Digitalfilms » Color Grading
Oliver Peters illustrates the specifics of Color Grading in this part of his blog. He also shares tutorials, and reviews of various editing software like Da Vinci Resolve, Final Cut Pro, and Premiere Pro. He is an independent video/film editor, colorist, post-production supervisor, tech journalist, and consultant. He has contributed to various industry trade publications and websites over the..
Digitalfilms » Color Grading
2M ago
Effects tend to ebb and flow with trends. One popular choice is to enhance the image with stylized glow and lighting effects. Among these is film-style halation, with is now offered as a plugin by various companies, including Blackmagic Design (Resolve Studio), PixelTools, and FilmConvert. Halation is a film artifact created when bright lights reflect ..read more
Digitalfilms » Color Grading
3M ago
As with any analog medium, film has certain artifacts that are prized in the digital era. Many software plugins have been created to emulate film stocks, grain, and other film attributes. One of these film emulsion characteristics is the phenomenon known as halation. This occurs when bright portions within the image softly bleed into the ..read more
Digitalfilms » Color Grading
4M ago
Blackmagic Design capped its Resolve 19 beta development with the official release in time for IBC. The company touts over 100 feature upgrades across all sections of the application, including the Fusion and Fairlight pages. I want to zero in just on several of the main color page enhancements. ColorSlice The concept of vector-based color ..read more
Digitalfilms » Color Grading
8M ago
Apple’s Final Cut Pro is the darling of social media content creators. Nevertheless, plenty of editors working in traditional TV and film post also love its appeal. While Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve is of interest to many, the truth is that Final Cut Pro is up to snuff for many of the same tasks with ..read more
Digitalfilms » Color Grading
8M ago
You’ve just purchased a shiny new Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro or Pocket Cinema Camera and are looking forward to the benefits of shooting camera raw. Oops! Final Cut Pro doesn’t support BRAW. Sure, you could use DaVinci Resolve, but you’d rather stay within your preferred editing ecosystem. Fear not, Color Trix has your back. The ..read more
Digitalfilms » Color Grading
9M ago
A yearning for vintage character runs high in creative circles. In music, it takes the form of plugins that impart the harmonic color of analog hardware. In filmmaking, it’s the chase for the intangible look of film. FilmConvert has been making one of the go-to film emulation plugins for a dozen years. Four years ago ..read more
Digitalfilms » Color Grading
9M ago
Of course, I’m talking about the principle, not the band: keep it simple, stupid. Nowhere does this apply more than in mixing and color correction. Many of the films were admire from the 1970s or the classic hit records of the 1960s and 1970s that are held up as sonic pinnacles were finished with tools ..read more
Digitalfilms » Color Grading
10M ago
Whether you’re a guitar nerd or just into rock ‘n roll history, learning what makes our music heroes tick is always entertaining. Music journalist and TV presenter Kylie Olsson started a YouTube channel during the pandemic lockdown, teaching herself how to play guitar and reaching out to famous guitarists that she knew. This became the ..read more
Digitalfilms » Color Grading
1y ago
Six years ago Blackmagic Design expanded its line of color correction control panels by adding the Micro and Mini panels to the full-size Resolve Advanced panel. At the time I reviewed the Mini panel. I typically split my duties between editing and color correction, so much of my grading work is done with a mouse ..read more
Digitalfilms » Color Grading
1y ago
OK, I know the title and AI-generated graphic are a bit cheeky, but this is an issue that plagues all video creation applications. But, it’s not actually a “bug” in spite of what people think. One of the most common editing forum questions that you run across is, “Why does my file look washed out ..read more