Disease Diaries: an Update on Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease
by reefbites
2d ago
by Rachel G. Jordan If the ocean kept a diary, what would it write? Perhaps coral reef ecosystems are the pages where a personal history is etched in the calcium carbonate skeletons, chronicling chemical, geological, and biological events. While some entries in this underwater diary document the quiet flow of tide through crystal clear visibility ..read more
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CHANGING PERSONAL PRONOUNS: Gender fluidity in marine fish
by reefbites
4d ago
By Rebecca Campbell Gibbel DVM, MS Gender and sex on the reef are protean subjects, with far more nuance and flexibility than the boring binary arrangement usually found on land. The ability to change gender is such a useful life characteristic that it has evolved independently with different mechanisms in a wide variety of marine ..read more
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Climate Change and Rising Temperatures Reducing Reef Shark Residency
by reefbites
6d ago
Grey Reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos By Victoria Caissie Reef shark species are common residents of coral reefs. They play a crucial role in the ecological process and have lasting effects on the reef’s habitat. These sharks help maintain reef health, balance the food web, and preserve biodiversity. However, in recent decades, an increase ..read more
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An ocean of Dorys: warming temperatures cause memory loss in reef fish
by reefbites
6d ago
Figure 1: Dory from “Finding Nemo” suffering from short-term memory loss.  An ocean of Dorys: warming temperatures cause memory loss in reef fish Introduction Having the “ memory of a goldfish” is generally not taken as a compliment. Though research has repeatedly shown that fish memories can last for weeks, months, and even years, humans ..read more
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by reefbites
6d ago
By Rebecca Gibbel, MS, DVM BACKGROUND As the ocean’s temperature increases under the effects of climate change, corals across the globe are in hot water. With a projected rise in global warming of 1.8–5.6 °C (35.24-42.08 °F) and atmospheric CO2 levels reaching even higher levels (1100 ppm) by the end of this century [1], marine conditions are expected ..read more
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by reefbites
5M ago
By Rebecca Campbell Gibbel, DVM The egg-yolk jelly, Phacellophora camtschatica AN EXPLOSIVE SITUATION What do jellyfish, rats and city pigeons have in common?  They are universally disliked and proliferate wherever humans are dense. There is a reason for their multiplication, and the animals are not responsible!  People have profoundly damaged the natural environment, either intentionally ..read more
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by reefbites
5M ago
By Rebecca Gibbel, MS, DVM ANCIENT SPONGES Marine sponges have been on Earth longer than any other animal, first appearing in the fossil record between 700 and 890 million years ago [1,2]. Although it can be difficult to interpret fossils of animals that lack a bony skeleton, occasionally, a fossil imprint can be captured of ..read more
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Divertimento sotto al sole: una nuova generazione di creme solari amiche dei coralli
by reefbites
5M ago
Scritto da Danielle Moloney A cura di Jasmine Haskell Tradotto da Federica Buttari Foto per gentile concessione di savethereef.org. Introduzione Le barriere coralline sono alcune delle attrazioni turistiche più popolari per i paesi di tutto il mondo. Queste regioni sono solitamente soleggiate e hanno un clima caldo. Quando i turisti si affollano vicino alle scogliere ..read more
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Spaß in der Sonne: eine neue Generation von Korallenfreundlichen Sonnencremes
by reefbites
5M ago
Geschrieben von:  Danielle Moloney Herausgegeben von: Jasmine Haskell Übersetzt von: Marina Elisabeth Rottmueller Übersetzung bearbeitet durch: Kristina Beck Abbildung mit freundlicher Genehmigung von savethereef.org Einleitung Korallenriffe sind eine der beliebtesten Touristenattraktionen weltweit, insbesondere in warmen Ländern, wo die Sonne oft scheint. Während Touristen zu Riffen strömen und im Meer baden, um zu sehen, was sich ..read more
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Diversión bajo el sol: una nueva generación de protectores solares amigables con los corales
by reefbites
5M ago
Por:  Danielle Moloney  Editado por: Jasmine Haskell Traducido por: Diana Carolina Vergara Revisado por: Matías Gómez-Corrales Foto cortesía de savethereef.org.  Introducción Los arrecifes de coral son algunas de las atracciones turísticas más populares en países de todo el mundo. Estas regiones suelen ir acompañadas de clima cálido y mucho sol. Cuando los turistas acuden en ..read more
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