Smiling at the Future
A podcast aimed at Christian single women to explore practical topics like habits single women should be developing, living with roommates, caring for aging parents, and navigating long-distance relationships. "Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future." Proverbs 31:25
Smiling at the Future
4d ago
Wife and Mom of 6, Cathy Olewiler shares her experience of how developing a life purpose statement helped shape their family life and culture by answering the following questions: What are the rewards of setting a life purpose statement for your life? How would someone go about developing a purpose statement? How do you say “no” to good things and keep from getting sidetracked with side issues rather than the main thing? What do you do when you feel overcommitted? How can you encourage your husband to lead in creating a family purpose statement?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Em ..read more
Smiling at the Future
2w ago
Author and biblical counselor Martha Peace shares practical wisdom on how to navigate PMS symptoms by answering the following questions: What is God doing in our hearts through PMS? When do overwhelming emotions cross the line from being simply physical symptoms into being sinful responses? How should we respond when God does not deliver us from a long-standing trial? Why is it essential to think and act rightly even when we don’t feel like it?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support The Podcast: https://donorbox.org ..read more
Smiling at the Future
1M ago
The common tendency to overthink can be overcome, and Taylor Jones provides helpful insight in this process by answering the following questions: What is "overthinking"? What are the fruits produced by mature thinking, and the negative fruit produced by overthinking? Is it possible to overthink the Christian life? How can we curb the tendency to overthink ourselves, and our relationships? And how do we move from being preoccupied with ourselves to worshiping Christ?
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support The Podcast: https ..read more
Smiling at the Future
2M ago
Biblical counselor Marie Clark helps us understand the negative women in Proverbs so that we can avoid being characterized as lacking discretion, being contentious, bringing shame to our husband, tearing down our house with our own hands, or being an adulterous woman.
Website: smilingatthefuturepodcast.com
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support The Podcast: https://donorbox.org/smiling-at-2024 ..read more
Smiling at the Future
2M ago
Returning guest Chris Hamilton brings helpful clarity to questions couples may have during engagement such as: What are the contents and benefits of premarital counseling? What are the different topics that should be discussed during an engagement stage as opposed to the dating phase? What advice would you give a couple considering elopement? How should a couple navigate “cold feet” if one or both experience this during engagement? What are appropriate reasons to break off an engagement? Can physical boundaries change during engagement? And how can a couple keep their priorities straight durin ..read more
Smiling at the Future
2M ago
Pastor Chris Mueller helps us understand the important quality of sensibility by answering the following questions: What is sensibility as defined by Scripture? Why is the way you think important for your spiritual life? What does sensibility look like played out in a dating relationship? How does being sensible affect our emotions? What would sensibility look like practically lived out in the life of a godly man? And what are practical ways we can grow in sensibility?
Support $5 per month: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=62433637  ..read more
Smiling at the Future
2M ago
Sophie helps us understand how to guide our emotions in a way that pleases the Lord by answering the following questions: If a woman is emotionally stuck on a crush or previous relationship, why is it important that she actively address those longings? How can you be aware if your emotions after a relationship ends are healthy and normal or are sinful and idolatrous? When God has made it clear that a relationship is not moving forward, what steps can we take to accept God’s will and begin to move forward in our hearts? Is it ok to remove yourself from contexts where you will interact with the ..read more
Smiling at the Future
2M ago
Pastor John Tucker and his wife Jane share comfort for those who have walked the painful road of sexual abuse by tactfully answering the following questions: Of all kinds of sin in this world, why is sexual abuse so devastating to the victim? For someone who has been abused, how do they know if it is something they still need to work through with a biblical counselor? What are wrong ways people deal with shame, and what is God’s prescription for how to move forward to healing? How can someone move forward in hope and trust into a future relationship, not protecting what happened in the past in ..read more
Smiling at the Future
3M ago
Pastor John Tucker and his wife Jane share comfort for those who have walked the painful road of sexual abuse by tactfully answering the following questions: Of all kinds of sin in this world, why is sexual abuse so devastating to the victim? For someone who has been abused, how do they know if it is something they still need to work through with a biblical counselor? What are wrong ways people deal with shame, and what is God’s prescription for how to move forward to healing? How can someone move forward in hope and trust into a future relationship, not protecting what happened in the past in ..read more
Smiling at the Future
3M ago
Pastor Jeremy Vuolo balances our mindset on play and recreation by answering the following questions: Does Scripture help us see play as a gift from God, or as a distraction to be minimized? What are helpful principles that can help Christians avoid falling into pitfalls in our approach to recreation? How would you encourage a Christian who may feel guilty about spending time not in work or specifically spiritual pursuits? And how can Christians be wise in selecting hobbies or recreation?
Email: smilingatthefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Support The Podcast: https://donorbox.org ..read more