Sequencing Blog
We provide everything you need to easily access next-generation DNA sequencing, comprehensive analysis, and your choice of enhanced health reports, all in one place. and understand your genes. This includes free, unlimited storage of your DNA data as well as unique tools and enhanced reports that transform your DNA data into clear solutions for better health.
Sequencing Blog
4M ago
Learn how to delete your 23andMe data and protect your privacy with this step-by-step guide ..read more
Sequencing Blog
2y ago
Did you know a DNA test can help you understand your body’s dietary needs? Click here for what you need to know about DNA Nutrition ..read more
Sequencing Blog
2y ago
Did you know some brain disorders can be passed down through a family? This article explores whether brain inflammation is caused by genetic factors. We will cover everything from autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, coronavirus and chronic stress ..read more
Sequencing Blog
2y ago
In this article, you’ll learn the methods and techniques used in DNA testing. You will also know why privacy is important and why Sequencing is the best choice for accurate, private DNA testing ..read more
Sequencing Blog
2y ago
Single cell whole genome sequencing unlocks the power of the genome to advance and simplify healthcare. Find out all about this innovative science here ..read more
Sequencing Blog
2y ago
What are detox genes and do they even exist? Read our guide about detox genes, DNA testing, genome sequencing, and how genes impact the body’s detoxification ..read more