Episode 11: To Meat or Not to Meat (part two)
Stewarding Well Podcast
by Stewarding Well Podcast
2y ago
Last time we chatted with Jenn from SunshineFarm, we left a few questions on the table. Today we are coming back to those questions and continuing the conversation. One of our core goals with this podcast is to communicate that opinions are fluid. We reserve the right to leave room at the table for growth, emotional evolution, and persuasion to change. That's what we are all after, after all.  So, come take a site with us. Let's GROW together. Find Jenn on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunshinefarmlife/ Follow the podcast on Instagram for real time updates and additional content ..read more
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Episode 10: To Meat or Not to Meat
Stewarding Well Podcast
by Stewarding Well Podcast
2y ago
Hi friends! Today we are diving right back into the thick of it: to meat or not to meat. This episode was recorded back in November with our friend Jenn Ward from Sunshine Farm. Join us as we take a seat together at the table and discuss the ethical dilemma surrounding meat consumption and homesteading.  Find Jenn on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunshinefarmlife/ Follow the podcast on Instagram for real time updates and additional content. https://www.instagram.com/stewardingwellpodcast  You can find Ashley on Instagram and YouTube at: https://www.instagram.com/uncommon_ro ..read more
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Life Update
Stewarding Well Podcast
by Stewarding Well Podcast
2y ago
Hi friends, it's been awhile. In case you didn't notice, we've been offline as a podcast since November 2021. Today, we want to tell you why, and tell you more about the future of this space for us. So please, pull up a chair and join us as we have a somewhat hard conversation about life, hardship and friendship. Follow the podcast on Instagram for real time updates and additional content. https://www.instagram.com/stewardingwellpodcast  You can find Ashley on Instagram and YouTube at: https://www.instagram.com/uncommon_roots_homestead https://www.youtube.com/c/uncommonrootshomestead ..read more
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Episode 8: Can Homesteading Save the Planet? With Guest: House and Homestead
Stewarding Well Podcast
by Stewarding Well Podcast
2y ago
On today’s episode we are talking to Anna from House and Homestead about whether or not homesteading can actually save the planet. It may sound facetious, but the core concept is this: can making or taking small steps to get back to the land change the trajectory of our planet? You can find Anna over on her blog: https://thehouseandhomestead.com/ Follow the podcast on Instagram for real time updates and additional content. https://www.instagram.com/stewardingwellpodcast  You can find Ashley on Instagram and YouTube at: https://www.instagram.com/uncommon_roots_homestead https://www.yout ..read more
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Episode 7: Diving Deeper, A Discussion on Homesteading vs Sustainability
Stewarding Well Podcast
by Stewarding Well Podcast
2y ago
Today we are diving deeper. Last episode we talked about homesteading versus sustainability, but we didn't get as deep as we wanted to dive. So, we asked you all, what did you want to know? And we answered your questions.  Follow the podcast on Instagram for real time updates and additional content. https://www.instagram.com/stewardingwellpodcast  You can find Ashley on Instagram and YouTube at: https://www.instagram.com/uncommon_roots_homestead https://www.youtube.com/c/uncommonrootshomestead You can find Jill on Instagram and YouTube at:  https://www. instagram.com/whispe ..read more
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Episode 6: Homesteading doesn’t necessarily mean sustainability
Stewarding Well Podcast
by Stewarding Well Podcast
2y ago
Today we are talking about the elephant in the room: Does "homesteading" equal "sustainability"? Our take? Not exactly. BUT, we want to know what YOU think! Head over to our instagram to chime in on the conversation! Follow the podcast on Instagram for real time updates and additional content. https://www.instagram.com/stewardingwellpodcast  You can find Ashley on Instagram and YouTube at: https://www.instagram.com/uncommon_roots_homestead https://www.youtube.com/c/uncommonrootshomestead You can find Jill on Instagram and YouTube at:  https://www. instagram.com/whisperingwillowf ..read more
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Episode 5: Do you believe in climate change?
Stewarding Well Podcast
2y ago
There it is, the big one. Do you… believe? Is climate change something we can choose to believe in? Today we are talking all about the elephant in the room. Do you believe in climate change, and how can we make a difference—together. Did you know, according to the University of Colorado:Worldwide over 300 million tons of plastic is produced every single year, half of this is single-use plastics. Plastics do not fully decompose and instead just continually break down into smaller and smaller pieces called microplastics. These microplastics pose a huge risk to wildlife and are extremely difficul ..read more
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Episode 4: Romanticizing the garden
Stewarding Well Podcast
by Stewarding Well Podcast
2y ago
Today, we are talking all about romanticizing the garden. From falling in love, to enduring hardship, this episode talks about the value in embracing a deeper connection to the growing place. "There will always be things that don’t go as planned, and that’s when we have to pull back into that place of doing everything you can with open hands—and remember what sparked that joy in the beginning. THAT is where that romanticized version of your dream comes into play. I pull myself into that place where I am overcome with admiration for creation. I allow myself to be consumed by the beauty and won ..read more
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Episode 3: Not all pastures- Turning the space you have into a refuge for tomorrow
Stewarding Well Podcast
by Stewarding Well Podcast
2y ago
Today we are talking to Mallory at Forest Fed Farm. Here’s a bit about them from their website:  We moved from the beaches of Southeast Florida to the mountains of Southeast Tennessee  to live our dream of having a small-scale, multi-species farm. We bought an overgrown forest in early 2019 and are transforming it into a beautiful pastured-forest system. We’re talking all about silvopasture, finding the perfect homestead property and more!  Follow the podcast on Instagram for real time updates and additional content. https://www.instagram.com/stewardingwellpodcast  You ca ..read more
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Episode 2: Supporting local farms for a better future
Stewarding Well Podcast
by Stewarding Well Podcast
2y ago
In today's episode we are talking about supporting local farms. There are a number of great resources out there that help quantify the need for us to lift up our farmers. Here are some that we used in the making of this episode: https://farmersmarketcoalition.org/education/preserve-farmland-and-rural-livelihoods-2/ https://sustainablefoodcenter.org/latest/blog/food-access-resources-in-central-texas-during-covid-19 https://farmersmarketcoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Farmers_Market_Week_Fact_Sheet_small.pdf Follow the podcast on Instagram for real time updates and additional content ..read more
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