G&G Fitness Equipment Blog » HIIT
Head to the LiveFit Blog to know more about fitness, and get all the news on health, HIIT Training, fit picks, commercial guides, and many more. G&G Fitness Equipment is a full-service provider of specialty home and commercial fitness equipment. Since 1990, the G&G Fitness Companies have evolved into one of the premier sources of fitness solutions in the United States. For them, their..
G&G Fitness Equipment Blog » HIIT
2y ago
Burpees can be challenging, especially if you’ve never done them before. But if you perform burpees every day, even if it’s just a few, you’ll be powering up like a pro in no time!
As with all other aspects of fitness, it’s about consistency. One way to motivate yourself to keep going is to remember the many health benefits burpees can provide.
Here, we’ll teach you how to do a burpee before running through seven reasons why you should incorporate the exercise into your daily workout routine.
How to Do a Burpee
There are many burpee variations you can choose from, and you can sele ..read more
G&G Fitness Equipment Blog » HIIT
2y ago
Do you want to learn an easy way to get in better shape AND improve your relationship? Of course, you do!
Let's talk about couples' fitness.
Normally, you head to the gym to lift some weights. In the back corner of the facility, you and a bunch of other dudes lifting weights grunt and groan while trying to do “one more rep bro!”
Meanwhile, your significant other is taking a spinning class at another health and fitness facility across town.
Fitness is important to both of you, but you just don't know how to exercise as a couple when you both have different fitness interests.
In t ..read more
G&G Fitness Equipment Blog » HIIT
2y ago
Are your workouts starting to get stale? Do you feel like you’re hitting a fitness plateau? If so, cardio HIIT training might be just the jump start you need to spice up your workouts.
In this post, we’ll explain the basics of HIIT training, lay out why you should add it to your workout routine, and provide some sample workouts to help get you started.
What is HIIT?
HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. HIIT workouts feature short bursts of intense exercise punctuated by brief periods of rest. Most HIIT workouts entail 30 seconds to one minute of exercise at maximum intensity ..read more
G&G Fitness Equipment Blog » HIIT
2y ago
Working out is beneficial for both your mind and body. But, if you really want to increase your fitness or muscle gains, knowing how to achieve better results from your exercise routine will help you to achieve your goals.
Use our top 5 tips to get the most out of your next workout. 1. Increase the intensity of your workout
It’s easy to assume that spending longer in the gym will help you to reap the rewards. However, a longer workout doesn’t mean that you’re getting fitter. Studies have shown that a minute of intense exercise can produce the same benefits as a 45 minute workout. If you prefer ..read more
G&G Fitness Equipment Blog » HIIT
2y ago
What is the difference between high impact, low impact, and no impact exercise?
When done properly, both high and low impact types of exercise are excellent for helping you get your body into shape. In this case, “impact” refers to the action of one object coming into contact with the other—on the body. High impact workouts come into contact with the floor, equipment, etc. harder and more often. Low impact workouts come into contact with very little. There are also “no impact” activities, like swimming, that may not come into contact at all.
Exercise can be broken down into two main categories ..read more
G&G Fitness Equipment Blog » HIIT
2y ago
Do you remember this?
What was it that made this “fat-jiggling slimming machine” a trend back in the 1960’s? Why is it the butt of every fitness joke today?
While the Belt Vibrator started off as simple massage device for spas, it quickly morphed into a machine that promised body fat spot reduction and muscle toning. It wasn’t popular because it worked; it was popular because it was marketed very intelligently and targeted to people who desperately wanted a cure-all to trim down.
When you are shopping for a new loveseat or flat screen television, you don’t necessarily have to do re ..read more
G&G Fitness Equipment Blog » HIIT
2y ago
When it comes to guiding people to physical fitness and sports performance, there are two kinds of exercise leaders: The kind who learn from personal experience and the kind who learn from college, clinics and a whole lot of textbooks and medical journals. The former tend to rely on rumor, fads and gut instinct to guide their advice, while the latter need hard proof before they start making broad recommendations and exercise claims than can potentially get someone hurt.
When HIIT Training first got attention as the new buzzword-of-choice, my immediate reaction was to label it a “fa ..read more