The Unwritten Rules of Nurses' Station Etiquette: A Comprehensive Guide
Nursing Uncensored Blog
by Adrianne Behning
1y ago
Welcome to the nurses' station, the bustling hub of any hospital unit where nurses come together for shift change, to chart, take breaks, and catch up on the latest gossip. It’s also the place where a lot of noise, personalities, and chaos all come together in a very tight space. While the rules of nursing practice are well established, there are also some unwritten rules which govern the behavior of nurses in this space to preserve the delicate professional and social homeostasis. In this post, we'll explore the "unwritten rules" of nurses' station etiquette. I might be joking with some of th more
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Adrianne's 2023 in Review: A Year of Change, Action, Pushing Through
Nursing Uncensored Blog
by Adrianne Behning
1y ago
Historically, end-of-the-year reflection for me has been an exercise in listing achievements and setting goals, including the last goal setting event with everybody’s favorite, Nurse Blake. Let’s take a compressed trip through 2023 - a year that feels like the extension of a bizarre dream. I’m taking you through all this partly to catch you up and explain my absence, and partly to help myself come to terms with wtf happened in the last 11 months. Some of my OG’s may remember that 2022 ended with me getting COVID for Christmas. I dodged that shit for 3 years and then, this past holiday I got more
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5 Tips for Mastering Night Shift Self-Care from a Nocturnal Nurse
Nursing Uncensored Blog
by Adrianne Behning
2y ago
Welcome, my fellow night shift nurse! It's no secret that working through the night can leave you feeling drained and disoriented, especially when you're trying to maintain a regular sleep schedule during the day. But don’t panic, because I'm here to help! In this post, we're going to explore 5 practical self-care tips that are specifically designed to improve your quality of life while working those 12-hour night shifts. Now, you might think that these tips are simple and straightforward, but the truth is that it can be a real challenge to maintain good self-care habits when you're working a more
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30 Tik Tok Nurses You Need in Your Feed in 2022
Nursing Uncensored Blog
by Adrianne Behning
2y ago
The nurse game is strong on Tik Tok - It’s only been the last few months that I’ve dug into the platform and fallen head-over-heels with #nursetok as it’s been aptly named. Nurse Tok has become a staple of my day - it’s like a major news network to me now. I feel like these nurses I’ve never met are my allies, my friends, my kin. At this risk of burying you in cheesy shit, this has enriched my life. How did it do that, you ask? Let’s count the ways. I’ve learned a lot of really useful clinical information that is immediately applicable in my practice - often these are things that were never more
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5 Tips to Help Students Avoid Procrastination
Nursing Uncensored Blog
by Adrianne Behning
2y ago
Taking up a nursing course in college is difficult and challenging as it requires a lot of hard work memorizing so many things. This is the reason why nursing students are, in general, very studious. They are always very busy, being so diligent with their academic responsibilities. But just like any student, even nursing students succumb to the persuading temptation of procrastination. According to the StudiCare Procrastination study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in 2019, 50-70 % of college students show frequent and significant procrastination behavior more
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How To Study Smarter By Discovering Your Learning Style [Infographic - Guest Blog from Study Medicine Europe]
Nursing Uncensored Blog
by Adrianne Behning
2y ago
a post by Aris Grigoriou/Study Medicine Europe Everyone, even people who have long since finished school, can benefit from learning more about themselves in order to level up how they process information. Schools so often fall into a regimented, monolithic approach to learning and teaching that most of us finish years of formal education with no real idea of our individual learning style. By the time we’re in higher education or our first post-graduate jobs, we’re basically on auto-pilot with how we approach learning new things. Contrary to how most education systems function, there are actu more
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10 Educational Instagram Accounts for Nurses
Nursing Uncensored Blog
by Adrianne Behning
2y ago
I credit a lot of my success in nursing school to all the supplementary tools I used while studying. I found ways to incorporate YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram into my study routine. Some of you have figured out these pockets of free, useful content exist, but some of you have not yet been enlightened. Today we’re going to shine a light on Instagram. I’ve curated my IG over the years, and my feed is overflowing with accounts that are great for reinforcing nursing content and learning new things. While there are probably more educational accounts than I can count, there are some that I keep more
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30 Tik Tok Nurses You Need in Your Feed in 2022
Nursing Uncensored Blog
by Adrianne Behning
2y ago
The nurse game is strong on Tik Tok - It’s only been the last few months that I’ve dug into the platform and fallen head-over-heels with #nursetok as it’s been aptly named. Nurse Tok has become a staple of my day - it’s like a major news network to me now. I feel like these nurses I’ve never met are my allies, my friends, my kin. At this risk of burying you in cheesy shit, this has enriched my life. How did it do that, you ask? Let’s count the ways. I’ve learned a lot of really useful clinical information that is immediately applicable in my practice - often these are things that were never more
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5 Tips to Help Students Avoid Procrastination
Nursing Uncensored Blog
by Adrianne Behning
2y ago
Taking up a nursing course in college is difficult and challenging as it requires a lot of hard work memorizing so many things. This is the reason why nursing students are, in general, very studious. They are always very busy, being so diligent with their academic responsibilities. But just like any student, even nursing students succumb to the persuading temptation of procrastination. According to the StudiCare Procrastination study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in 2019, 50-70 % of college students show frequent and significant procrastination behavior more
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Goals of a 4th Year Nurse and a Pandemic Update from NUHQ
Nursing Uncensored Blog
by Adrianne Behning
2y ago
Cheers to another “Pandemic Edition” of the blog. As a direct result of the complete upheaval of day to day life in a post-COVID-19 world, I’m late on this post. My four year anniversary of becoming a Registered Nurse was actually in July. It’s now October and I’m using the better-late-than-never clause as my excuse. Disclaimers and Updates from NU Headquarters I think there are a few things to say first, disclaimers, I suppose. I live in Iowa, a state which has done a piss-poor job of responding to this global crisis, and for a while now, Iowa City has been a global hot spot for the virus more
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