El poder del juego
PAWS Doggy Daycare Blog
by Paws Doggy Daycare
2y ago
Los perros se parecen mucho a los niños, por lo que no debería sorprender a todos los padres de perros que el tiempo de juego sea una parte importante del desarrollo de su perro, tanto física como mentalmente. De hecho, a diferencia de sus homólogos humanos, ¡los perros no dejan de amar el tiempo de juego! Quizás es por eso que amamos tanto estar cerca de ellos: su perpetuo entusiasmo de cachorro por la vida y el amor por todas las cosas divertidas no solo es adorable de observar, sino que también puede hacernos sentir jóvenes de corazón. ¿Qué mejor manera de asegurarse de que su perro tenga ..read more
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Looking for doggy daycare or dog boarding in Marbella?
PAWS Doggy Daycare Blog
by Paws Doggy Daycare
2y ago
We’ve got Marbella’s mutts covered! Summer is here and lockdown is a thing of the past (and we hope it stays that way!), meaning now is the time to get out and enjoy all that Marbella has to offer: hit the beach or the pool, enjoy leisurely lunches with friends and family, take advantage of the summer concerts and shows that are already being announced, and so much more! But what about your dog? As a beloved member of your family, we know you'd like to take them everywhere with you, but often enough thats not always posible. There are lots of dog-friendly places in and around Marbella, but som ..read more
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Beware of Processionary Pine Caterpillars
PAWS Doggy Daycare Blog
by Paws Doggy Daycare
2y ago
It's that time of year again, the time when processionary pine caterpillars maker an appearance here in Estepona and along the Costa del Sol and take note: these guys are not just un-fun for your dog, they can be deadly. Here's what to look for and what to do to keep your dog safe: Processionary pine caterpillars are small and fuzzy, usually seen marching end to end along the ground amongst the pine trees in the campo after hatching from their nests there, thus giving them their name. And while they look completely harmless, they are not. They kill the pine trees where they nest by eating its ..read more
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A Dog is Not Just For Christmas
PAWS Doggy Daycare Blog
by Paws Doggy Daycare
2y ago
Is Santa bringing a puppy to surprise a soon-to-be very happy boy or girl at your home this Christmas? We love the idea (we do love dogs after all!) but please make sure to do it right! Here's how: Adopt, Don't Buy a Dog There are so many great dogs in need of homes this Christmas, please consider adopting one instead of buying one from a breeder. Doing so means you can bring Christmas joy to your life as well as your new dog's, who gets to spend their life in the comfort of your cosy home instead of a cold shelter. Plus shelter dogs are often medically healthier than inbred dogs or puppy mil ..read more
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Dog-Free Easter Holidays Made Easy with Paws Dog Hotel
PAWS Doggy Daycare Blog
by Paws Doggy Daycare
2y ago
Dreaming about an Easter holiday away this year? We don't blame you! With so many restrictions in place for the past few years, travel -even locally within Andalucia, has been a bit of a pipe dream for many. But Spring has sprung here in Marbella and with it an easing of restrictions that give us all the chance to travel both close to home as well as further afield. But if you're taking a much- needed (and well-deserved!) holiday this spring, what will you do about your four-legged fur baby? Travelling With Your Dog Sometimes we just can't stand to be away from our dogs, even when we go on ho ..read more
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¿Buscas guardería o alojamiento para perros en Marbella?
PAWS Doggy Daycare Blog
by Paws Doggy Daycare
2y ago
¡Tenemos los perros de Marbella cubiertos! El verano está aquí y el encierro es cosa del pasado (¡y esperamos que siga siendo así!), Lo que significa que ahora es el momento de salir y disfrutar de todo lo que Marbella tiene para ofrecer: ir a la playa o la piscina, disfrutar de almuerzos tranquilos con amigos y familiares, aprovechen los conciertos y espectáculos de verano que ya se están anunciando, ¡y mucho más! Pero ¿y tu perro? Como miembro querido de su familia, sabemos que le gustaría llevarlos a todas partes con usted, pero a menudo eso no siempre es posible. Hay muchos lugares que adm ..read more
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Wishing Your Dog a Happy New Year With a Healthy Weight
PAWS Doggy Daycare Blog
by Paws Doggy Daycare
2y ago
The most popular New Year's resolution every year is to lose weight. Makes sense: with all the extra indulgences over the holidays, getting back on track in terms of a healthy diet, regular exercise, and healthy habits are a great way to start the new year off the right way. But what about your dog? Despite warm weather and sunshine nearly all year long here on the Costa del Sol, winter weight is often a problem for animals as well as for people, so helping your dog shed those few extra pounds to keep them at a healthy weight is a great New Years resolution for them too. Determining Your Dog ..read more
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Autumn Activities, Do's and Don'ts for You and Your Dog
PAWS Doggy Daycare Blog
by Paws Doggy Daycare
2y ago
This October, have some fun indoors and out with your dog, but please be aware of some seasonal dangers too. The Great Outdoors Autumn is a great time to get outdoors with your dog. There's still plenty of sunlight, warm sunny days and if you're here in Estepona, plenty of beautiful walking paths to be found, both within city limits and in the countryside. If you're going for a stroll in the woods this Autumn, it's best to keep your dog on a lead while you walk. Dogs are naturally curious and will sniff at or nibble on just about anything to learn more about it. This time of year though, that ..read more
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The Power of Play
PAWS Doggy Daycare Blog
by Paws Doggy Daycare
2y ago
Dogs are a lot like kids, so it should come as no surprise to all the doggy parents out there that playtime is an important part of your dog's development, both physically and mentally. In fact, unlike their human counterparts, dogs don't grow out of their love of playtime! Perhaps that's why we love being around them so much – their perpetual puppy-like enthusiasm for life and love of all things fun is not only adorable to observe, it can make us feel young at heart too. What better way to make sure your dog has the happiest, healthiest life possible, than by making sure they get plenty of p ..read more
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Cómo mantener frescos a sus bebés peludos este verano
PAWS Doggy Daycare Blog
by Paws Doggy Daycare
2y ago
Mantenerse fresco ¡Chico, hace calor ahí fuera! ¿Te mantienes fresco? ¿Y tu perro? El verano es el mejor momento para las lesiones de los perros relacionadas con el calor y, aunque probablemente ya sea consciente de la importancia de mantener fresco a su perro este verano (y muchas formas de lograrlo), en Paws amamos a todos los perros, incluido el suyo, así que queremos tomarnos un momento para reiterar algunos recordatorios importantes: · Por favor, por favor, nunca deje a su perro en su automóvil, incluso si su automóvil no parece demasiado caliente y aunque sea por poco tiempo. Los perros ..read more
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