Soul Sequencing Blog
Hi! I am Catherine Wilcox, Every day in every way Soul is guiding you to experiences designed to "message" you on the next step, a creative idea, or a needed solution. My blogs are my experiences. I hope you see yourself in some of them. Welcome to a Journey of Self Discovery, Personal Growth, Spiritual Understanding, and Healing. I am a self-taught spirit advisor and conscious change..
Soul Sequencing Blog
5M ago
This morning I woke up to the song “Battle Hymn of the Republic” playing in my head. You know the one ..read more
Soul Sequencing Blog
5M ago
It’s easy for spiritual leaders/teachers to stand before a crowd or write a blog and ask listeners/readers to “be in the light” or “release” anger, resentment, hatred, greed, jealousy etc. but the “how to” of moving in ..read more
Soul Sequencing Blog
5M ago
Love is the power that joins and binds everything in the universe. Love’s power is harmonizing and constructive ..read more
Soul Sequencing Blog
5M ago
The honeybee and it’s innate driving force offer deep insight into the way Creator Source has designed our planet. It seems each species of life offers an "aspect of possibility" one can take to the bank. See if the foll ..read more
Soul Sequencing Blog
5M ago
Howard and I were on our way from the parking lot of Key West's tiny airport when we spotted two adults around mid-forties and a young lad, maybe twelve. What was so eye-catching was that all three of them were flashil ..read more
Soul Sequencing Blog
5M ago
Think you can’t travel down the road of fear…..what if. . . to faith….so be it ..read more
Soul Sequencing Blog
5M ago
Bias, the act of judgment without wisdom’s backing, is a giant wall that prevents personal growth and progress. I remember the term bias referring to race. Growing up in the sixties, I was smack dab in the middle of Ma ..read more
Soul Sequencing Blog
5M ago
More than forty years ago I was beseeched to memorize the 23rd Psalm. The 23d Psalm is heard by many and mostly at funerals. The reading of the 23rd Psalm at a funeral always baffles me. That Psalm was written by a man ..read more
Soul Sequencing Blog
5M ago
The Olympics began over 3,000 years ago. Originating in Greece, the original Olympic games, considered a sporting festival, were held in honor of Zeus, the god of sky and thunder. Although the ancient games were disconti ..read more
Soul Sequencing Blog
5M ago
I recently experienced the excruciating experience of a 5mm kidney stone. Child delivery labor pain was a piece of cake compared to the pain of this kidney stone trying to escape to my bladder. At my age (over 70, we w ..read more