quelle: Pexels “Wir unterschätzen manchmal den Einfluss der kleinen Dinge.”, sagte Charles W. Chestnutt, afroamerikanischer Autor, Essayist, politischer Aktivist und Anwalt. Offensichtlich war er einer jener eher vorausschauenden Hellseher, die an die Magie der Meeresalgen glaubten, noch bevor das Gebiet der Nanotechnologie zum ersten Mal im Obstgarten der wissenschaftlichen Entdeckung erblühte. Ch ..read more
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Wie Ratten das Verhalten von Fischen im Riff beeinflussen
by reefbites
2M ago
Read in Spanish Read in Portuguese Read in English Geschrieben von: Jasmine Haskell Herausgegeben von: Danielle Moloney  Übersetzt von: Marina Elisabeth Rottmueller Übersetzung bearbeitet durch: Lisa Wolf Haben Pinky und Brain es endlich geschafft, die Weltherrschaft an sich zu reißen? Noch nicht ganz, aber invasive Ratten, die ursprünglich aus Südostasien kommen, haben erfolgreich die einheimische Tier- und Pflanzenwelt auf vielen Inseln auf der ganzen Welt dezimiert. Fakt ist, dass invasive Ratten als Grund für den ökologischen und soziologischen Niedergang von Rapa Nui (Osterinsel) a ..read more
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Como ratos podem influenciar o comportamento de peixes recifais
by reefbites
2M ago
Read in Spanish Read in German Read in English Escrito por: Jasmine Haskell Editado por: Danielle Moloney  Traduzido por: Ana Carolina Grillo Revisado por: Jessica Bleuel Pinky e Cérebro finalmente tiveram sucesso em seu plano de dominar o mundo? Ainda não completamente, mas ratos invasores do sudeste da Ásia conseguiram dizimar com sucesso a vida selvagem nativa de muitas ilhas ao redor do mundo. Na verdade, ratos invasores foram culpados pela decadência ecológica e sociológica dos Rapa Nui (Ilha de Páscoa). Enquanto esta teoria ainda é amplamente debatida, as invasões de ratos nos últ ..read more
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