Equity Associates Blog
Explore our blog to get a better understanding of mental health issues today's teenagers are facing and how you can help them as parents, teachers or friends. Equity Associates provides integrated mental health services for schools and community organizations in rural settings using tele mental health delivery to match adolescents and their families with highly-qualified and specialized..
Equity Associates Blog
2y ago
If you are like sixty percent of educators surveyed on a recent poll on LinkedIn, you don’t know what it is about February, but you can agree it is one of the most brutal months of the school year. Student behaviors tend to rise with few school breaks between January and March, long winter days, and less outside time. Simultaneously, educators’ stamina wanes, often leaving schools overtaxed with competing demands, understaffed, and stressed to the max.
Experts agree that Colorado’s youth mental health crisis continues to grow.
School-based mental health providers are working tirele ..read more
Equity Associates Blog
2y ago
Figuring out if your teen is abusing substances can be challenging. The signs aren’t always obvious. But there are early warning signs you can learn about and be on the lookout for. Here’s our guide to help you know how to look for early signs, what those signs can look like, and how to seek treatment.
The Dangers to Teens
There’s no single reason teens begin to use drugs and alcohol. Some common reasons include peer pressure, looking for an escape from reality, stress, and curiosity. But no matter the reason, underage substance use poses several threats to a teen’s immediate and long-term hea ..read more
Equity Associates Blog
2y ago
You can’t protect your adolescent from the pain of loss. But you can help them build healthy coping skills that will serve them well in the future. Read on to learn those important skills.
First, Let Go of Expectations
To help your adolescent with their own grief, you need to put aside your expectations of them for the time being.
Grief is complicated and looks different for everyone. Not everyone grieves the same way. Regardless of where your child is in the grieving process, you may notice changes in their behavior. Greif can cause changes to their mood, sleep, appetite, and progress at scho ..read more
Equity Associates Blog
2y ago
PTSD is much more common in teens than most adults want to believe. To help teens get the treatment they need, understanding the symptoms is a good place to start. Here are some common symptoms of PTSD in teens.
What is PTSD?
PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a mental health condition that can develop after witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. You may have heard this in reference to veterans, but they aren’t the only people who can experience PTSD.
It can occur after a single traumatic event, such as a car accident, or ongoing traumatic events, such as exposure to domestic v ..read more
Equity Associates Blog
2y ago
Wondering if telemental health is right for your teen? There’s evidence that talking to a trained mental health professional over the internet could be beneficial for teens. Let’s go over some of the benefits that come from telemental health.
What is Telemental Health?
Telemental health is referred to by other names, such as telehealth for mental health, e-therapy, or internet counseling. Just as the name suggests, telemental health is online therapy that allows people to meet with a therapist without having to head to an office in person.
A telemental health session usually takes place throug ..read more
Equity Associates Blog
2y ago
Stress is a fact of life, but it can sometimes be difficult for children and teens to manage it. Help your child handle stress by learning of a few stress management strategies to guide them.
Stress: Why it Can be Problematic
Stress is the physical or mental response to an external cause, like having an illness or completing a big project. It’s a normal part of life, and everyone experiences stress. In some circumstances, stress can be good, as it can help motivate to get things done.
However, too much stress or chronic stress can lead to emotional and mental symptoms like irritability, sadnes ..read more
Equity Associates Blog
2y ago
If your teen is dealing with mental health challenges, they’re not alone. Parents can be crucial in helping their teens handle these challenges, so let’s look at six ways you can support your teen’s mental health.
Educate Yourself
The first step to offering your teen support is learning about mental health. If you suspect your son or daughter is suffering from conditions such as depression or anxiety, it’s essential to research the issue and learn the signs of the conditions. This will help you recognize if any of their actions are cause for immediate concern. Educating yourself will also make ..read more
Equity Associates Blog
2y ago
Creating a school culture that supports mental wellness is a topic that’s getting increasing attention in recent years. Wondering how to implement it in your school? Here are a few ways to do that.
Why Mental Wellness is Important
Students are facing a lot of demands and pressure every day. From busy schedules, to meeting high academic expectations, navigating the world of social media, and dealing with high amounts of stress. Mental health challenges are becoming more common, and according to the National Alliance of Mental Health, 1 in 6 youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder ea ..read more
Equity Associates Blog
2y ago
If you’ve noticed an increase in anxiety in your classroom and school, you’re not alone. Read on to learn what social anxiety is, how to recognize it, and what you can do to help your students.
What is Social Anxiety?
Social anxiety disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that causes extreme fear and avoidance of social and/or performance settings. This condition is characterized by a marked and persistent fear of being humiliated or scrutinized by others. It also includes significant anxiety, self-consciousness, and embarrassment that can disrupt one’s life. Even if someone understands that th ..read more
Equity Associates Blog
2y ago
Eating disorders are on the rise in adolescents and teens. To protect your child, understand the possible causes, the signs and symptoms, and what to do and not do to help.
What are Eating Disorders?
Eating disorders are serious, complex, and potentially life-threatening mental challenges. They are psychological disorders that involve extreme disturbances in eating behavior. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorders are a few disorders you may have heard of.
Anorexia nervosa, commonly known as anorexia, is characterized by abnormally low body weight, an intense fear of gain ..read more