What Can You Do » Mother Earth’s Blog
Read blog posts categorized under Mother Earth. At What Can You Do, we provide environmental services. Our purpose is to inform, encourage, and motivate individuals, their families, and friends to take personal actions under each of the Sustainable Development Goals.
What Can You Do » Mother Earth’s Blog
2y ago
Dear Mankind and most favoured of my children You will recall my earliest blogs ( mother Earth blogs ) welcomed the Global initiative to develop the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) to help create a safer and fairer world and I was happy that mankind had at last understood the need to live more sustainably ..read more
What Can You Do » Mother Earth’s Blog
2y ago
Dear Mankind, most favoured of my children , I wrote to you some time ago about the dangers and threats to our joint future that your species, the most beloved of my children, had brought about for yourselves , for me and for all who co-exist on this fragile blue planet. I outlined the problems ..read more
What Can You Do » Mother Earth’s Blog
2y ago
Mother Earth/ Gaia ‘s Blog Earth year 4,492,056,020 Mankind, My children! As you know from a previous blog, I was born 4.5 billion years ago and for most of my life I was a lonely, barren and uninhabited rock floating through space. Then a miracle happened and to my great joy, I gradually changed into ..read more
What Can You Do » Mother Earth’s Blog
2y ago
Dear Mankind and most favoured of my children You will recall my earliest blogs ( Mother Earth blogs ) welcomed the Global initiative to develop the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) to help create a safer and fairer world and I was happy that Mankind had at last understood the need to live more sustainably ..read more
What Can You Do » Mother Earth’s Blog
2y ago
Dear Mankind – My most favoured Children You will recall from my earlier blogs (Mother Earth Opinion Blogs) the recent updates on the global initiatives to develop the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) thereby helping create a safer and fairer world. I am pleased to have an opportunity to say a few words in this, the ..read more
What Can You Do » Mother Earth’s Blog
2y ago
Dear Mankind and most favoured of my children You will recall my earliest blogs ( Mother Earth blogs ) welcomed the Global initiative to develop the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) to help create a safer and fairer world and I was happy that mankind had at last understood the need to live more sustainably ..read more
What Can You Do » Mother Earth’s Blog
2y ago
Dear Mankind and most favoured of my children You will recall my earliest blogs ( Mother Earth blogs ) welcomed the Global initiative to develop the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) to help create a safer and fairer world and I was happy that Mankind had at last understood the need to live more sustainably ..read more
What Can You Do » Mother Earth’s Blog
2y ago
Dear Mankind and most favoured of my children You will recall my earliest blogs ( mother Earth blogs ) welcomed the Global initiative to develop the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) to help create a safer and fairer world and I was happy that Mankind had at last understood the need to live more sustainably ..read more
What Can You Do » Mother Earth’s Blog
2y ago
Dear Mankind and most favoured of my children You will recall my earliest blogs ( Mother Earth blogs ) welcomed the Global initiative to develop the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) to help create a safer and fairer world and I was happy that Mankind had at last understood the need to live more sustainably ..read more
What Can You Do » Mother Earth’s Blog
2y ago
Dear Mankind and most favoured of my children You will recall my earliest blogs ( mother Earth blogs ) welcomed the Global initiative to develop the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) to help create a safer and fairer world and I was happy that mankind had at last understood the need to live more sustainably ..read more