Forn Sidr of America Blog
The Forn Sidr of America blog. Read our updates, articles, and official statements here to keep up to date about our news and current events. A North American Heathen spiritual identity rooted in Ancient Norse beliefs with modern evolving values that place the inherent worth of all people before creeds, dogma, or doctrine.
Forn Sidr of America Blog
2y ago
For Immediate Release
Forn Sidr of America, September 21, 2022 has officially withdrawn the legal challenge of the ‘Forn Sidr’ trademark.
2 years ago, Canadian blogger Christopher Fragassi waged a harassment campaign against us for our use of ‘Forn Sidr’ as our religious identity. Fragassi, who runs several websites and businesses espousing white nationalist and anti-LGBTQ+ views including Norskk.com, targeted our content and fundraising accounts with ‘quiet takedowns’ alleging trademark infringement in 2019. This created an ongoing obstacle for us as a new religious community.
For 2 years we ..read more
Forn Sidr of America Blog
2y ago
Check back on Friday for the final part of this Q & A (pt. 6) to be added here on 9/2!
The post Q & A Interview with Gudellri Alexandra Ravenscroft appeared first on Forn Sidr of America ..read more
Forn Sidr of America Blog
2y ago
Merry Kvasi blot! At the beginning of August we celebrate the first harvest. In North America that usually includes maize, wheat, summer squash, and honey.
Who is Kvasi?
This blot is named for Kvasi, the god created out of the combined saliva from both Vanir and the Aesir, ending the conflict between the two tribes. Kvasi represents the strength and prosperity found in community. We can also see this wisdom in humanity’s discovery and implementation of agriculture, which is often credited for the success of human civilization.
Another story goes on to tell how the dwarves mixed Kvasi’s blood h ..read more
Forn Sidr of America Blog
2y ago
Happy Loki’s Fest everyone!
Although fairly recent as a formal holiday, Heathens have been celebrating our favorite mischief-making trickster on April Fool’s Day for decades. And with this deity’s penchant for pranks, it’s easy to see why modern Heathens began to see April 1 as a day when Loki reigns supreme.
There are many differing perspectives on Loki’s Modus Operandi. For many Heathens, Loki inspires ingenuity and represents the divergence from the norm. For the LGBTQ+ community the gender bending shapeshifter has become a divine protector and advocate. For some, Loki remains an agitator w ..read more
Forn Sidr of America Blog
2y ago
Official Statement: SCOTUS Ruling on Roe v Wade
For Immediate Release
Forn Sidr of America, June 24, 2022 We are aggrieved by the recent decision by the Supreme Court of the United States to revoke the rights of millions of Americans to safety and privacy in their medical care.
Forn Sidr is a religious identity that fundamentally upholds the right of every person to self-determination over their fate, and this theme is consistent throughout our sagas and in the tradition of the Allthing. The United States is also a land whose First Nations have a long history of governance by assemb ..read more
Forn Sidr of America Blog
2y ago
For Immediate Release
Date: May 3, 2022
All of us at Forn Sidr of America are concerned by the leaded US Supreme Court’s draft opinion to overturn the landmark decision on Roe v. Wade. Every person—regardless of gender, sexuality, race, or creed—deserves the right and ability to make decisions about their own health, including reproductive rights and abortion. Roe v. Wade does not just protect abortion rights, but also guarantees privacy rights over personal decisions we make across the spectrum of daily living. Should the supreme court move forward, the potential ramifications are significa ..read more
Forn Sidr of America Blog
2y ago
By Casey McCarthy, M.A., L.P.C.C.
and Quinn Mims
Greetings fellow wanderers and welcome to part 6 of our 9-day journey with Yggdrasil and Odin. We are continuing our theme of transforming hardship into agency through leaning into our struggle. Odin’s journey on the tree is a profound metaphor for facing one’s own deepest pains in order to transcend them and become a denizen of the world, rather than separated from it.
In Day 5, we examined the roots, trunk, and branches of the World Tree as a representation of how our bodies process bodily stimuli into information. By engaging in a direct bodi ..read more
Forn Sidr of America Blog
2y ago
By Casey McCarthy, M.A., L.P.C.C.
and Quinn Mims
Greetings fellow wanderers and welcome back to our 9 part series for Yggdrasil Fest. Yesterday we compared Odin’s struggle to that of a seed struggling to become a tree. Just like a seed, Odin is unable to process the immensity of his experiences until he can grow beyond his preconceived idea of “self.” In many ways, we’re often limited by our preconceived notions of self- especially where the self begins and ends.
Beyond the self to our greater Self
We often considers mind and body as separate things. Postcolonial culture dictates that the prow ..read more
Forn Sidr of America Blog
2y ago
By Casey McCarthy, M.A., L.P.C.C.
Greetings fellow sojourners. Welcome back to our 9 part meditative series for walking the path of Odin’s journey on the world tree. For those just joining us, we are using Odin’s journey of self-transcendence as a method for reclaiming lost agency and much needed connection during times of struggle. In previous sections we “approached the tree as a metaphor for entering into a deeper process of self reflection. We established mindfulness practice as a basis, approaching the tree from a humble standpoint, and identified Yggdrasil as both a mystical ..read more
Forn Sidr of America Blog
2y ago
by Casey McCarthy (additional contributions by Quinn Mims)
Greetings everyone and welcome to Day 3 of our Yggdrasil Meditative Series. In the last post, we entered a state of quiet stillness in preparation for approaching the World Tree as an object of self transcendence. We set a tone for practice and established a protocol for mindfulness to follow. If you have not yet read the first part of this or you would like to review, you can find the post from Day 1. I would also recommend starting with the meditative process we outlined yesterday in preparation for each day of our exercise.
Enduring ..read more