Coach Patti Blog
Latest trends in fitness, health, and wellness. Tips relative to running and triathlon. Look for recipes, product reviews, and healthy living advice. Coach Patti is an Accredited Personal Trainer, Health Coach, and Clinical Exercise Specialist with the American Council of Exercise & USAT Certified Triathlon Coach.
Coach Patti Blog
11M ago
Spring is popping up slowly but surely and those New Years Resolutions probably need a reboot. So it's time for the Wake Up Kick Ass Repeat Spring Reboot Challenge. Over the next 7 days, fire up your mind and body to re-ignite your healthy living runway. Grab a friend or a few friends to follow each day's assignment. At the end of the week, continue the work so that you stay on point and accountable to each other. There is absolutely ZERO excuses for this one - TRAIN WITH YOUR PURPOSE!
Day 1 - 30 to 60 min walk, go to bed 15 minutes earlier
Day 2 - 1 minute strength rounds (1-2 rounds) - the ..read more
Coach Patti Blog
1y ago
Ankle mobility and function is foundational to our daily movments. The ability to point, fllex, turn our toes in and out plus rotate the foot all comes from this joint working properly.
The ankle is also an anchor joint to walking, jumping, climbing, balancing - it's all inclusive.
Here are the 2 tests, I mentioned in Season 2 - Episode 1 of my podcast.
Test 1 - place right foot 4 inches from the wall, keep heel flat, lunge forward and touch knee to the wall. Repeat this same test by placing foot 6 inches away for a next level assessment.
Test 2 - kneel on both knees, sit back on the heels k ..read more
Coach Patti Blog
1y ago
I recommend doing this work first thing in the morning and right before bed. Naturally if you find time throughout the day then go for it. Note: some people experience dizziness when starting a breath work practice, so I recommend lying down on the floor.
Lie down, bend the knees and use a pillow under the head if you need additional support
Close your eyes
Place one hand on the abdomen, place the other on the chest
Inhale slowly, allowing the belly to expand like a balloon
Exhale slowly with pursed lips - it should take 6-8 counts to full exhale. The back should flatten to the floor
Repeat ..read more
Coach Patti Blog
1y ago
Based on the February 21st podcast, here are my recommendations for resistance bands that can be purchased on AMAZON.
Loop Bands - set of 5
Bob and Brad Resistance Bands with Door and Ankle attachments
Therabands - for prehab and rehab
Fabric Loop Bands
There are many options, but these are the basics that will compliment your workout or kickstart your new program.
Feel free to email me with questions ..read more
Coach Patti Blog
1y ago
After a little break for the holidays, I am back ready to roll into 2024 with a steady hand on the wheel, a plan of action (always evolving) and the first episode to get you pumped up to create changes that stick.
Resolutions are passe - Habits are where the real work gets done. The book Atomic Habits by James Clear is a step by step analysis with tools to help guide you. I've offered up some tips from the book plus added some intel of my own.
There are 4 steps to change for a HABIT
Make it obvious
Make it attractive
Make it easy (this gets complicated)
Make it satisfying
Look at your curre ..read more
Coach Patti Blog
1y ago
I am amazed at the number of people who do not get physicals or bloodwork on a regular basis - especially after 40. WTF? If you have any family history of health issues, you should be getting blood work done annually or as prescribed by your doctor.
I admit, I get anxious sometimes as I have a family history of cardiac issues, but the trade off is not being able to manage it. So I have compiled my list of tests, of which, most are standard . Some tests need to be requested, so I've marked them with a *.
CBC - complete blood count -this is red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, hemat ..read more
Coach Patti Blog
1y ago
So I am keeping with the holiday spirit so that you can give the gift of health to friends, family and even yourself. There is so much on the market for fitness, but I feel the basics are a kickstart or a restart with your health plan. Here are my top 4 -
4. Wearable tech - check out deals on Fitbit, Oura Ring, Garmin or Apple Watch. Sleep, steps, heart rate and more can be monitored with ease. The Apps that correspond will give you all the data you need to set benchmarks and monitor progress.
3. Journal - now this one is not for emotional growth - this one is geared towards your goals in fi ..read more
Coach Patti Blog
1y ago
I ended the week appreciating my cup of morning coffee from Capt. Curts Coffee Shop and ended it with a blast of Covid. Self-isolation, binge watching Netflix and sleeping ALOT filled up the hours in the day. But I did not want to miss out on creating this podcast, although short and sweet.
We work so hard to stay strong by training our back, chest, legs and glutes - the powerhouse muscles, that we forget the little guys that contribute to the daily function of walking and grabbing.
I am talking about the WRIST EXTENSORS (forearm) and ANTERIOR TIBIALIS (shin muscle).
You may have had shin spl ..read more
Coach Patti Blog
1y ago
Getting weighed is a touchy subject to many because it slaps a label on us based on what others think of the number...it's bullshit! Yes, from a medical perspective, carry too much weight does cause health complications, so keeping it in check is valid. However, is weighing everyday or every week productive to our psyche? Absolutely not. Our society puts tremendous pressure on this number relative to our body image; that then effects our self esteem, self confidence, outlook, goal setting, our relationship with food and our relationships with people. It is a silent control that seeps into our ..read more
Coach Patti Blog
1y ago
Can you believe another year is slipping by us? It's the fourth quarter people, so now is not the time to say "WHAT THE HELL?" It's time to execute a plan to get through it all and keep your wits about you.
Rule 1 - Schedule weekly workouts on a calendar, include what you will do and the time - don't wing it. This is an appointment with yourself, so get shit done before accepting any invitations.
Rule 2 - Stay hydrated. You may be having a few extra cocktails, be mindful and balance it out with water. Watch those drinks as the empty calories will add up quickly. Be aware of holiday infused b ..read more