We Are Finalists For The Children & Young People Now Awards 2024!
Youth Mental Health Foundation Blog
5M ago
  We’re really excited to share that we’ve been shortlisted for ‘The Children's Achievement Award’ at the 2024 Children and Young People Now Awards! ?? The ceremony is happening on 28th November in Hammersmith, London, and we’re on a mission to get Jade and Joel to attend! But we need a little help from our incredible community to make it happen.   Why Jade Deserves This:  Our amazing co-founder Jade has ADHD and from the age of 9 struggled at school and with her mental health. Between the ages of 11 and 13 she struggled with but overcame severe anxiety, depression, self-harm an ..read more
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We Want To Say A Massive Thank You To The People's Postcode Trust!
Youth Mental Health Foundation Blog
9M ago
  Last year, we were incredibly grateful to receive funding from The People's Postcode Trust! As our funding comes to an end, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank the Trust for its support which has been SO important in the delivery our work to support young people, families, and schools in Devon.  Over the last year, we have provided support to thousands of parents via our free, online course ‘The Horizon Plan’, which teaches our clinical process to support young people struggling with mental health. The Horizon Plan is recommended by NHS trusts and NHS Recovery Colleges acro ..read more
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Learn How To Create a Home Routine That Supports Your Child's Healing
Youth Mental Health Foundation Blog
10M ago
  Here is a video from The Horizon Plan Module 1, where we teach you how to create a daily routine that supports your child's healing. ??? We have helped hundreds of parents and carers to better support a young person struggling with mental health through our free course 'The Horizon Plan'. The Horizon Plan is our FREE online course for parents of children and teenagers struggling with emotions, behaviour and mental health, guiding you to better support your child's recovery. CLICK HERE to join 'The Horizon Plan' for free and learn how to develop a consistent home routine to support your ..read more
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An introduction to YMHF by our Co-Founder: Joel Sutton
Youth Mental Health Foundation Blog
10M ago
Are you partner organisation interested in learning more about YMHF - perhaps referring families and schools for our free-to-access support or maybe to discuss collaborating on a project? Our Co-Founder Joel wasn't able to attend a meeting this week, so recorded a quick video introducing our story and the work we're doing. Enjoy   ..read more
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Jade Delivers Mental Health Assemblies to Primary Schools in West Devon and Cornwall
Youth Mental Health Foundation Blog
11M ago
  We wanted to share some of the fantastic feedback Jade has received from her 'Reach For the Stars' assemblies with schools in Devon and Cornwall over the last month!  Jade has visited over 100 primary and secondary schools and delivered her assembly to over 35,000 students. Here is a short documentary made about Jade and her assemblies, called ‘What’s Your Story’. Jade has ADHD and faced a huge amount of personal struggle at school, academically, socially and with her own mental health. Between the ages of 9 and 12, Jade fought to overcome severe anxiety and depression which later ..read more
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Meet the YMHF Co-Founders!
Youth Mental Health Foundation Blog
11M ago
  Watch this video to meet the Youth Mental Health Foundation Co-Founders: Claire, Joel, and Jade! Click here to join our FREE online course to better support a young person struggling with mental health.   Who are we? The Youth Mental Health Foundation is a Devon-based not-for-profit organisation working with young people, families, and the wider community to address the crisis in youth mental health. We are addressing an urgent need for preventative education to build resilience in children, alongside early intervention strategies to prevent mental health challenges from escalating ..read more
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6 Things My Parents Did That Helped Me Overcome My Anxiety
Youth Mental Health Foundation Blog
11M ago
  If you’re a parent supporting your child through anxiety and want to know what kind of support you could give, this post is for you. As a teenager, I had generalised anxiety disorder, and my parents' support was one of the biggest forces behind my getting better. I want to share what they did that worked well in the hope that it gives other parents in a similar position some guidance. I’m not going to lie and say that they got it right every single time. They were, I'm sure, just as blindsighted by the situation as I was. So I also hope that if right now you feel like your support isn’t ..read more
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Exciting Announcement! YMHF Take Over Facebook Support Group For Parents of Young People Who Self-Harm.
Youth Mental Health Foundation Blog
1y ago
  Hi everyone - we've got some exciting news! We are so grateful to have been chosen by Melissa to take forward this amazing Facebook Group to support parents of young people who self-harm. We plan to be diving into our members' posts to give support and guidance FAR more often, running weekly live Q&As where you can ask for specific advice for your child and LOADS LOADS more. Watch this space...and remember that if you're currently in a very dark place, hang in there, lean on the rest of us here and know that things can get better. Sending love to our community and looking forward to ..read more
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Next Week: Information Sessions for Our Zoom Parent Support Programme in Torbay
Youth Mental Health Foundation Blog
1y ago
  Are you a Torbay parent or carer supporting a young person aged 8-17 struggling with mental health?  Anxiety, depression, self-harm, and other mental health struggles are on the rise among young people, particularly following the COVID-19 pandemic. A recent study shows that 1 in 5 children and young people in England aged 8 to 25 had a probable mental disorder in 2023. As parents, we can be left feeling overwhelmed and helpless, not knowing where to turn for help.  This 18-session programme will help parents/carers better support a young person struggling with mental heal ..read more
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10 Affordable Ways to Support Your Child’s Mental Wellbeing in a Cost of Living Crisis
Youth Mental Health Foundation Blog
1y ago
  During this cost of living crisis, we’re all juggling caring for our families with skyrocketing bills. But, even when the budget’s tight, your children’s wellbeing is still priority number one.  So, if you suspect that your child is struggling with their mental or emotional health, but pricey private therapy sessions are out of reach, what are you supposed to do?  Relying on overburdened free mental healthcare services like the NHS’s CAHMs (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) can feel disappointing given the agonisingly long waiting lists. Fear not, though; there are ..read more
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