Teacher Mommy-Mommy Teacher Blog
While teaching, I, Jacqueline Jobes, worked with children who did not have the prerequisite skills needed to be successful in kindergarten, first grade, etc. As a result, the children struggled. That's when I made it up in my mind that I would provide educational services to those in need. I decided to share my gifts and talents to help other children obtain a quality education. Teacher..
Teacher Mommy-Mommy Teacher Blog
2y ago
In the story "The Tortoise and The Hare" the moral of the story is that you can become successful by pacing yourself and not wavering from the path.
If you or your child is having difficulty achieving a goal remember that doing things slowly is not always wrong. When you act too quickly you become careless.
Everyone's strengths and weaknesses are different but when you apply your strengths properly it makes a world of difference.
Images from Pixabay ..read more
Teacher Mommy-Mommy Teacher Blog
2y ago
Writing allows me to share thoughts and stories. Through writing, I can communicate with individuals around the globe. It's funny because I am not a person who reads for enjoyment. I read for research. Writing causes me to seek understanding of questions that have puzzled me. In doing this, I create books that will assist others on a given topic. I guess that is the teacher in me. What do you gain from writing?
Images from Pixabay ..read more
Teacher Mommy-Mommy Teacher Blog
2y ago
Never count yourself out.
You have potential.
You have a purpose.
Stop comparing yourself to others and use the gifts that God gave you. There is greatness in you. It's time to let it out.
Images from Pixabay ..read more
Teacher Mommy-Mommy Teacher Blog
2y ago
Teaching Your Little Ones To Write Letters
Writing develops critical thinking. It influences reading, writing, and language use. When you introduce writing you are teaching letter recognition and identifying lines, curves, and points.
Download your Free Alphabet Handwriting Workbook- www.teachermommy.net/freehandwritingworkbook
For more educational resources visit www.teachermommy.net
Prewriting Worksheets- https://www.3dinosaurs.com ..read more
Teacher Mommy-Mommy Teacher Blog
2y ago
15 Minutes- Reading Comprehension Strategy
To all the busy parents who want to help their child improve their reading comprehension but feel that they don't have time: here is a 15-minute reading strategy that will show results and allow you to bond with your child. Download the story map for FREE @https://www.teachermommy.net/product-page/story-map ..read more
Teacher Mommy-Mommy Teacher Blog
2y ago
Everyone needs to take time for themselves. Parents often forget to do this because they feel that they have to make sure their children have everything they need, and they are giving them their time, love, and affection. On top of that, you are trying to make a living by working. Working requires a lot of your time and attention. If a person continues to go, go, go and do, do, do for their children, job, etc., they will eventually burn out.
Currently, my day is all about my children. I am their mother, teacher, cafeteria worker, nurse, recess monitor, and whatever else comes with the territor ..read more
Teacher Mommy-Mommy Teacher Blog
2y ago
During this time of COVID-19, many people are becoming very frustrated with entertaining their young children. Keeping little ones busy can be very draining. Parents should try to do arts and crafts activities with their little ones. It can be something as simple as a walk around the outside of your house and let the children pick sticks, acorns, pine cones, rocks, etc.. The children can then glue the object to paper, paint, trace, or create an object with them. Using items in the house is also possible. A project could be making a necklace or bracelet out of macaroni or beads, using an old so ..read more