Torts Blog
This blog belongs to Alberto Bernabe a Professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago School of Law. Blog topics covered are tort reform, tort law theory, tort history, constitutional torts, environmental torts, intentional torts, pre-natal torts, and much more.
Torts Blog
1w ago
I just recently learned of an online lecture series on advanced torts topics. The series is hosted by a Canadian organization called the Tort Law & Social Equality Project, whose goal is to foster an awareness of the many inadvertent ways in which legal rules within tort law reinforce and perpetuate systemic social inequalities. Their website is available . From there you can click on the “speaker series” tab if you want to watch the lectures live, or you can watch the videos later on their YouTube channel more
Torts Blog
1M ago
You can read about the newly filed claim in , among many others. Some of those programs are available on YouTube. See more
Torts Blog
1M ago
As always, it is interesting to see how the common law expands and contracts as time goes on and it will be interesting to see where the courts go from here. reporting that a new case in California has finally decided one of the typical law school hypos: what if the plaintiff is not at the scene but has a contemporaneous sensory observance of it by "technology." more
Torts Blog
1M ago
If you are interested in the question of whether courts should recognize a cause of action for wrongful death of embryos, go read the story . It sounds like there are quite a few pending cases and, therefore, there may be interesting decisions coming in the near future more
Torts Blog
2M ago
As always, it is interesting to see how the common law expands and contracts as time goes on and it will be interesting to see where the courts go from here. reporting that a new case in California has finally decided one of the typical law school hypos: what if the plaintiff is not at the scene but has a contemporaneous sensory observance of it by "technology." more
Torts Blog
2M ago
This result is important for the parties, of course, but the more important part of the story was the ruling of the Alabama Supreme Court back in February. You can read my posts on that decision more
Panera Halts Sales of “Charged” Lemonade Drinks Following Lawsuits Claiming Caffeine Overdose Deaths
Torts Blog
4M ago
Today, I am writing to report that Panera has decided to stop selling the product in question. As reported in more
Torts Blog
4M ago
This is not a new issue. Manufacturers of highly caffeinated drinks have known about this problem for a long time. If you click Energy drinks show ‘damaging’ effects on young adults, studies show , you will be taken to a page with at least 20 stories I have published on the subject, dating back to 2009. more
Torts Blog
4M ago
Meanwhile, West Academic has published a new fourth edition of Torts, A Contemporary Approach, by Meredith J. Duncan, Ronald Turner and Rory D. Bahadur, which is described as follows: more