Sorry we ghosted you. Let's check in
The Sobriety Circle
by Jade Roberts & Leora Badger
1y ago
In this episode we discuss what has currently been going on in our lives that has taken us away from podcasting for the past 4 months and where we're at with our sobriety. Leora shares about her travel experience and working back home on the rez + the issues our communities are facing. Jade talks about mental health and shares some BIG news more
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Healthy & Unhealthy Habits
The Sobriety Circle
by Jade Roberts & Leora Badger
1y ago
In this episode we discuss some of the habits we picked up once we got sober. Some of them healthy, some of them not so healthy... maybe you can relate. We have recognized the value that all of these habits have brought to our overall growth and healing and we hope you do too more
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Let's Talk About Therapy
The Sobriety Circle
by Jade Roberts & Leora Badger
1y ago
In this episode we're talking about our experiences with therapy - how we found the right therapist, why we go, and what we've learned more
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Chill Guided Affirmations with Jade
The Sobriety Circle
by Jade Roberts & Leora Badger
1y ago
A quick episode with some guided affirmations to get you through your day more
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We're Back!!!
The Sobriety Circle
by Jade Roberts & Leora Badger
1y ago
We're back with Season 2. In this episode we chat about a few life updates and Leora shares a personal story more
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Let's Check In [10]
The Sobriety Circle
by Jade Roberts & Leora Badger
1y ago
Season 1 finale!!! We're just having a quick check in about where we're at with our sobriety, how we're currently feeling, and acknowledging the things we're currently doing (or should I say planning to do) to support ourselves moving forward.  Thanks for sticking with us through our first season, we love you. more
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Don't Assume Sh*t [9]
The Sobriety Circle
by Jade Roberts & Leora Badger
1y ago
On this episode we're chatting about the things people assume about us as sober people and common comments that we get.  We're also discussing the question: "When is it appropriate to ask someone about their sobriety?" This episodes quote is from @prestonmanifest0 more
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Auntie Laughs & Anonymous Answers [8]
The Sobriety Circle
by Jade Roberts & Leora Badger
1y ago
Let's collectively laugh at our pain LOL We asked 4 questions on our Instagram and had you answer them anonymously (thank you so much for sharing) 1. Where was the cringiest place you woke up?  2. What is the best thing about sobriety?  3. What are some of your hangover stories? 4. What is the best thing about hangover free weekends?  In this episode we read out your answers, share some of our own stories, AND Leora has a funny story for us all. more
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Intergenerational Trauma & Healing [7]
The Sobriety Circle
by Jade Roberts & Leora Badger
1y ago
We're discussing the ways intergenerational trauma has shown up for us and the ways we are breaking cycles & working toward intergenerational healing through our sobriety. more
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4 Facts About Alcohol You Might Relate To [6]
The Sobriety Circle
by Jade Roberts & Leora Badger
1y ago
In this episode we chat a little about 4 downsides to alcohol that we have experienced and that you might relate to. We end off with a couple affirmations + positive self talk we have found helpful for ourselves. more
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