The Tell Tale Tasha
I named this blog "The Telltale Tasha" because I not only want to share and enjoy my journey with anyone that wants to come along, but I also want my blog to serve as a source of information.
The Tell Tale Tasha
2y ago
Hello, Friends! This is just an announcement to say I've moved the blog to my own domain! It's been time to take the plunge and solidify my brand so I hope you come with me to the new platform on Squarespace!
Add my new url/rss feed to your blog reader: http://www.thetelltaletasha.com/blog?format=rss
Here is to more making, crafting, sewing and DIYs in 2023!
See you over there!
Tasha ..read more
The Tell Tale Tasha
2y ago
Hello, Friends! This really is my last blog post of the year. I am so excited about what is to come next year and I hope you are too! I've gotten a surge of creativity and excitement about sewing and content (and TRAVEL ;-)) so stay tuned for what I whip up lol
Today, I want to share my last pattern haul. It's full of Simplicity Patterns, McCall's Patterns and Know Me Patterns. Check out the vid and let me know if you have or want any of the patterns I've picked. And is there anything I NEED to pick up?? Let me know in the comments!
See you in the new year!
Tasha ..read more
The Tell Tale Tasha
2y ago
Hello, Friends! Years ago, I used to surprise my friends who had just given birth with a handmade blanket in the theme of their newborn's room or something related to their name. Well, around 2019, it had been quite a while since someone had a baby, and then in 2020, I stopped sewing for almost a year. Of course in 2021 a number of "pandemic babies" were born, but basically, I forgot that's something I do lol One of my friends had to remind me and now I'm back on the wagon.
I get the fabric and binding for the blankets from JoAnn Fabrics. I use a fleece fabric for the back, a flannel f ..read more
The Tell Tale Tasha
2y ago
Hello, Friends! So, suffice it to say, I lied. lol I said I was taking a personal sewing break for the remainder of the year and then a few days later I needed a new dress. I was going to a Gala and I misread the dress code and thought it was cocktail attire. I had a dress ready in my closet for that, but something made me look at the event details again a few days before the gala and I realized it was actually black tie. I had one or two dresses in my closet, but not that I was interested in wearing for this event in particular so I did what most of us do... went to my sewing room to lo ..read more
The Tell Tale Tasha
2y ago
Hello, Friends! I LOVE a good advent product... ESPECIALLY when it's chocolate! But this time, I opted for something sewing related...LABELS! I did a review of the Kyle and the Machine Countdown Calendar on my YouTube channel. It is kind of chaotic lol but it's also HONEST. Let me know what you think!
See you sooner than you think!
Tasha ..read more
The Tell Tale Tasha
2y ago
Hello, Friends! I'm back with what is probably my last personal make of the year. *gasp* I feel like this has been a great sewing year for me and I was able to grow and experience a number of different sewing skills. And I experienced quite a few in this top specifically.
This is the Viki Sews Tally Bustier in a size 44, 170-176cm height.
There is so much drama that goes into the making of this top, between printing the pdf pattern at the wrong scale and sewing it up in the last of my fabric at the smaller scale, that I don't have the energy to recount it all smh. But I will say ..read more
The Tell Tale Tasha
2y ago
Hello, friends! I was invited to another Nigerian wedding last month and this time, I was given the opportunity to wear the aso ebi of the wedding party! Aso Ebi is a uniform dress or dressing code/style that is worn in certain African cultures as an indicator of cooperation, camaraderie, and solidarity during ceremonies, events, and festive periods.
Out of this beautiful Aso Ebi fabric, I made the skirt from Vogue 1426 (OOP) in a size 14.
Okay, so about this fabric. I bought this fabric straight from Nigeria through the bride & groom's wedding website! It's a BEAUTIFUL burgund ..read more
The Tell Tale Tasha
2y ago
Hello, friends! Long time no talk... sewing has definitely been going on!
I'm back with the skirt I made to attend NYC Frocktails, and BOY is there a lot to talk about!
This is the 10K Midi Skirt from Tammy Silver in a size G (spoiler: I should've gone smaller).
Photo by Anjelica Jardiel @anjelicajardiel
Let me first start this deep dive by talking about the fabric. This is a stretch reversible sequin fabric that I picked up at Los Tejidos in Panama. You can see that fabric haul in this previous blog post. I picked this fabric because it was beautiful and so dynami ..read more
The Tell Tale Tasha
2y ago
Hello Friends! Back in May, I went to Panama to visit my grandfather for his birthday and while I was there, I did something I told myself I WOULDN'T do... Go back to the fabric stores! I already have a ton of fabric, including lots from previous Panama trips, but I ended up not being able to resist. This time I shopped in Los Pueblos, but interestingly enough I encountered some of the same stores that I've gotten fabric from downtown.
I am going to share photos of the fabrics I picked up here, but if you want to see their movement and guess with me about what to label them (because most of t ..read more
The Tell Tale Tasha
2y ago
Hey Friends! I did more sewing this summer than I have in the past 2 years combined lol I wanted to make a video about my honest feelings about each make after the thrill of the newness has faded.
Do I still love them?
Do they need adjustments?
Do I even want to wear them anymore??
Take a watch and let me know what you think in the comments!
Tasha ..read more