Bioinformatic Analysis of MicroRNA Sequencing Data
Fios Genomics » Sequencing Blogs
by Breige McBride
9M ago
As regulators of gene expression, microRNAs (miRNAs) influence many biological processes. This is why miRNA sequencing data is so valuable to researchers, as it helps to unravel the biological complexity encoded by our genomes. However, unravelling those complexities also requires bioinformatic analysis. Although microRNA sequencing data holds many genomic insights, bioinformatic analysis is necessary to The post Bioinformatic Analysis of MicroRNA Sequencing Data appeared first on Fios Genomics more
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Bioinformatic Analysis of DNA Sequence Data
Fios Genomics » Sequencing Blogs
by Breige McBride
10M ago
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Sequencing Technologies and Methods Explained
Fios Genomics » Sequencing Blogs
by Breige McBride
1y ago
When it comes to genomic sequencing, it can feel like there are endless sequencing technologies and sequencing methods. Although there are just three key types of sequencing technologies, new sequencing methods are continually being developed. The ever-growing list of sequencing methods is what can sometimes confuse people. To make thing clearer, this blog will provide: The post Sequencing Technologies and Methods Explained appeared first on Fios Genomics more
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Single-Cell vs Bulk RNA Sequencing
Fios Genomics » Sequencing Blogs
by Breige McBride
1y ago
The post Single-Cell vs Bulk RNA Sequencing appeared first on Fios Genomics more
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The Future of Bioinformatics in 2023
Fios Genomics » Sequencing Blogs
by Breige McBride
2y ago
Want to know what the future of bioinformatics holds? Here we discuss the new trends in bioinformatics to expect in 2023! We surveyed our large team of expert bioinformaticians to find out what their bioinformatics predictions are for the next 12 months. Here is what they have to say: Bioinformatics 2023 – Key Predictions Single-Cell The post The Future of Bioinformatics in 2023 appeared first on Fios Genomics more
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NGS Platforms: Illumina vs Oxford Nanopore
Fios Genomics » Sequencing Blogs
by Breige McBride
2y ago
Illumina vs Oxford Nanopore – who should win the fight to become your lab’s new sequencing provider? To help you answer this question, you can read overviews of each company and the sequencing technologies they are known for, below. You will also find an overview of the main factors that could drive your purchasing decision The post NGS Platforms: Illumina vs Oxford Nanopore appeared first on Fios Genomics more
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Microarray Data Analysis
Fios Genomics » Sequencing Blogs
by Breige McBride
2y ago
If you are unsure what microarray data analysis is, this is the blog for you. For those who are completely new to microarrays, we detail what they are, what they look like, and what researchers can use them for. Then we go on to explain exactly what microarray data analysis is. What is a microarray? The post Microarray Data Analysis appeared first on Fios Genomics more
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Fios at the Festival of Genomics and Biodata 2022
Fios Genomics » Sequencing Blogs
by Breige McBride
2y ago
The Festival of Genomics and Biodata is the UK’s largest genomics event; drawing attendees and speakers from all over the globe. The festival covers a multitude of topics, ensuring that there is something to attract everyone who works with genomics data, no matter their research area. This year’s festival was a 4-day virtual event which The post Fios at the Festival of Genomics and Biodata 2022 appeared first on Fios Genomics more
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Genomics Sequencing & Data Analysis: A Cost Timeline
Fios Genomics » Sequencing Blogs
by Breige McBride
2y ago
The post Genomics Sequencing & Data Analysis: A Cost Timeline appeared first on Fios Genomics more
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Sequencing vs Analysis: Why the Cost Disparity?
Fios Genomics » Sequencing Blogs
by Claudine Gabriele
2y ago
The post Sequencing vs Analysis: Why the Cost Disparity? appeared first on Fios Genomics more
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