Savage Lovecast Episode 953
Savage Lovecast
by Dan Savage
2d ago
A straight man was accidentally paired with a trans man on a hookup app. When the trans man found out his match was a straight dude, he tapped out. But that got the caller thinking...should he hunt for pre-op trans men in the hopes of connecting with people still had their female parts? Any problems here?  On the Micro and Magnum it's a sneak peek of this week's Sex & Politics with political analyst Tim Miller. He and Dan took a call from a straight man who has recently discovered the kind of pleasure his own arse can give him, and his enthusiasm cannot be contained.  On the more
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Savage Lovecast Episode 952
Savage Lovecast
by Dan Savage
1w ago
A straight man worries that his one-on-one OnlyFans interactions are a form of infidelity.  A divorced man is out dating and learning about tantra. A couple of women he's seen were both mothers, and although he found them attractive and his dick got hard, he couldn't come with either of them. They both blamed themselves for having changed postpartum bodies. Who is the culprit- the ladies or his dick?  On the Magnum, Dan chats with cultural historian Kelly Coyne about off-kilter domestic arrangements- married couples who live apart, stay at home dads, and married couples who sleep apa more
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Savage Lovecast Episode 951
Savage Lovecast
by Dan Savage
2w ago
A gay man is mourning the loss of his hair. He shaved it all off, but doesn't like the new look. Are there any other options? How can he learn to love the new bald version of himself?  "Big poly mess in aisle 4!" She started seeing a married man who was new to poly. He has a kid, and mere months in, the caller formed a bond with the child. Then he went and fell in love with yet another woman. His wife is divorcing him, but the caller remains friendly with his wife. Can she continue to see the kid?  Dan chats with sex educator Claire Perelman about how to maintain your libido for the more
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Savage Lovecast Episode 950
Savage Lovecast
by Dan Savage
3w ago
A very happy Feast of The Ass to you all! We asked you to send us your carols and boy, did you ever deliver. Hear a smattering of our picks, and we unearthed an olde choral piece that you and your family will surely treasure.  A man has been dating a woman for two months. It's going well, but her body type is too thin to turn him on. He tries to feed her extra food, but should he flat out ask her to gain a little weight?  On the Magnum, everyone is talking about Babygirl- the new erotic thriller starring Nicolle Kidman. Dan brings on author and podcaster Rebecca Woolf, who has w more
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Savage Lovecast Episode 949
Savage Lovecast
by Dan Savage
1M ago
Everyone is feverishly preparing for The Feast of The Ass on January 14! Consequently, many of you have questions, such as "What is the proper Feast of the Ass greeting?" And "Shouldn't the official Feast of the Ass dessert be the Tunnel of Fudge?" As always, Dan has the answers.  A woman's brother just got engaged...again. This is the third time, and he has been dating his current girlfriend for a scant 6 months. What's more, the fiancé has been pestering the caller to be best friends, texting her all day long. The caller has been through this before. Is she a jerk for feeling a little s more
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Bonus New Year's Gift: Esther Perel
Savage Lovecast
by Dan Savage
1M ago
Happy New Year! Here's the interview we did with Esther Perel back in September. We hope you like it more
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Savage Lovecast Episode 948
Savage Lovecast
by Dan Savage
1M ago
 Here's a little friendship drama to start the New Year: A woman and her pal "Jill" are going on a skiing trip in Japan with a group of people. Two of the men approached Jill to tell her they each had crushes on the caller, and asked her to broker a connection. Jill wants nothing to do with this, and the caller is bewildered. Why is Jill so angry? And how should she proceed?  A man has a 22 year-old nephew who he suspects is gay. The lad is immersed in conservative Christian culture, and if he is gay, has let no one know. Should the caller broach the subject and try to inspire him to more
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Micro Bonus Holiday Gift: Ezra Klein
Savage Lovecast
by Dan Savage
1M ago
Happy holidays micro listeners!  We are releasing this interview with Ezra Klein from February of this year as a thank-you for listening.  From Dan, Nancy and the Tech-Savvy At-Risk Youth™ - we wish you a sweet holiday season more
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Savage Lovecast Episode 947
Savage Lovecast
by Dan Savage
1M ago
Dan Savage is bringing back a forgotten Catholic holiday. On January 14, let us all celebrate the Feast of the Ass.  A woman's beloved twin sister isn't dating, isn't getting on the apps, isn't looking for a relationship. Should the caller keep trying to set her up with great guys from work? Or leave her be?  A woman used to be a sex worker when she was younger. She has since built a new career, and loves her life. She got into BDSM, and when she told her new dom about her past, he lost his mind. He feels her sex worker history takes away his power. He demanded that she fill out a qu more
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Savage Lovecast Episode 946
Savage Lovecast
by Dan Savage
1M ago
A gay man was dating a closeted cop for 4 years. Then he found out that the cop WASN'T closeted, and WASN'T single (he has a live-in boyfriend,) but IS a big fat liar. Now the caller wants closure.  A straight man just got dumped by his girlfriend after 1 1/2 years. His crime? He followed some thirst trap accounts on Instagram. She felt "betrayed and repulsed." Now sad and bewildered, he'll get a rousing pep talk from Dan Savage. On the Magnum, a poly woman has been told by her girlfriend that she isn't allowed to kiss her children for fear of giving them herpes. Dan brings on STI expert more
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