Shades of Hope Season 2
This is a frank conversation between two friends who make the case for racial justice within the gospel.
Shades of Hope Season 2
2y ago
Pastor Moore and Pastor Jeff join Matt Burke and Ben Tapper from Center for Congregations in Indianapolis on the state of the church in Indiana around the topic of racial justice and equity. The Center for Congregations mission is to strengthen Indiana congregations by helping them find and use the best resources to address their challenges and opportunities. They generously support the Shades of Hope Podcast and we were so grateful for this fruitful conversation.
Find more about the work of the Center https://centerforcongregations.org ..read more
Shades of Hope Season 2
2y ago
Author and professor Dr. Tim Gombis joins Pastor Moore and Pastor Jeff to talk about his work and his book. This is a far reaching conversation on the cross shaped vision of life that Jesus lived and how this conflicts with the current state of white evangelicalism. They speak about how white evangelicalism has been captured by capitalism, patriarchy and power and how these gods offer empty promises while the way of the cross is the invitation to a cruciform way of living.
Find Dr Gombis' work at www.timgombis.com
Power in Weakness: Paul's transformed vision for ministry by Tim Gombis
Resourc ..read more
Shades of Hope Season 2
2y ago
Dr. Talika McCoy is an author, artist and pastor to children and youth. Dr. McCoy joins Pastor Moore and Pastor Jeff to talk about how we can elevate the voices of children and youth and all marginalized voices in order to help them navigate these dangerous and traumatic times as well as to learn from their lived experiences. Follow and find resources by Dr. McCoy at http://www.drtelikamccoy.org/
Survival Strategies for Africans in America ..read more
Shades of Hope Season 2
2y ago
Pastor Raymond Chang is the President of the Asian American Christian Collaborative. The AACC was founded, in large part, as a response to the surge in anti-Asian rhetoric and violence spurred on by the former President of the United States. Pastor Chang serves the church in multiple ways. In this conversation he offers thoughtful reflections on some of the challenges and opportunities that face the Asian American Christian community today as well as a vision for multicultural Christian witness in an increasingly changing world.
Twitter: @tweetraychang
Instagram: @raychang502
Linkedin: @rchang ..read more
Shades of Hope Season 2
2y ago
In her book, The Next Worship, Sandra Maria Van Opstal gives vision for the beauty and power of multiethnic, multicultural worship in forming a people who declare the praises of God in a diverse world. She writes, "When multiethnic worship is done well, the church models reconciliation and prophetic justice, heralding God’s good news for the world. Enter into the praise of our king, and let the nations rejoice!"
Twitter: @@sandravanopstal ..read more
Shades of Hope Season 2
2y ago
Christian Nationalism is on the rise and poses a serious threat to the integrity of the white Evangelical church in North America. Professor and researcher Andrew Whitehead join Pastor Moore and Pastor Jeff for a timely conversation on his book Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States co-authored with Samuel Perry. Andrew L. Whitehead is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of the Association of Religion Data Archives (theARDA.com) at the Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture at IUPUI.
Twitter: @ndrewwhitehead
Buy the book here ..read more
Shades of Hope Season 2
2y ago
Enjoy this preview of next weeks episode. Andrew Whitehead is a sociologist, researcher and co-author of the book, Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States. He joins Pastor Moore and Pastor Jeff for a timely and insightful conversation on this topic.
https://www.amazon.com/Taking-America-Back-God-Nationalism/dp/0190057882 ..read more
Shades of Hope Season 2
2y ago
Dominique DuBois Gilliard joins Pastor Moore and Pastor Jeff for a conversation on his latest book, Subversive Witness. The three cover a wide range of important topics for all followers of Jesus to consider when it comes to wise stewardship of the privileges that we have been given. Dominique is the director for racial righteousness and justice for the Evangelical Covenant Church.
Follow at:
Twitter: @DDGilliard ..read more
Shades of Hope Season 2
2y ago
A preview of our conversation with Dominique DuBois Gilliard and his book Subversive Witness: Scriptures Call to Leveraging our Privilege ..read more
Shades of Hope Season 2
2y ago
David Swanson joins Pastor Moore and Pastor Jeff for a conversation on his book, Rediscipling the White Church. Pastor Swanson contends that "discipleship, not diversity, lies at the heart of our white churches racial brokenness." He proposes that we rethink our liturgies and imagine new discipleship practices that can reform us as disciples who live in solidarity with Christ's diverse church.
Follow at:
Website: https://dwswanson.com/
Twitter: @davidswanson ..read more