Embracing and Understanding High Libido in Women: From Empowerment to Challenges
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7M ago
A high libido in women is characterized by a strong and persistent sexual desire that may lead to a range of effects on their physical and emotional well-being. Sexual desire is an important aspect of human behavior, and women can experience a range of libido levels throughout their lives. While some women may have a low sex drive, others may have a high libido. Having a high libido can be a source of empowerment for some women as it can give them a sense of control over their sexuality. It can lead to increased sexual exploration and experimentation, which can help them learn more about their ..read more
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How Exercises And Physical Activity Promote Your Sexual Health
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8M ago
Regular exercise and physical activity play an essential role in promoting sexual health. Engaging in physical activity can improve overall cardiovascular health, which in turn can enhance sexual function and satisfaction.  However, It is important to note that the type and intensity of physical activity can also impact sexual health. For example, one of the primary benefits of exercise for sexual health is its impact on cardiovascular function. Cardiovascular health is critical for sexual function as sexual arousal and intercourse require increased blood flow to the genitals. Regular exe ..read more
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Impact Of Stress On Sexual Health
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9M ago
Stress can have a significant impact on sexual health. It can cause physical, emotional, and psychological changes that affect a person’s ability to enjoy sexual activity. Stress can cause fatigue, anxiety, depression, and hormonal imbalances, which can all contribute to a decrease in libido and sexual function. One way that stress affects sexual health is by increasing cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is a hormone that is released in response to stress, and high levels of cortisol can lead to a decrease in testosterone levels, which can reduce sexual desire and function. Stress can also ..read more
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Men/Women Roles In Sexual Healthy Relationship
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10M ago
Introduction: In a healthy sexual relationship, the dynamics between both genders play a crucial role in fostering intimacy, trust, and satisfaction. Gone are the days of rigid gender roles and stereotypes, as society increasingly recognizes the importance of equality and mutual respect between partners. This article delves into the evolving roles of both genders in the context of a healthy sexual relationship, highlighting the significance of communication, consent, and shared responsibility. So here we go….. Breaking the Chains of Traditional Gender Roles: Historically, societal norms assign ..read more
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Factors Promoting Sexual Health: A Comprehensive Guide
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10M ago
Introduction Promoting sexual health is crucial for individuals to have a positive and fulfilling sexual experience while minimizing the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), unintended pregnancies, and emotional distress. Sexual health encompasses physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being related to sexuality. Several factors contribute to promoting sexual health. Here are some key elements 1. Comprehensive Sexuality Education: This goes beyond just providing biological information about sex. Having access to accurate and age-appropriate sexuality education is fundamental i ..read more
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Painful Intercourse (Dyspaurenia): Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
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1y ago
Painful intercourse (dyspareunia in medical term) is a persistent and periodic pain experience during and after a sexual intercourse. Apart from having an underlying disease, It is commonly caused by inadequate lubrication of the vaginal, a rough ‘ride’ (sex) or not having a mutual connection with a partner. Painful sex can stretch from being moderate to an acute stage if not given the necessary attention or treatment. What Is The Cause Of Painful Sex? 1. Vaginismus: This happens when the vaginal muscles contrasts involuntarily, meaning you don’t have control over it. It is the body’s auto res ..read more
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What You Need To Know About Orgasm
by admin
1y ago
The American Psychological Association definition of orgasm: An orgasm is when a person reaches peak pleasure, the  body releases tension and the perennial muscles, anal sphincter and reproductive organs rhythmically contract. To put it lightly,  orgasm is the height of sexual excitement, it is a strong feeling of satisfaction that stirs up splash of emotions. At the spur of orgasm the male ejaculates (the act of cumming) while the female vagina wall cintract during orgasm. Note that females do not ejaculate only when they experience orgasm, they may also release sperm in the course ..read more
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5 Foods That Kills Your Libido
by admin
1y ago
Foods are very essential for our living no doubt. Remember the maxim that says ‘Eat healthy’. The food we eat can cause complications in our hormones, state of energy and the blood flow, which is able to kill the sex drives. It can also affect our sexual health both physically and psychologically. 1. Alcohol: Based on a research conducted by The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, chronic drinking can permanently cause a damage to the cells in the testicle. Alcohol is able to reduce the testetorone and the sexual functioning. 2. Soda: While some may frown at the mention of soda ..read more
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What You Need To Know About Safe Sex Practices
by admin
1y ago
Safe sex practices are all the measures put in place during an intimate act between sexual partners. This is to avoid the exchange of semen, blood, saliva or vaginal fluids between partners which may lead to sexually transmitted diseases/infection or unplanned pregnancy. Before you embark on a sex trip with your partner it is advisable you consider first your safety and that of your partner. Most times we want to have a ‘quickie’! The konji (libido) are running hay wire and we can’t hold on anymore. Hey! Stop and have a rethink before running a ‘quickie’. Safe sex is  having a sexual inte ..read more
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Sex Position That Works Best For Men With Huge Tummy
by admin
1y ago
Men with huge tummy find it difficult most times with sex positions, they tend to not position themselves well for sexual intercourse. The huge tummy seem a barrier. It limit the connection between  partners during ‘The show’ Some guys who are affected battles with low self esteem because they are being body shamed by others, always looking at their tummy in the mirror and wish it is not as big as it is. They get so worried about the way their partner may feel. The missionary style we all know can be so tough and tasking for men with fat belly because they may not be able to have deep pen ..read more
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