Kairos Multisport Blog
Kairos represents you having your Kairos moment, your time to take action. There may never be a perfect time to start, but the opportune time is right now. Kairos Multisportall is about swimming, biking, and running. The musings of a GB Age Group Triathlete and sometimes a bit about life outside of training and racing.
Kairos Multisport Blog
6M ago
Jack’s journey to Ironman Frankfurt commenced in February 2023 and today, Sunday 18th August 2024, Jack realised his dream. Jack’s ..read more
Kairos Multisport Blog
9M ago
It was early November 2023 when Gary reached out after a mutual friend suggested he contacted me. After an initial video call, we met and discussed Gary’s Good For Age (GFA) goal.
We commenced training on 1st January 2024 and on Sunday 28th April Gary completed Boston Marathon UK, in quite horrendous conditions, in a time on 3h30m04s, exceeding Boston (US) GFA time (60-64 age group) by 25mins. Gary’s previous Marathon PB was set in 1992, at London, with a time of 3h48mins. Although this does not guarantee entry, he is in a great place to get one.
Congratulations Gary, an ..read more
Kairos Multisport Blog
1y ago
It took almost three years to finish this event and last weekend both Mark & Judy won the Open and Ladies 55 - 59 Age Group category on what turned out to be a hot day.
Originally booked for September 2020, but as this was Covid year the event was moved to 2021. The week of the revised event the organisers announced that due to sickness in the water safety crew that the triathlon would be turned into a duathlon, but also offered a credit. We decided to take the credit and use it in 2022 as a warm up event for the Castle to Coast Triathlon.
Later in 2021 the organisers with into administrat ..read more
Kairos Multisport Blog
2y ago
A journey of a first-time triathlete conquering a long-distance triathlon in nine months. Introduction
All long course triathlons (3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run) are challenging, some more than others, but none are easy. Challenge Almere, in The Netherlands, after Kona, is the oldest triathlon in the World, with the event being staged entirely below sea level!
As this was Chris’ first long-distance (iron-distance) triathlon, we did not know his strengths at the time of entering. However, the date of Almere (early September) and it’s location to the UK (uncomplicated travel logistics) made ..read more
Kairos Multisport Blog
2y ago
Yesterday was my weekly planned recovery day and it was great to support the local running club hold their monthly time trials.
Watching the runners giving it their all reminded me how much effort goes into (especially high intensity) training and the resulting accumulation of fatigue.
Recovery days and recovery weeks are essential for reducing the build up of fatigue, allowing the body to recover and adapt.
These periods of recovery are where your fitness gains develop. Other benefits of planned recovery include reducing the risk of; injury, over-training and mental fatigue. Get recovery rig ..read more
Kairos Multisport Blog
2y ago
Some days just feel good and today was one of them. Thursday's can be hit or miss down the pool, today was a hit, with just two other swimmers in the lane and after the warm up I had the lane to myself.
Feeling fatigued from yesterday's three hour ride, today was an active recovery day, in other words drills! I find swimming the most challenging of the three disciplines. I'm a visual person and not being able to see myself swim means relying on feel to identify if changes in technique are having a positive result. When correcting poor technique the new and correct technique will feel wrong, a ..read more
Kairos Multisport Blog
2y ago
My report on the event can be found here. It was a fantastic experience and rounded off last year's qualification events perfectly. One of the highlights for me was the swim start and this video captures the excite as we lined up and awaited the start horn.
https://video.wixstatic.com/video/479852_567d5f811f2b4bd99fb4c69615ecda8c/720p/mp4/file.mp4 ..read more
Kairos Multisport Blog
2y ago
It's the beginning of March and spring is officially here. The last few days have been a challenge and definitely not full of the joys of spring.
At the beginning of December I woke to find my right knee swollen. The inflammation meant I could not fully flex it, but there was no pain. I decided to go for my planned ride and if it hurt I'd return and rest. The ride went to plan.
Afterwards I iced it, took anti-inflammatory drugs and gently massaged the area. I booked an appointment with my physio, let my coach know and we re-planned activities for the next few days. My physio could not detect ..read more
Kairos Multisport Blog
2y ago
It was dry this morning, the sun was out, a gentle breeze and the temperature around 6c at 9am, a good day for a bike session. Despite the good conditions I was nervous about today’s session as it was the return of what my Coach calls ‘Zonal Endurance’.
Today was a reduced session time wise (110 minutes), as it’s the first one of this training block. After a warm-up you ride at the prescribed effort for the prescribed time. After this the effort goes up, again for a certain time and this continues until you reach the top level of effort and then you replicate this but reducing your intensity ..read more