Rise Up And Emerge Free - BONUS (S3:Ep54)
Victorious Souls Podcast
by Danielle Bernock
3M ago
BONUS episode: To celebrate my birthday this year I'm sharing a particular keynote I delivered. In it I share parts of my journey through trauma healing. I share about what it takes to be healed, about rising up, emerging free, and "redemption so deep." Resources https://daniellebernock.com/ https://clarity.fm/daniellebernock https://www.daniellebernock.com/coaching/ Join my community https://dani-daniellebernock-com.ck.page/31bfe7d9fa Additional resources: Books: Emerging With Wings https://amzn.to/3Qm4aQw Because You Matter https://amzn.to/3oUnxEt Socials: https://www.facebook.com/daniellebe ..read more
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Greenhouse Story And Even Better (S3:Ep53)
Victorious Souls Podcast
by Danielle Bernock
3M ago
I heard a story recently involving a greenhouse that has me really thinking about our hearts and trusting. A former NFL player named Jason Brown told me the story. Get the book here: https://amzn.to/44uL3uN Resources https://daniellebernock.com/ https://clarity.fm/daniellebernock https://www.daniellebernock.com/coaching/ Join my community https://dani-daniellebernock-com.ck.page/31bfe7d9fa Additional resources: Books: Emerging With Wings https://amzn.to/3Qm4aQw Because You Matter https://amzn.to/3oUnxEt Socials: https://www.facebook.com/daniellebernock/ https://www.instagram.com/dbernock/ http ..read more
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Deeper & Stronger Victorious Souls - Finale (S3:Ep100)
Victorious Souls Podcast
by Danielle Bernock
1y ago
Today's episode is special for 2 reasons. My message about deeper and stronger can change your life --- if you'll take action on it. This is the final episode for this podcast. I love doing this podcast, why would I stop it? Because my future plans are to serve YOU better. Listen in for the details. Love you, Danielle Looking for a place you belong? You're invited to join my community. I'd love to meet you. ⁠https://dani-daniellebernock-com.ck.page/31bfe7d9fa⁠ Podcast episodes can be found on my YouTube channel here: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/DanielleBernockLovesYou⁠ Resources https://danie ..read more
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Mark Sowersby - From Victim To Victorious Through Christ (S3:Ep99)
Victorious Souls Podcast
by Danielle Bernock
1y ago
"Everybody's story starts with someone else's story" is how Mark began our time together. For Mark, the "someone else" was his mother, who suffered multiple heartbreaks. Mark was born out of an affair, and his mom took all the shame and blame. For his first 7-years, he lived with his mom, grandma, and siblings from his mom's first marriage. But then his mom remarried, and that's when the nightmare began. His mother's husband began abusing Mark in every conceivable way. It was ugly for 7-long years until the abuse stopped. But it left behind an identity scarred by trauma and dysfunction. At 16 ..read more
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HOW Christmas Changed The World Forever For Everyone (S3:Ep98)
Victorious Souls Podcast
by Danielle Bernock
1y ago
It's Christmas time and I have a special episode for you about Christmas. Many believe that Christmas only affects people who believe in Jesus. However, that is not true. Because of Christmas our world is forever different and it affects everyone everywhere for all time. How does that make you feel? How do you want to respond? Merry Christmas and I love you - Danielle aka #thatladyontheinternetwholovesyou For a copy of Brian Zahnd's book here is my affiliate link: https://amzn.to/47B4R1e Resources https://daniellebernock.com/ https://clarity.fm/daniellebernock https://www.daniellebernock.com ..read more
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Josh Marcengill: Unexpectedly Waking Up To Peace (S3:Ep97)
Victorious Souls Podcast
by Danielle Bernock
1y ago
Childhood for Joshua was rough. His family was poor and lived on the beach. His dad contracted HIV, was ostracized, and attempted suicide multiple times until he succeeded. Many others in the area committed suicide also. Josh's brother killed himself 4 years later. The church his grandma took him to when he was young only preached hell fire so he found no comfort there, and started a decent into atheism. Josh worked hard to make a way for himself financially but the stress was profound. He says he ended up "having everything but nothing mattered." When he could stand it no longer he attempted ..read more
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Darci Steiner: Finding Beauty Beyond The Thorns (S3:Ep96)
Victorious Souls Podcast
by Danielle Bernock
1y ago
Who knew that falling down could change your entire life? Darci came to learn just how much after a fall down the stairs turned into a near death experience. At first they thought it was just a back injury but later discovered a nerve pain disorder CRPS. Darci became bedridden with 2 little children. After 2 years death was coming for her but by the grace of God she fought for life and not only lived, but regained her autonomy. But suddenly she was fighting for her health again. She has gained a lot of victory so far but it's slower this time around. Darci shares what she found that kept her g ..read more
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Want To Settle The Worthiness Issue? (S3:Ep95)
Victorious Souls Podcast
by Danielle Bernock
1y ago
How much do you struggle with feeling unworthy? Many do. I used to. The issue of worthiness is often connected to earning it. Some believe we are only worthy if we behave a certain way, or accomplish certain things. Many feel unworthy due to abuse and trauma. So let's look at the word worthy, and what it really means, and settle the truth that you are worthy. Then we'll talk about how to settle it inside your heart. Resources https://daniellebernock.com/ https://clarity.fm/daniellebernock https://www.daniellebernock.com/coaching/ Join my community https://dani-daniellebernock-com.ck.page/31bfe ..read more
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Marty Mitchell - An Article In People Magazine Led To His Breakthrough (S3:Ep94)
Victorious Souls Podcast
by Danielle Bernock
1y ago
"It" started when Marty was around 7. "It" was debilitating and kept him in bed for 2 days. Through elementary school and growing up Marty got so accustomed to "it" that he thought "it" was "just normal." But "it" wasn't. By the grace of God he found a way to function in life but "it" hindered him greatly. He began to pray persistently for Jesus' help. The Holy Spirit inspired him to read a certain People magazine where a Major League baseball player shared his story. "It" sounded much like Marty's. Only this man had a name for "it" - Social Anxiety Disorder. "It" wasn't "just" nerves or anxie ..read more
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Why We Struggle With Not Being Enough (S3:Ep93)
Victorious Souls Podcast
by Danielle Bernock
1y ago
So many people struggle with the concept of being enough. The statistics say 85% of people struggle with their self-esteem. That's part of it but there's a reason people struggle. I've been thinking about this subject of enough for a while now and there are 2 things I think are important to take note of. Two things that can help us stop struggling so much. I can help you internalize this and move forward: https://www.daniellebernock.com/coaching/ Resources https://daniellebernock.com/ https://clarity.fm/daniellebernock https://www.daniellebernock.com/coaching/ Join my community https://dani-da ..read more
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