Embrace Life’s Struggles
Asatru Illinois Blog
by thuleultima
10M ago
Statement IX of the Declaration of Purpose of the Asatru Folk Assembly reads “Life’s struggle is the whetstone that sharpens the sword of spirit. We should not regret the obstacles that confront us, but use them to grow ever stronger and wiser. Nor should we let them drain away our enjoyment of life. Let us live our lives with vigor – and when it is time to die, let us do that with dignity, honor, and grace.” This is a very important statement that all Asatruar should reflect on and seek to apply in their lives. Some years ago, when I was a young man seeking to advance my interests and those o ..read more
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Asatru Illinois Blog
by thuleultima
2y ago
At the AFA’s recent Fallfest event, I was asked to say a few words about the holiday of Freyfaxi. I thought I would share that here: History of The Celebration Freyfaxi is a holiday related to the harvest season, and celebrations are dedicated to Frey, the God of abundance and fertility. Offerings are usually sheaves of wheat, or baked loaves of bread. On occasion, in ancient times, a horse would be sacrificed to Frey. The name of the holiday is related to the Icelandic saga, Hrafnkels Saga Freysgothi. Hrafnkel was a noble in Iceland. He was something of a bad ass, who had a penchant for dueli ..read more
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Thoughts on “The Northman”
Asatru Illinois Blog
by thuleultima
2y ago
I had heard comments both negative and positive in regard to the new film, “The Northman”. Both piqued my curiosity, so when I saw the film available on DVD during a recent shopping trip, I decided to purchase it. Overall, I found the film enjoyable, without any real objectionable content from a theological or philosophical perspective. First, a brief synopsis of the story (trying to avoid spoilers) – this is basically a tale of honor based vengeance, wherein the protagonist, Amleth, seeks revenge on his uncle Fjolnir, who murdered his father, the king, and assumed his throne, also taking Amle ..read more
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A Tale of Two Sacrifices
Asatru Illinois Blog
by thuleultima
2y ago
I wot that I hung on the wind-tossed tree All of nights nine, Wounded by spear, A sacrifice to Odin, A sacrifice of Myself to Myself, Upon that tree of which none will tell From which roots it doth rise. Neither horn they upheld nor handed me bread; I looked below me – Aloud I cried – Caught up the runes, caught them up wailing, Thence to the ground fell again Havamal 138-139 Any spirituality, at it’s core, is defined by it’s most important myths. These will impact not only the adherent’s belief system, but how they live their lives and view the world around them – their Weltanschauung. The co ..read more
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The Afterlife, Part 3 – Most People Are Going to Hel…And That’s OK
Asatru Illinois Blog
by thuleultima
2y ago
As indicated in the first post of this series, how we believe we will be rewarded in the after-life has a large impact on how we live in this life. In this entry, we will delve into the disposition of the various components of the composite soul at  the time of death. The fylgja and hamingja are not just “ours”, they are part of, and a connection to, the encompassing spiritual essence of our people. More specifically, the spiritual legacy of our ancestors throughout the ages.  If one makes a conscious and devoted effort to grow in spirit, to successfully complete meaningful deeds, an ..read more
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Our Conception of the Afterlife – Part 2, “Morality” vs. Accomplishment
Asatru Illinois Blog
by thuleultima
2y ago
 “Where in the motion of the stars is morality? Does a lion stop in its tracks to weigh the moral options? Are the seas full of frothing morality, of a turbulent whirlpool of moral dilemmas? Does a shark pause to consider moral issues when it is hunting down a wounded porpoise? Where in the Periodic Table is morality? Which is the Moral Element? What is its atomic number?” Mark Romel, The Mistletoe Murders When our ek, or self (ego) leaves the mortal realm and stands before the Gods, they will not review some list of “sins” to see which of their “Thou Shalt Not’s” we may have violated. Ra ..read more
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Our Conception of the Afterlife – Part 1, The Nature of the Soul
Asatru Illinois Blog
by thuleultima
2y ago
Our understanding of the afterlife, what rewards or punishments it may contain, and how our actions here in this life will impact the receipt of the same, has a profound impact on our psyche. It will powerfully influence how we live, what we accomplish, and even how we may die. The atheistic belief that man is just an animal, albeit a rather smart one, with no eternal soul, whose existence ends at death like a snuffed candle, is an especially malevolent one. If we are merely animals, animated collections of meat, bones, and guts, then why not behave as beasts? There is no meaning in a life dom ..read more
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As Above, So Below – As Below, So Above
Asatru Illinois Blog
by thuleultima
2y ago
“Tis true without lying, certain and most true. That which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracle of one only thing.” The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus Translation by Isaac Newton The Gods of our people do not exist apart from nature. They are not distant observers and cruel judges, ever distinct and apart from the world. Rather, they reside within, are participants in, Nature, the Universe, and Us, their people – their manifestation in this realm of existence. They work through us and with us to achieve their ends, a ..read more
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Having a Sacred Space
Asatru Illinois Blog
by thuleultima
2y ago
“For me a shrine of stones he made, And now to glass the rock has grown; Oft with the blood of beasts was it red; In the Goddesses ever did Ottar trust.” The Goddess Freja, Speaking to the Devotee Ottar Poetic Edda, Hyndluljoth While the Asatru Folk Assemby has established several Hofs (three and counting) in North America, many Asatruar do not have ready access to an officially sanctified holy space in which to pay homage to the Gods. Such spaces/locations can be very helpful in establishing a sense of “connectedness” with the Holy Powers when communing with them. Our European ancestors under ..read more
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Runic Meditation – Part 4, Practicing Prayer and Galdr
Asatru Illinois Blog
by thuleultima
2y ago
In preparation for communing with the Divine via prayer and runic meditation, we have discussed a method of clearing one’s mind in the previous post. With the mind no longer racing from one mundane thought to another, spiritual practice will be more fruitful. The next step in my personal spiritual practice is to offer the Gods my allegiance, respect, and, on occasion, a more tangible gift (mead, incense, etc). I believe a prayer is more meaningful if one composes it themselves, rather than reciting something created by someone else. Your prayers are your personal method of communicating with a ..read more
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