![Dear Nurses](https://i1.feedspot.com/5421221.jpg?t=1657713962)
Dear Nurses
This blog is a helpful clinical resource for nurses. we make no claims to being a nursing program, or of having any affiliation to any nursing program. Please stay posted on how to improve your clinical skills and patient & family communication skills.
Dear Nurses
3w ago
The Operating Room
Prior to surgery, extreme measures are taken to prevent the
spread of infection. The surgical team spend a significant
length of time scrubbing up. In addition, sterile gowns and
gloves are worn. Masks are used over the nose and mouth.
The operating room has been cleansed sterilely. The patient
has also been prepped, as ordered by the doctor.
Potential problems of the surgica ..read more
Dear Nurses
1M ago
Dear nurses,
I just want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Please enjoy
my video if you can find the time: Holiday Cheer.
  ..read more
Dear Nurses
1M ago
Scenario: Pam has been admitted to the hospital
with complaints of abdominal pain over a period
of time. The doctor has decided to do an ERCP
( Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography)
for this questionable abdominal pain.
This will be reflected in the care plan.
What is an ERCP?
An ERCP ( Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography)
is a procedure that is performed using a flexible tube, with a
light at the end. The tube is called an endoscope.
It is passed from the mouth to the duodenum. Contrast dye is
injected through the endoscope. This allows the doctor to
visualize the pancr ..read more
Dear Nurses
2M ago
When a patient is admitted to a healthcare facility, the medical
staff is responsible for doing an assessment so a diagnosis can
be made.
Scenario: In the scenario above, Mrs.G is admitted to the hospital
with complaints of headaches and poor coordination for the last
two weeks. The nurse takes a history and does an assessment. She
documents her findings.
The doctor examines Mrs.G and makes a diagnosis based on the
nature of the complaints. He plans to run some tests, in order to
confirm the diagnosis. The care plan will reflect the problems  ..read more
Dear Nurses
2M ago
The aorta is the largest blood vessel in the body.
It is a very powerful artery and originates in the
heart. The aorta carries oxygenated blood.
It works its way through the chest and abdomen,
then divides up to supply blood to the legs .
*The heart is a pump that pumps blood around the body.
An aneurysm is a bulge or balloon in a blood vessel.
The majority of aneurysms occur in the abdominal
area.They may also occur along the blood vessels
that divide, after leaving the abdominal a ..read more
Dear Nurses
2M ago
When a patient is admitted to a healthcare facility, information such
as allergies, past medical history, height, weight and medications taken, are all recorded.This type of information is very important, as it will help the doctor when prescrib ..read more
Dear Nurses
4M ago
Hypothermia may occur outdoors or indoors. The key
to prevention, is taking necessary measures to stop this.
It is important to understand the causes and ways to
prevent the occasion. Here are some helpful hints:
- THINK AHEAD if going hiking , skiing or engaging in other
outdoor activities.
- Always carry an extra set of warm clothing and enough fluids.
- Try to keep small children well hydrated and avoid prolonged
overexposure of small children to very cold weather.
Scenario: In the image above, a patient has just arrived in PACU.
His core tem ..read more
Dear Nurses
4M ago
Scenario: A Code Blue is in progress. in the Emergency Room The medical staff
have gathered around the bedside to assist. Unfortunately, the nurse on the left got
distracted . She begins to move the paddles towards the nurse on the right.
How could this happen? It is easy to make a mistake when there is so much going
on in a confined space. It is important to follow all the security guidelines for a
Code Blue, like making sure no one is close to the bedside prior to defibrillation ..read more