Code with Dan Blog » TypeScript
Code with Dan has a step-by-step explanation blog for anyone that wants to learn how to use TypeScript. He also includes his videos for a complete tutorial. Dan Wahlin, the owner of the blog, is a Principal Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft and a Pluralsight author.
Code with Dan Blog » TypeScript
2y ago
TypeScript continues to grow in popularity and for good reason. It adds “guard rails” to your code to help you spot issues early on, easily locate problem code, enhance productivity, provide consistency across code, and much more. While there are a lot of TypeScript resources out there to get started learning the language, where can you go to get started quickly without wasting a lot of time?
I recently published a series of short videos on TypeScript core concepts that can provide a great starting point. The videos are short, super focused, and many of them use the online TypeScript Playgrou ..read more
Code with Dan Blog » TypeScript
2y ago
I’ve been working with Kubernetes a lot and focusing on various deployment techniques that can be used (such as Blue-Green Deployments) for a Pluralsight course I’m creating called Kubernetes for Developers: Deploying Your Code. If you’re new to Blue-Green Deployments, here’s a quick overview:
While I was working on the course, Dr. Christian Geuer-Pollmann and I had chatted on Twitter about a Blue-Green dashboard he wrote. He did a great job on it! I’ve been wanting to experiment with the JavaScript Kubernetes Client library so I decided to see what could be done to create a simple Blue-Green ..read more
Code with Dan Blog » TypeScript
2y ago
I’m excited to announce the release of another course on Pluralsight titled Creating Object-oriented TypeScript Code! If you’ve been wanting to learn more about ES2015 features as well as object-oriented features available in TypeScript then this this is the class for you!
Here are a few questions this course will help you answer:
What techniques can be used to create objects in JavaScript and TypeScript?
What is object-oriented programming?
Can I work with classes?
What are constructors?
What are get/set properties?
How do I define functions in classes?
Is a static member the same as an ins ..read more