The Functioning Hot Mess
Hey! I'm Tonya Murray. I've had enough toxic relationships to write a book about them, so I did. I started this podcast to share my life lessons and hot mess moments to let you know you're not alone in this thing called life. Every week, you'll get a solo episode or an interview to help you improve your self-confidence, create healthy relationships, or become a better parent...
The Functioning Hot Mess
2y ago
I want to start off by saying this podcast has truly been life-changing for me, and I’ve loved bringing my best stories, experiences, and knowledge to you over the last 3 years. I’ve also noticed a shift within myself over the last few months, and I don’t want to ignore it-I’m paying attention to it, because it’s a beautiful place to be.
With all of that being said, I’m not sure if the content I’m creating and the lessons I’m learning really fit with this podcast, so this is going to be my last podcast episode for now.
I’m going to take my own advice and really take some time to find cl ..read more
The Functioning Hot Mess
2y ago
You probably know by now I love to really step back and observe every situation and everything going on in life, from a detached place. I actually teach this kind of practice in my mini-course, The Hot Mess Method, in order to create lasting change in your life, and I’ve been doing a lot more of it recently.
I keep picking up the common theme of ‘disconnect’ with humanity; there is a lot of fear and hate going on, and it all stems from us being disconnected. This is something I want to dive into more on this episode, and specifically, I want to focus on connecting with yourself.
I ..read more
The Functioning Hot Mess
2y ago
I’m bringing back a listener-favorite episode today, and it’s all about relationships!
Sometimes, we bring in past beliefs, habits, and trauma we’ve experienced into new relationships-it can be easy to do so, because that’s what we know, and are used to. I want to dive into how this affects us and our relationships though, because it’s important work we need to do.
In today’s episode, I’m talking about:
-Really digging into what you’re bringing from past relationships into new ones, and how it’s affecting the people in your life
-How to discover what’s upsetting you and/or hurtin ..read more
The Functioning Hot Mess
2y ago
Are you trying to stay in an unhealthy relationship because you’re worried about how a divorce will affect your kids? Maybe things have been bad for awhile, but you’re trying to stay because you think your kids will be negatively impacted. Whether you’re looking to stay in your relationship or you know it’s time to get out, there is no shortage of information, and it can be overwhelming to know what to do.
In today’s episode, I’m talking about:
-Why you shouldn’t hang your future on the shoulders of your children
-Realizing you will need to dive deeper into yourself before making a life ..read more
The Functioning Hot Mess
2y ago
How many times have you told yourself that you would love to do something, but you just ‘don’t have the energy’? I’ve heard this from so many people, and I used to feel like this myself, but I learned to direct my energy in a different way, and it’s been a life changer for me! Through some consistent, healthy habits, I now know how to create the energy I need in my life, and I want to show you how you can too.
In today’s episode, I’m diving into:
-3 steps you can take to start protecting your energy now
-Learning to say ‘no’ to things that are not serving you, and are depleting your ene ..read more
The Functioning Hot Mess
2y ago
When you start something new, are you only concerned with achieving a certain result? It’s definitely not a bad thing to strive for your goals, but if you don’t reach your desired outcome, that doesn’t mean you have to give up altogether.
In today’s episode, I talk about:
-Why it’s okay to simply “start”, and not be tied to the end result
-How we can establish healthy habits, and be open to what comes from those habits
-The benefits of making choices that align with our goals, and our lives
I’ve put this practice into place in my own life, and I can’t begin to tell you how much i ..read more
The Functioning Hot Mess
2y ago
Jay Shetty once said “relationships are at the core of our experience of life.” I couldn’t agree more, because we absolutely need deep, meaningful relationships in our lives!
In today’s episode, I’m talking about:
-Why we need more than one person to have meaningful relationships with
-5 ways to go about building deeper relationships
-Why getting out and meeting new people can be fun and enjoyable
Now, more than ever, cultivating and creating fulfilling relationships are vital for all of us. Don’t be afraid to listen, and truly connect with others.
If you’re ready for a life coac ..read more
The Functioning Hot Mess
2y ago
Do you struggle to find joy in the little things? Now more than ever, we need joy and positivity in our lives-I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way!
In today’s episode I’m covering:
-How to generate more joy from the little things in life
-Ways you can mix and mesh your current wardrobe to create a style that is authentically you
-Learning how to dress to raise your overall mood and energy levels (nope-you don’t have to always blend into the crowd)
Life is too short to be unhappy; don’t be afraid to be creative, and do something fun with your style!
Today ..read more
The Functioning Hot Mess
2y ago
Are your thoughts sabotaging your progress, and keeping you stuck? If so, I want to share with you three things you can be aware of so you can shift your mindset, and get out of that “funk”.
In today’s episode, I’ll cover:
-How you can be more aware of the thoughts going through your mind when someone is sharing their advice with you
-How to change the narrative from negative to positive
-Taking and using the feedback you’re given
Don’t be afraid to be curious! You can start putting these practices into place for yourself today-you won’t regret doing so.
If you ..read more
The Functioning Hot Mess
2y ago
Do you have big goals and dreams for your life, but you also allow excuses to get in the way? It’s pretty easy to let the chaos and uncertainty keep us from pursuing what we really want and need to do (especially over the last couple of years). If you just keep waiting around for things to get better though, you’ll be waiting forever! It’s time to stop that, and take positive action to make great things happen in your life.
In today’s episode, I’m talking about 4 steps you can take to make great things happen in your life. I’m diving into how you can choose the right project for you (wh ..read more