A Reformed Baptist in Namibia
Get news, views, and opinions from a Namibian Perspective. This blog exists to create an awareness of the spiritual scene in Namibia from the perspective of one who has a "Reformed and Baptist bend" in his theological framework. Here you will find several historical, theological, and contemporary reflections upon life in Namibia, along with reports on various important conferences..
A Reformed Baptist in Namibia
2M ago
"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9)
Here is another great cause for discouragement and depression among Christian pastors -Working hard in God’s field and seeing very few and meager results for all our labour!
This problem may be more accentuated among those who are very committed in gospel labours, but it is by no means peculiar to those that work hard in the cause of Christ and His church.
This equally applies to many Christian parents who are determined to raise their children for the glory o ..read more
A Reformed Baptist in Namibia
2M ago
This is the way, walk in in it ! (Isaiah 30:21)
Dear friends
At the end of 2023, almost a year ago, I formally retired from the Eastside Baptist Church in Windhoek, Namibia following a ministry of 34 years (1990 -2023). Marcelle, my wife retired at the same time, following a long and satisfying career as a Pre Primary School teacher. We both have become official pensioners.
Our intention had never been to sit back and to watch the world go by. We live, afte ..read more
A Reformed Baptist in Namibia
6M ago
Joachim Rieck
I am not really qualified to write a biography on the life of this remarkable man, but I do wish to make a start, hoping that someone qualified will be stimulated to pick up the pen and give us an authoritative biographical sketch on the life and times of Nico van der Walt.
He must assuredly not be forgotten.
Rex Jeffries did that for us in 2020 when he wrote a biography on the life of Martin Holdt. This biography was published almost 10 years following Martin's death on the 31st December 2011[1]. Nico van der Walt and Martin Holdt were good friends and frequently ..read more
A Reformed Baptist in Namibia
1y ago
In the last century, particularly in the in the 1980’s and 90’s the subject of spiritual gifts was hotly debated. John Wimber (1934-1997) was then the leader of an offshoot of the charismatic movement, known as "The third Wave of the Holy Spirit", also known as the “Signs and Wonders movement”. The term “Third Wave” was coined by Peter Wagner (1930-2016), professor of church growth at Fuller Theological Seminary. He became a leading proponent of Third Wave methodology, which then in turn gave rise to the New Apostolic Reformation movement (NAR).
According to Wagner,
'The first wave wa ..read more
A Reformed Baptist in Namibia
1y ago
Satan is like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8)
(Picture: Namibian desert lion- please don't kill them!)
As we speak, the world’s attention has been drawn away from the war against the invisible Covid virus to the current Russian war against her cousins – the Ukrainians. Our world is always at war in one form or the other. There have been at least 250 wars [1] since the end of WW II in 1945.
Why are there so many wars? The answer is complex at one level, but essentially the answer to this question is not very difficult. The fall ..read more
A Reformed Baptist in Namibia
1y ago
How are churches to be governed?
This question has occupied a good deal of the church's energy over the 2 millenia of her existence. Here is a brief summary of the development of various forms of church government.
Some time ago I have written an article on this blog site entitled, "Why I am a Congregationalist" [ https://jrieck.blogspot.com/2012/03/why-i-am-congregational-reformed.html ] which will help the reader to understand my own position in this regard ..read more
A Reformed Baptist in Namibia
2y ago
This subject continues to occupy the mind of the church. The LGBT+ agenda is forceful and demands the church's attention. The Namibian government is under a lot of pressure by international and national LGBTQ lobby groups. Big nations attach conditions to their donor giving and these include that our country needs to embrace the LGBT+ agenda. The Christian church in Namibia is becoming increasingly divided over this issue. We need a clear statement on which the Bible has to sa ..read more
A Reformed Baptist in Namibia
2y ago
Early days
Carl Hugo Hahn was born on the 18th October 1818 in Riga, Livonia province in Russia.
His father, Carl Peter Hahn (1774-1863) was a farmer. His mother was Anna Hahn (1794- 1838). They had four children, of whom CHH was the second child.
Carl Hugo Hahn attended grammar school in Riga. In 1834 he wanted to enlist with the Russian Imperial engineering corps in St. Petersburg. While waiting for acceptance before entering the service of the Russian army, he was converted and decided to become a missionary.
He applied to the Rhenish Missionary Society (a mixture of Refo ..read more
A Reformed Baptist in Namibia
2y ago
“And I heard a voice from heaven saying, ‘write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ‘Blessed indeed’, says the Spirit, ‘that they may rest from their labours, for their deeds follow them!’” [Revelation 14:14 ESV]
Colin and Linda Gibb came to Namibia in the course of 2001, having been seconded here by the Standard Bank. Very soon they visited our church were united with the Eastside Baptist Church in membership on the 2nd December 2001. Eastside Baptist Church had gone through some very challenging years, and God knew that we needed a man of Colin’s statu ..read more
A Reformed Baptist in Namibia
2y ago
I do not know about you, but prayer - from my perspective of being a 63 year old (and 43 years a Christian) - has been a life long challenge for me. I have reason to believe that there are many that have a similar struggle, and if you are among us, then I want to offer the following insight and wisdom from the pen of the apostle Paul in Romans 8:26,27
“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too ..read more