Unlock Business Growth Through Annual Strategic Planning
Synnovatia Blog
by Jackie Nagel, Synnovatia
1w ago
Ask any entrepreneur about their annual business planning, and you’ll likely see an eye roll. It’s a task most of us would rather avoid, yet it is one of the most critical steps in setting the stage for your business growth in the coming year. Although it may seem a bit premature to plan for 2025, it’s actually the perfect time to start laying the groundwork to ensure the year doesn’t slip away again. By establishing a clear direction now, you can avoid the last-minute scramble and undue stress that often accompanies spontaneous planning. Let’s all agree that planning on the fly is much too s ..read more
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Are You a Master Strategist? Test Your Strategic Skills with This Quiz
Synnovatia Blog
by Jackie Nagel, Synnovatia
1M ago
Do you see yourself as a strategic genius? Think again. Only three out of ten small business owners truly grasp strategic skills. This implies that many entrepreneurs could miss crucial growth and scaling opportunities. Surprised? Don’t be! Developing strategic skills is a challenge for many small business owners. The constant juggling of daily operations, customer service, and financial management often leaves little time for long-term planning and strategic thinking. This lack of time and focus ultimately hinders growth and innovation. Enhancing your strategic skills, however, opens up a w ..read more
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How Strategic Thinking Shapes Small Business Success…And Saves Money
Synnovatia Blog
by Jackie Nagel, Synnovatia
1M ago
What do wise entrepreneurs do when their business growth begins to slow? Most either work harder or throw money at the perceived problem—or both! Neither of these options is advisable—or desirable—until you apply some strategic thinking to your business strategy and operations. Consider a recent strategic conversation with “Katherine” (not her real name for the sake of confidentiality), which perfectly illustrates how strategic thinking can shape business success. Katherine had already invested a lion’s share of time and money into her growth initiative. As results failed to materialize, he ..read more
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Strategic Alliances: The Catalyst for Business Growth
Synnovatia Blog
by Jackie Nagel, Synnovatia
2M ago
In today’s dynamic business landscape, the trajectory of business growth is rarely a straight line. It’s also not about going solo to cut through the competition; it’s about creating mutually beneficial partnerships that fuel forward movement. Yes, we’re talking about strategic alliances, a proven avenue for enhancing business growth. They are especially crucial for small businesses aiming to accelerate their growth. How can you guarantee these alliances are two-way streets benefiting both parties? It begins with introspection and a strategic mindset. Understanding Your “Why” for Forming Str ..read more
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The Value of Community for Emerging and Growing Entrepreneurs
Synnovatia Blog
by Jackie Nagel, Synnovatia
4M ago
There’s something a foot in the entrepreneurial space … And some small business owners are spilling the beans on how they really feel about their business. There’s something afoot in the entrepreneurial space, and some small business owners are spilling the beans on how they really feel about their business. What started out as fun has turned into a nightmare. They are overwhelmed, burnt out, and exhausted. Endless hours with stress as a constant companion affords little time for home-cooked sit-down meals with family, exercise, or thinking in any strategic capacity about the direction of thei ..read more
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The Future of Business Growth and Client Engagement Lies in Mobile Mastery
Synnovatia Blog
by Jackie Nagel, Synnovatia
5M ago
In an ever-evolving business landscape, small businesses are on the brink of a revolution filled with abundant opportunities. With consumers constantly on the go, armed with their smartphones, tablets, and laptops, the question at hand is no longer why but how quickly can you align your business with the changing client needs and burgeoning mobile trends. The Imminent Mobile Surge and Its Implications Upwards of 50% of small businesses are placing mobile marketing at the core of their strategic initiatives. Consider these updated numbers for 2023 on mobile trends and shifting client needs: B2 ..read more
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Can You Grow Your Business in an Uncertain Economy? Yes, with a Business Growth Strategist!
Synnovatia Blog
by Jackie Nagel, Synnovatia
5M ago
Economic uncertainty can feel like navigating a ship in a storm. Mixed signals, especially prevalent in an election year, contribute to a sea of confusion for small business owners and entrepreneurs. How do you set sail and plot a course for success in such choppy waters? The answer: strategic thinking, planning, and execution in partnership with a seasoned business growth strategist. During the economic downturn of 2008, entrepreneurs faced the harsh winds of change. Businesses hunkered down as a storm of recession-battered the marketplace. And yet, amidst this tempestuous backdrop, a few r ..read more
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Entrepreneur Recharge: Combat Fatigue & Drive Business Growth
Synnovatia Blog
by Jackie Nagel, Synnovatia
5M ago
As an entrepreneur, have you ever felt the creeping sense of overload inching its way into your mind and body? You’re not alone. Entrepreneur Fatigue is the silent killer of productivity and business growth. But how do you battle this unseen adversary and reclaim the vigor needed to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams? The High Stakes of Ignoring Fatigue Imagine steering a ship through a storm with bleary eyes — that’s what managing a business exhausted feels like. Think about it; when was the last time running on fumes led you to your finest hour? The answer, I wager, would be never. The crush ..read more
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How to Grow Your Business with Precision and Priority
Synnovatia Blog
by Jackie Nagel, Synnovatia
5M ago
As an entrepreneur with an annual revenue of $350,000–$500,000, you are in a great position to grow your business more quickly. Numerous opportunities await you. However, growth at this level requires precision and priority. The challenge is often about selecting the best opportunity to leverage for growth, which requires clarity, focus, and strategies to generate the most impact on your business.  During the early days of your startup, it might have been easier, albeit chaotic and stressful, to venture down multiple paths. However, as your enterprise expands, it becomes more complex and ..read more
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Entrepreneurs: Balancing Uncertainty and Complexity
Synnovatia Blog
by Jackie Nagel, Synnovatia
5M ago
 Zoom. Zoom. Zoom. OMG! I love that famously-recognized Mazda commercial circa 2000. Little did we know at the time that the little ditty would personify our lives.  In 2009, Graeme Wood, Australian digital entrepreneur and philanthropist, wrote: “Change has never happened this fast before, and it will never be this slow again.“ Hold onto your hats!  There are moments (many of them) when growing our business feels like careening down a steep hill with failing brakes.  An accelerated pace of change ushers in an entire slew of complications. Who knew that a mere five years ag ..read more
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