Can one use managed identity to connect to Azure Postgresql without needing custom code to get token (Like SQL Server)?
Stack Overflow Community » PostgreSQL
by Han L
5m ago
Am deploying a blazor app in Azure, connecting to Postgresql in Azure. Current setup, developers connect to dev instance postgresql (On prem or local install) using connectionstring (with UID & password) in appsettings.json. Once deployed to Azure, connectionstring gets overwritten by Web App connectionstring configuration in Azure, and has UID and password for Azure Postgresql DB. For better security, I am looking into using managed identity to move away from storing password anywhere in Azure. Reading this article ( more
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Patroni cluster has no leader
Stack Overflow Community » PostgreSQL
by yeonjoo choi
5m ago
I'm setting up a Patroni cluster and facing an issue where both nodes remain in the 'stopped' state, and the logs indicate that the system is waiting for a leader to bootstrap. Here is the output when I run patronictl -c /etc/postgres0.yml list: Cluster: postgres (7366xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) ---------+----+-----------+ | Member | Host | Role | State | TL | Lag in MB | +-------------+----------------+---------+---------+----+-----------+ | postgresql0 | | Replica | stopped | | unknown | | postgresql1 | | Replica | stopped | | unknown more
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How do I create a unique index across multiple JSONB fields with Knex?
Stack Overflow Community » PostgreSQL
by Temp Account
5m ago
I have the following Knex migration (using Postgresql): import { Knex } from 'knex'; export async function up(knex: Knex): Promise<void> { await knex.schema.createTable('cars', (table: any) => { table.string('id', 25).primary(); table.jsonb('car').notNullable().unique(["car->>'year'","car->>'model'","car->>'color'"], {indexName: 'unique_cars'}); }); } export async function down(knex: Knex): Promise<void> { await knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('cars'); } When I run the migration I get a unique index BUT it is based off of car and not the fields more
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How to use postgres database function with django queryset?
Stack Overflow Community » PostgreSQL
by thisisjab
1h ago
I have a django project which stores real-time data of a few devices. For this manner I have used timescaledb which is suitable for time series and it's based on postgres. Timescale offers a few hyperfunctions which I need to use (specifically lttb which is used for downsampling data). For example, this is one of the queries that I am looking to achieve: SELECT time as timestamp, value as value, %s as device_id FROM unnest((SELECT lttb(timestamp, value, %s) FROM core_devicedata where device_id=%s and timestamp between %s and %s)) I can get result of this query as a raw query set by: for d more
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How do I create a unique index on multiple JSONB fields in Prisma?
Stack Overflow Community » PostgreSQL
by Temp Account
3h ago
I can create a unique index on a Postgresql Json column with this: @@unique([car]) But, I need to create a unique index based on the year, model and color: @@unique([car->>'year', car->>'model', car->>'color']) I instead get: Error: Prisma schema validation - (get-config wasm) Error code: P1012 error: Error validating: This line is not a valid field or attribute definition. --> schema.prisma:25 more
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Error "address already in use" when trying to connect to google cloud SQL using cloud-sql-connector
Stack Overflow Community » PostgreSQL
by Jose Francisco Chavez Carreon
3h ago
THE PROBLEM When trying to connect to my cloud SQL database, I'm getting the following error. Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use /Users/josechavez/projectName/projectName/.s.PGSQL.5432 at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (node:net:1812:21) at listenInCluster (node:net:1877:12) at Server.listen (node:net:1976:5) at node:internal/util:410:7 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at Server.<anonymous> (node:internal/util:396:12) at Connector.startLocalProxy (webpack-internal:///(rsc)/./node_modules/@google-cloud/cloud-sql-connector/dist/mjs/connector.js:207:22) at process.p more
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Kafka connect can't load all data-base
Stack Overflow Community » PostgreSQL
by Ramon J. Limas
8h ago
After I notice the database connection url was wrong, I updated the url, the kafka project keep failing on run query. I have 6 million of lines to send, but the connector fails every time on the exec query. my config now { "name": "connector", "connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnector", "topic.prefix": "audit", "transforms.createKey.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ValueToKey", "transforms.extractTopic.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ExtractTopic$Value", "transforms": "header,createKey,extractKey,extractValue", "transforms.extractValue.type": "or more
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Updating PostgreSQL using subqueries and joins
Stack Overflow Community » PostgreSQL
by mgermaine93
8h ago
I have the following tables in my PostgreSQL database: buildings id | name | abbreviation ----+--------------------------+-------------- 31 | 4705 Fifth Avenue - Dept | 4705FIFTH-D 28 | 4705 Fifth Avenue | 4705FIFTH ... buildings_networks id | buildings_id | networks_id -----+--------------+------------- 143 | 31 | 159 144 | 31 | 160 147 | 28 | 153 148 | 28 | 154 149 | 28 | 155 159 | 31 | 179 ... networks id | name more
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Is there a way to retrieve data from postgres in node using pg that can be stored in a variable and used outside pg.end()?
Stack Overflow Community » PostgreSQL
by nyameget
8h ago
Every time I try to access the data stored in the variable I get an empty array. Is there a way around this? I have tried using pg.Pool but it didn't work. I was expecting the numberOfUsers variable to contain the result from the query. This is the code enter image description here const userDb = new pg.Client({ user: "postgres", host: "localhost", database: "Project DB", password: "1567tay", port: 5432, }); userDb.connect(); function userNameCount(userName){ let numberOfUsers = []; userDb.query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users WHERE username = $1", [userName], (err, res) => more
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Xata revese link sorting with createdAt field not working
Stack Overflow Community » PostgreSQL
by Adam
8h ago
In xata reverse link can't sort results with createdAt date. Followed as official guide ( but no luck. Giving error, FetcherError: Internal Error (Request ID: f3b4a5dc-99e9-94a4-87a8-cfa06828ce11) at eval (webpack-internal:///(action-browser)/./node_modules/.pnpm/ at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async defaultTrace (webpack-internal:///(action-browser)/./node_modules/.pnpm/@xata more
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