Imaging reveals how microplastics may harm the brain
Physics World » Biophysics and Bioengineering
by Tami Freeman
2w ago
Studies in mice show that microplastics entering the bloodstream are engulfed by immune cells, forming clusters that can block cerebral blood vessels The post Imaging reveals how microplastics may harm the brain appeared first on Physics World more
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Squishy silicone rings shine a spotlight on fluid-solid transition
Physics World » Biophysics and Bioengineering
by Anna Demming
2M ago
Model shows how highly deformable particles, grains and cells respond to external forces The post Squishy silicone rings shine a spotlight on fluid-solid transition appeared first on Physics World more
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Mathematical model sheds light on how exercise suppresses tumour growth
Physics World » Biophysics and Bioengineering
by Tami Freeman
2M ago
A simple mathematical model examines the intricate relationship between exercise, immune function and cancer The post Mathematical model sheds light on how exercise suppresses tumour growth appeared first on Physics World more
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Genetically engineered bacteria solve computational problems
Physics World » Biophysics and Bioengineering
by Tami Freeman
2M ago
A cell-based biocomputer can identify prime numbers, recognize vowels and answer mathematical questions The post Genetically engineered bacteria solve computational problems appeared first on Physics World more
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Could athletes mimic basilisk lizards and turn water-running into an Olympic sport?
Physics World » Biophysics and Bioengineering
by No Author
2M ago
Ahead of the 2024 Olympics, Nicole Sharp investigates nature’s most extraordinary sprinters The post Could athletes mimic basilisk lizards and turn water-running into an Olympic sport? appeared first on Physics World more
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Single-cell nanobiopsy explores how brain cancer cells adapt to resist treatment
Physics World » Biophysics and Bioengineering
by No Author
2M ago
Understanding how glioblastoma cells transform in response to treatment, and how to stop this, could prevent recurrence of this deadly brain cancer The post Single-cell nanobiopsy explores how brain cancer cells adapt to resist treatment appeared first on Physics World more
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Spectacular scans of thousands of vertebrate specimens released
Physics World » Biophysics and Bioengineering
by Michael Banks
2M ago
More than 13,000 specimens have been scanned with computed tomography for the openVertebrate project The post Spectacular scans of thousands of vertebrate specimens released appeared first on Physics World more
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The surprising physics of babies: how we’re improving our understanding of human reproduction
Physics World » Biophysics and Bioengineering
by Michael Banks
2M ago
Michael Banks looks into the physics of the baby universe, from conception to pregnancy and beyond The post The surprising physics of babies: how we’re improving our understanding of human reproduction appeared first on Physics World more
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Physicists simulate how SARS-CoV-2 forms
Physics World » Biophysics and Bioengineering
by Isabelle Dumé
2M ago
New work could help in the design and development of drugs to fight coronaviruses The post Physicists simulate how SARS-CoV-2 forms appeared first on Physics World more
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Study in astronauts could improve health in space and on Earth
Physics World » Biophysics and Bioengineering
by Tami Freeman
4M ago
Long-duration spaceflights deplete red blood cells and bone, but the body recovers with the help of fat stored in the bone marrow The post Study in astronauts could improve health in space and on Earth appeared first on Physics World more
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