What To Do With Being Overweight When You Realize There’s No Evidence The Evidence Based Approach Will Work (And You Still Don’t Like Who You See In The Reflection Of The Window)
Fit Recovery
by bgddyjim
2d ago
This is only one ignorant man’s opinion. Take this or leave it. And, if you’re easily triggered and/or offended, you probably won’t like this. Best to move on. If you’re taking heed of the evidence-based approach to accepting your being overweight and not doing anything about it, as is suggested in this article and you ..read more
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It’s Time To Start Cleaning The Bikes For The Spring! (I’m Actually Getting A Little Excited For This!)
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by bgddyjim
3d ago
I’ve been waiting for the snow to fly to get to tearing done the bikes for cleaning and preparations for spring. Well, the snow flew. This year, I have the exciting challenge of cleaning my wife’s Assenmacher, complete with Campagnolo Record 10-speed components. I have zero Campagnolo tools. I plan on asking the owner of ..read more
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Bulking and Cutting… Is That A Real Thing?!
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by bgddyjim
4d ago
I saw a clip on the News (or on YouTube, Facebook, etc., etc.); so starts most misinformed thought nowadays. Now, I really did, on YouTube of some bodybuilder who was famous for eating everything in sight to bulk up, then cut down over fifteen weeks or so, with a crazy-stringent diet. The difference between the ..read more
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One Fantastic Day At The Gym… With My Daughter.
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by bgddyjim
6d ago
My daughter is into the last few days at home for the winter break before heading back to college. My wife was working late and not feeling her best, so my daughter and I went to the gym before my wife would get home from work. We did my normal workout then we went over ..read more
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A Doughy Dad-Body Is The Answer, And Testosterone Is Bad? The Short(ish) Way Around A Long, Sordid Story – Part One
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by bgddyjim
1w ago
I’m going to jump in, even before this craziness gets going. I have no desire to keep my dad-bod. I’ve had enough of this crap to last a lifetime. A-cup man boobs, belly fat… if it wasn’t for my semi-active cycling lifestyle, I’d be in pain a lot. The article I’m about to quote argues ..read more
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The Detroit Lions Lock It Down… Never In My Lifetime Did I Think This Day Would Come
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by bgddyjim
1w ago
I’ve been a Lions fan since the mid-to-late 1970s. We’ve struggled through decent coaches, horrible coaches, great players – hell, we wrecked some true greats, and have had more than our fair share of bad teams. I’d reserved myself, about seven or eight years ago, to the notion the owner would always mess things up ..read more
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The Surprising Benefits of Lifting Weights At The Gym In Cycling’s Off-Season
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by bgddyjim
1w ago
It’s 13° outside right now. And that’s with an “F” after it. Translated into Canadian or European, it’s simply “negative way too cold for cycling°”. My wife and I will don our cycling kit and hit the trainers in the living room before heading to the gym. Today is legs, lower back and core. Now ..read more
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Fitness, Weight Lifting, Cycling, Cardio, and Being Chased By Bears, Oh My!
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by bgddyjim
1w ago
I laugh inside when the newest, “this is the best workout, evah!” scheme comes out. Do more of this, do less of that, do exactly this, and you will prosper beyond your dreams and members of the opposite sex will fall at your gloriously toned… uh, feet. Well, maybe that didn’t quite come out like ..read more
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How I Was Taught To Lift Weights With Less Muscle Soreness Afterwards; It Slows Progress, But Allows For Daily Functionality (A Real Life).
Fit Recovery
by bgddyjim
2w ago
Though my wife worries, to my surprise (not really), I’m going to take weight lifting too far (like just about everything else… rollerblading, running, cycling… just to name the three I’ve been through whilst married), body building isn’t a goal. I lack the desire to take the drugs, the time, and I absolutely lack the ..read more
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Happy New Year! 2025! Wishing You A Fascinating and Happy New Year.
Fit Recovery
by bgddyjim
2w ago
I ended the year on a good note; I went to the gym before taking my wife out to a sober New Year dinner and dance last night. We had a wonderful time. We got a decent snow last night, enough to stick, and it made this morning quite beautiful out our back window. We’ll ..read more
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