Campolindo Instrumental Music
The Campolindo Music Boosters is the parent volunteer organization responsible for supporting the Campolindo Instrumental Music Program. The Music Boosters focus is on enriching Campolindo's music program by providing an environment for our kids where they can develop and nurture their passion for music along with news on community events.
Campolindo Instrumental Music
2y ago
Music Director, Scott Souza
This first-level wind band draws experienced music students, primarily freshmen who studied at Joaquin Moraga Intermediate, Stanley Middle or other middle schools, but also older students who will benefit from the experience.
The advanced symphonic band includes winds, brass and percussion instrumentalists, primarily sophomores, juniors and seniors, although incoming freshmen may audition in the spring. This band plays high school and college level repertoire.
Campolindo’s string orchestra includes freshmen through seniors ..read more
Campolindo Instrumental Music
2y ago
Every year, I marvel at Mr. Johnson’s ability to put together such a great program in such a short period of time. Our Campolindo Instrument Music Program continues to thrive and grow, thanks to all of you, Music Boosters and MEF supporters. The time and support you give the program are what keeps Campo’s tradition of music alive, especially now. We are grateful to those Instrumental Music families who have already donated and encourage those families who have not yet done so to please donate through the Campo Web Store. We are hoping for 100% participation ..read more
Campolindo Instrumental Music
2y ago
By Johnny Johnson, Music Director
We’re playing! After lots of tech set up and troubleshooting, everyone is now up and running in our online music platforms: SmartMusic and MusicFirst. We’re so grateful to AUHSD for paying for a district-wide subscription to the MusicFirst platform for all eight vocal and instrumental music programs as well as a premium subscription to SmartMusic for every instrumental music student in the district.
MusicFirst is a rich online environment that we’ve just begun to explore, with ready-made lessons in technique development, instrument care and maintenance, basic ..read more
Campolindo Instrumental Music
2y ago
Music Director, Johnny Johnson
This first-level wind band draws experienced music students, primarily freshmen who studied at Joaquin Moraga Intermediate, Stanley Middle or other middle schools, but also older students who will benefit from the experience.
The advanced symphonic band includes winds, brass and percussion instrumentalists, primarily sophomores, juniors and seniors, although incoming freshmen may audition in the spring. This band plays high school and college level repertoire.
Campolindo’s string orchestra includes freshmen through seni ..read more
Campolindo Instrumental Music
2y ago
President Amy Kikugawa
Vice President OPEN
Treasurer Bill Doherty
Concert Attire OPEN
Jazz Dinner Dance Chris House, Wei Barck
Newsletter Layout Tina Riepe
Photography Vadim Mikulinsky
Publicity Siv Ricketts
Senior Gifts OPEN
At Large Reena Malhotra
Cynthia Manji
Allyson Tomura
Advisor Maestro Johnny Johnson, Director ..read more
Campolindo Instrumental Music
2y ago
Thinking about studying music in college? There’s a host of issues specific to would-be music majors. So here are some resources to help steer you through the process, starting with a Music 101 guide that takes you from the college vs. conservatory decision through performing arts college fairs, performance resumes, applications and auditions. More info coming soon ..read more
Campolindo Instrumental Music
2y ago
Boys’ Concert Attire
Boys in Concert Band are required to wear a black, long-sleeved, button down shirt; black dress pants; black dress shoes; black dress socks (crew-length or longer); and a tie of any color. A black coat is optional. These items may be purchased at the store(s) of your choice.
Boys in Orchestra, Symphonic Band, and both Jazz Bands will need to wear a tuxedo (jacket, slacks, shirt, cummerbund, bow tie, studs & cuff links), black dress shoes, and black dress socks (crew-length or longer).
Ordering information will be posted ..read more
Campolindo Instrumental Music
2y ago
To clap or not to clap? We’re supposed to clap for soloists during jazz band numbers, but get glared at if we applaud in the middle of an orchestral work or between movements. But we’re encouraged to clap during Sousa marches? What the-?
It’s all about tradition. Audiences generally show their appreciation for jazz soloists immediately after each solo. For orchestral or symphonic band works with multiple movements, wait until the end of the entire piece to applaud. Your cue? If the baton’s still in the air, the piece isn’t over yet. The conductor will lower his baton and turn around when the w ..read more
Campolindo Instrumental Music
2y ago
Music Boosters play an integral role in enriching the music education of our students, and in building a music-supportive community within and beyond the walls of Campolindo. Although the Board positions are filled for the current year, we often need volunteers for specific events, such as helping the hospitality hosts manage the post-concert receptions, the Pops Potluck in October, finishing touches for the fantastic jazz dinner dance in February, and so on. We are also hoping this year to make it easier for students and families to coordinate attending together (if they so wish) some of the ..read more
Campolindo Instrumental Music
2y ago
If you haven’t made your donation yet through the Webstore, or prefer to write a check, please print and complete the Music Boosters Donation Form ..read more