Instrumental Background Music » Blog
Find High quality affordable royalty free music for video along with helpful tips and advice for musicians. I'm Cato (pictured) and I'm a composer based in London who put together this eclectic little music library in 2015 for content creators like YouTubers, companies, advertising agencies and podcasters etc.
Instrumental Background Music » Blog
1y ago
As a filmmaker, you know that every aspect of the filmmaking process contributes to the success of your project. From pre-production planning to post-production editing, each step requires careful consideration and expertise. In this blog post, we will provide you with essential film production tips that will elevate your filmmaking process. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced filmmaker, these techniques will help you create high-quality films that captivate your audience. Additionally, if you are in search of useful production music to enhance your project, we’ve got you covered. Let ..read more
Instrumental Background Music » Blog
2y ago
The importance of creating your own crowdfunding pitch video cannot be emphasised enough. Videos are a great way to get the message across to your target audience and, as it’s not easy to get their attention in the first place, you can do with all the help you can get.
Remember, most of the potential contributors to your crowdfunding campaign are watching your pitch on YouTube or Facebook even though you might be posting the campaign on something like Kickstarter or IndieGoGo, so work hard to tell your story in the most compelling way possible that works on these platforms and is easily sharea ..read more
Instrumental Background Music » Blog
2y ago
It’s been a while since I’ve published anything on this blog and uploaded anything to the site, and there is good reason for that. Not only did I have a health scare back at the start of 2021, but I found myself struggling creatively to produce new content that was usable and satisfying my creative desires.
Career vs wellbeing, it doesn’t have to be one or the other
Balancing career and wellbeing is something that is rarely talked about in the world of music as the focus is often on the glamour and opportunities in the industry. There are great organisations like Mind in the UK who highlight ..read more
Instrumental Background Music » Blog
2y ago
A few clients have asked me about my process when I write new material for Instrumental Background Music, so I thought I’d give you an insight into the cogs, wheels, nuts and bolts churning away within this little boutique library!
For those of you that don’t know, InstrumentalBGM was set up as a way for a couple of composers and myself to distribute our music and earn a living by working directly with our clients instead of via a third party music library. Since then, I’ve gone solo with the project and been building up the business since the end of 2016 by expanding the catalogue and develop ..read more
Instrumental Background Music » Blog
2y ago
Navigating through Final Cut Pro X can be daunting if you’re new to it or even just transitioning across from previous versions, so learning the following tips & tricks will help you streamline the process and increase your productivity!
1. Storage and media
Let’s start with a few basics : store your media on an external drive that is fast enough to support video editing and streaming. As your media can be stored anywhere, don’t fill up your system drive with unnecessary clutter as it will slow things down when you’re editing (remember to try and keep your system drive around 10 ..read more
Instrumental Background Music » Blog
2y ago
Our first customer spotlight features the First Baptist Church of Charlottesville on Park Street, Virginia in the US. FBC Park Street regularly works with us to source music for their videos, so I spoke with Daniel Chambers who coordinates media production there to tell us a bit about their set up!
Tell me a bit about what FBC Park Street is and how long it’s been going for
We’re a local church that’s been part of our community since 1831. For 185 years, we’ve been an innovative church and today that means reaching people with video…and we’ve learned the most important part of video ..read more
Instrumental Background Music » Blog
2y ago
If you’re making videos to sell a product or service, then you’ve probably noticed that it’s hard to get conversions with traditional sales techniques these days. The ‘hard-sell’ approach is like pepper spray in todays world of marketing, it just sends people fleeing, so what’s the solution?
A modern approach to selling
The simple answer is to just be natural. Every audience is different, so start by listening to them – that means understanding the behaviour of your audience and learning the correct language to use to connect with them. Research forums ..read more
Instrumental Background Music » Blog
2y ago
Video is continuing to take the centre-stage as one of the most effective ways to connect with your customers. You can even create great videos with just an iPhone now, meaning cost is no longer a barrier to entry, so read on to learn how you can get involved too.
First, choose your content type
The type of video content you make can vastly improve the time your customers spend on your website, their engagement with your brand engagement and increase the likelihood that they will buy from you.
There are lots of types of contents (we’ll go ..read more
Instrumental Background Music » Blog
2y ago
To get the best out of your iPhone, you need to be creative. But that doesn’t mean spending vast amounts of money. Read on and watch the excellent video below for tips on how to create stunning videos using your iPhone and little more!
Essential equipment for making videos
Use a tripod mount
Does your hand shake like a gospel singer’s fist when recording? Don’t leave getting steady shots down to luck (unless you’re going for a shaky effect specifically), using a tripod will make your shots much easier to frame and give it a professional continuousl ..read more
Instrumental Background Music » Blog
2y ago
So, this is the first in a series of video breakdowns where we look at popular (and not so popular) content creators to see what works and doesn’t work in the world of marrying audio to video! The idea here is to give you tips, tricks and ideas on how to implement the techniques used by successful video makers so that you can add your own spin on them and make even better videos.
Felix Kjellberg
We start with the infamous PewDiePie (aka Felix Kjellberg) who is a behemoth among YouTubers and pretty funny if you’re into crude humour (and who doesn’t like a bit of toilet humo ..read more