Leica Hunting Blog
Leica Sport Optics is passionate about the outdoors and the hunt. Follow our Pro Hunters on the Leica Hunting Blog to know about their experiences with our products. Our products let their users enjoy the outdoor lifestyle with greater intensity, and assist them in viewing even the tiniest details from extreme distances. Always with the greatest respect for the environment, its inhabitants,..
Leica Hunting Blog
1M ago
In German-speaking countries, Christmas is a special holiday for hunters, who use the occasion to celebrate a culinary tradition. Whether they hunt in the forest or in the lowlands, in the week before the longest night of the year, passionate hunters have a date with the “Christmas hare”. Due to ..read more
Leica Hunting Blog
4M ago
Serves 4 For the meat 800 g wild boar sausages (small) Oil for searing Salt Pepper For the vegetables 1 medium-sized red cabbage (approx. 600 g) 4 shallots Olive oil 2 tsp. maple syrup 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar Salt Pepper 2 organic oranges 100 g sugar 150 g walnut ..read more
Leica Hunting Blog
8M ago
For the ragout
600 g fillet of young wild boar
150 g chanterelle mushrooms
1 tbsp. clarified butter (ghee)
1 onion
100 g peas
1 tbsp. flour
200 ml white wine
200 ml cream
½ tbsp. grated organic lemon zest
1 tbsp. lemon juice
Fresh chives
For the dumplings
200 g mountain spinach (Atriplex hortensis)
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
50 g butter
4 eggs
120 ml milk
250 g dry bread cubes (or unseasoned croutons)
Pinch of nutmeg
100 g strong Alpine cheese
2 tbsp. flour
Wash the mountain spinach, carefully pat dry, pluck off the leaves and cut into fine strips. Peel and finely dice th ..read more
Leica Hunting Blog
9M ago
For the Scotch eggs
800 g mince of wild boar
10 eggs
½ tsp. salt
½ tsp. pepper
Pinch of nutmeg
2 spring onions
2 tbsp. flat-leaf parsley, chopped
2 tbsp. chives, chopped
1 tsp. mustard
1 tsp. barbecue sauce
100 g flour
300 g breadcrumbs
1 handful of wild greens (e.g. sorrel, goutweed, dandelion leaves, young stinging nettle)
500 g vegetable oil for deep-frying
For the salad
A few leaves of lettuce
4–5 handfuls of mixed wild greens
1 handful of edible wildflowers (e.g. speedwell, ground-ivy, violet, bellis, dandelion flowers)
For the dressing
2 tbsp. medium-hot mustard
½ a lemo ..read more
Leica Hunting Blog
9M ago
When we set out before dawn, the mountains are barely visible against the blue-black firmament. But soon their jagged silhouette stands out clearly from the horizon and the sky turns a vibrant orange. One by one, the last points of light on the opposite slope go out. A small mountain village briefly comes into view and disappears around the next bend. And then, after a final ascent in a very tight curve, we reach the mountain pass.
Hunting guide Cédric drives the car through a small hamlet and parks the off-road vehicle under a large locust tree. Here, time seems to stand still. The village ha ..read more
Leica Hunting Blog
9M ago
For the meat
800 g neck of wild boar
2 handfuls of ground-ivy leaves (Glechoma hederacea)
3 cloves of garlic
100 g pine nuts
100 ml olive oil
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
1 tbsp. honey
For the herb butter
5 ground-ivy stems (Glechoma hederacea)
Some chives
Some chervil
125 g softened butter
Carefully wash the ground-ivy and shake dry. Pluck the leaves and chop finely. Peel and finely chop the garlic. Finely chop the pine nuts. Thoroughly mix the olive oil, garlic, pine nuts, ground-ivy leaves, and honey in a bowl. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Cut the wild boar neck into s ..read more
Leica Hunting Blog
10M ago
More than two years. That’s how long we’ve been endurance-testing the Leica Calonox thermal imaging attachment. Trying out a new technical device for two weekends lets you explore and describe the most important features. But if you spend many months working with the device, and take several pauses to reflect on your experiences, you delve much deeper into the topic.
The Leica Calonox SE during an autumnal stag hunt in Poland.
Even after 150 hunts, including several nights in raised hides and eight hunting trips abroad, this imaging device remains fascinating. It quite literally “reveals what ..read more
Leica Hunting Blog
10M ago
Day 1: Kutina hunting grounds
Early the morning, the hunting-tour operator drives us to the Kutina hunting ground. On the half-hour journey, we pass through small, snow-covered villages until we reach the hunting lodge. There, we meet up with the leaseholder of the Kutina hunting ground, Marian Balasko, and his fellow hunters and enjoy tea, coffee, hot boiled sausage, raw vegetables, bread and the traditional ajvar – a delicious vegetable relish. After a good hour, a horn rings out, the hunters are assembled and the approved game animals are announced. Then we split into groups and travel to a ..read more
Leica Hunting Blog
10M ago
After five days of chamois hunting, it’s time to quest for New Zealand’s grail: the tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus). But the beast with the lion’s mane is not going to make it easy. What’s more, the elements seem to have conspired against us. Back in Christchurch, we receive bad news. A low-pressure weather system is approaching the New Zealand Alps and could bring torrential rain. The mountains – which include the 3,754-meter Aoraki/Mount Cook, also known as Aorangi (“Cloud Piercer”) – form a weather barrier with their numerous 3,000-meter-plus summits. Per, our hunting guide, is unconcerned. Af ..read more
Leica Hunting Blog
11M ago
For the meat
400 g saddle of venison (off the bone)
2 shallots
2 egg yolks
3 stems of parsley
2 anchovy filets
10 capers
4 small pickled gherkins
2 dashes of Tabasco
For the rösti
3 handfuls of young stinging-nettle leaves
500 g hard-boiling potatoes (not mealy)
1 medium onion
2 eggs
3 tbsp. clarified butter (ghee)
½ tsp. salt
½ tsp. cayenne pepper
Preparing the rösti batter
Wash the young nettles – leaves only, no stems – and shake dry. Finely chop the leaves. Peel the potatoes and grate them onto a clean tea towel. Fold up the tea towel and wring out the grated potatoe ..read more