Lifestyle Clauses – General
HelloPrenup Blog
by Nicole Sheehey
2y ago
Background on Lifestyle Clauses Lifestyle clauses are a type of clause that you may see in a prenup in some states. A prenup generally outlines what happens to each spouse’s financial matters, such as property and debt, and who will take ownership of such in a divorce. In other words, prenups are usually centered around financial issues, but what about more personal aspects of marriage? Some states allow couples to include non-financial clauses, sometimes called lifestyle clauses, in their prenups. However, some states, like California, do not enforce lifestyle clauses, and CA attorneys will n more
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How To Handle Your Parents Perspective On Prenups (California Edition)
HelloPrenup Blog
by Nicole Sheehey
2y ago
Ahh, parents. They may not know how to export to PDF, but they sure are experts on having opinions on your marriage and prenup! That’s okay, because we’re here to show you how to handle your parents’ perspectives on prenups, with California laws in mind. So, if you have parents, live in California, and are getting a prenup, then this article is for you! Prenuptial agreements don’t have to be a scary topic. A prenup is simply a legal document that sorts out your finances should the marriage come to an end. It can help protect both yours and your spouse’s assets. Prenups can also protect you fr more
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Why the Holidays are the Best Time to Get Engaged
HelloPrenup Blog
by Nicole Sheehey
2y ago
Thinking about getting engaged? You’re right on time. The holiday season is upon us, and there’s a multitude of solid reasons why the holidays are the best time to get engaged. They’re also the most popular time to get engaged, and for a good reason. In fact, in 2015, Facebook reported that “2.6 million people in the US alone changed their relationship status to ‘engaged’ between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.” Moreover, 15.5% of engagements happen in December, more than any other time of year. No other month claims more than 9% of engagements.  Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving, Chris more
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Why Commingling Assets Can Destroy Your Prenup
HelloPrenup Blog
by Nicole Sheehey
2y ago
Just like any contract, prenuptial agreements are susceptible to being invalidated for certain reasons. This is true among any contract you can think of: Non-disclosure agreements (NDA), non-competes, service agreements, etc. Under certain contract principles, a contract can be thrown out for a variety of reasons, such as coercion, duress, unlawful contents, mental incapacity, unconscionability, and others. For example, if you hold a gun to someone’s head and force them to sign a non-compete, it won’t be honored in a court of law because of coercion. What we’re trying to say is any contract yo more
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Talking About Prenups With Your Parents During The Holidays 
HelloPrenup Blog
by Nicole Sheehey
2y ago
What goes together better than the holidays and prenups? Nothing, if you ask us! Maybe you’re a holiday fanatic, or maybe you have been dreading the holidays for months; either way, if you’re planning on getting married soon, you should probably have the prenup talk with your parents soon. Especially if there are inheritances or family wealth that you would like to protect in your prenup. Prenups can be a touchy subject, so discussing this kind of thing with family members can be hard. The good news? There are ways to make things easier on yourself—and on them. So if you’re wondering how best more
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How To Handle Backlash On Getting A Prenup – New York Edition
HelloPrenup Blog
by Nicole Sheehey
2y ago
Parents, parents, parents. Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em, am I right? Sometimes, we must let our parents have their opinions and try not to take them personally. They changed our dirty diapers for years, after all! Okay, but in all seriousness, backlash from a parent on a prenup is tough. Whether you are getting backlash because they think prenups are stupid or they don’t like specifically what your prenup states, it’s never fun. At the end of the day, it’s your life, and you have to make the best decisions for yourself, but it’s always a good idea to be respectful and consider y more
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How to get a prenup in Massachusetts
HelloPrenup Blog
by Nicole Sheehey
2y ago
Are you planning to get married? Are you wondering if you should get a prenuptial agreement before tying the knot? We’ve got some tips for getting started on your MA prenup. What is a prenup?  A prenup is a formal agreement between two individuals who plan to get married. It’s a legal document listing all of the couple’s property, such as business ownership, assets, and debts, and outlines the ownership of such in the event of a divorce and details what they want to do with it. Prenups can cover what will happen with your assets, inheritances, debt, if alimony is warranted, and more in th more
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Pets and Divorce – What Happens to Fluffy Without a Prenup?
HelloPrenup Blog
by Nicole Sheehey
2y ago
When going through a divorce, it’s easy to get wrapped up in emotional stress and forget the practical details. One of the essential things to consider is what will happen to your pets if you and your spouse split up. Especially if you don’t have a pet prenup in place.  In today’s society, pets are members of the family. In fact, according to a 2006 article, Bones of Contention: Custody of Family Pets, a poll showed that most pet owners would not trade their pets for even $1 million in cash. This reiterates the notion that pets are treated like children and given the same love, care, and more
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We Like to Call it Marriage Insurance
HelloPrenup Blog
by Nicole Sheehey
2y ago
You’ve probably heard of a prenuptial agreement, but what if we told you we had a better name for them: marriage insurance? That’s right, prenups could be considered another type of insurance policy (they aren’t actual insurance, but you know what we mean). You buy insurance to protect your house, your car, and your life, so why not your marriage? In this blog post, we’ll explain why prenups are so important and how they can protect your finances in the event of death or divorce, just like an insurance policy. What is a prenup? Let’s back it up a bit. A prenup is a private contract that dictat more
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How Does A Prenup Affect Your Student Loans?
HelloPrenup Blog
by Nicole Sheehey
2y ago
There are nearly 48 million Americans with student debt. That’s a total of nearly $1.75 trillion in total debt in the United States. Can you guess which state has the highest average student debt per person? New Hampshire with an average of about $39,000 in student debt.  Student loans can create a lot of headaches when it comes to divorce. You know that you’ll have to pay them off, but what if you and your spouse aren’t on the same page about how you will go about this? What happens if your spouse contributes to your debt and then you divorce? How can a prenup affect your student loans more
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