Toma Karaoke Blog
TOMA KARAOKE is a karaoke room founded in 1991. We provide updates on all the latest karaoke as well as Korean songs and also share information about venues where you can host your karaoke parties. We provide karaoke rooms that are enjoyable for everyone regardless of their age. Please visit us not only for karaoke but also as a venue for your parties.
Toma Karaoke Blog
2y ago
The interview with a store owner Naoko Toma:
— What is one thing you value the most in your store?
“To make customers happy because their smiles make me happy too.”
— Next, what do you enjoy about being at TOMA?
“I really enjoy the conversations with the customers. We have family-like relationships, as some of them have been visiting us for a long time. Once, a customer who used to come here as a high school brought her family; I was so glad [...]
The post Owner’s Interview first appeared on TOMA KARAOKE more
Toma Karaoke Blog
2y ago
『Karaoke Oki Doki!』という番組です。以前トーマで歌を教えてくれていた佐野京子さんがDJです。コロナ禍になってもう3年目です。トーマに来られない方も沢山いらしゃるとおもいます。是非番組を聞いて元気になって頂けると幸いです。
KZOO Radio New Karaoke Program start in February / Every Saturday @6:30pm
ローカルシンガーの歌と楽しいおしゃべり、歌唱ワンポイントアドバイスなど、 あなたもラジオ出演チャンス! 歌唱力アップのチャンス! 是非、お聞きください ラジオで歌ってくださる方、絶賛募集中! ➡ 詳細はトーマカラオケにお問い合わせください。
The post Karaoke Oki Doki! first appeared on TOMA KARAOKE more
Toma Karaoke Blog
2y ago
In the early 1980s, a technology that gave a great impact on the style of future karaoke was developed. It is a “picture karaoke” (LD, CD, VHD). The development of this picture karaoke allowed signers to look at the lyrics on the screen while singing. It also featured background images.
LaserDisc (LD) karaoke was first developed by Pioneer in 1982. Accordingly, companies who sold conventional karaoke, as well as movie record companies, developed movie software that went along such hardware. It [...]
The post TOMA’s History pt. 2 first appeared on TOMA KARAOKE more
Toma Karaoke Blog
2y ago
(Top picture from:
When I told one of my employees in his twenties that karaoke used to be a ” hachitora (8 track tape),” he did not know what it is. Recently, there are live concert videos or music videos from an artist as a background. Likewise, karaoke is evolving every day and I would like to introduce some karaoke history as well as the beginning of TOMA.
The first karaoke brought to Hawaii 40 years ago was this [...]
The post TOMA’s History first appeared on TOMA KARAOKE more
Toma Karaoke Blog
2y ago
On S Beterania St, there is a bank (HOCU) on the left-hand side.
TOMA is right behind the bank.
The post Direction with Street View first appeared on TOMA KARAOKE more
Toma Karaoke Blog
2y ago
TOMA KARAOKE is a karaoke room founded in 1991. There are 7 rooms with a capacity of 1-25 people each. The latest songs are available from LIVE DAM and CAVS, as well as some Korean songs. The rooms are enjoyable for everyone regardless of their age. Please visit us not only for karaoke but also as a venue for your parties.
The post Welcome to TOMA KARAOKE first appeared on TOMA KARAOKE more