MeatEater » Hunting
Advice, strategies, and news on just about every huntable species in North America - designed to make you a more informed and successful hunter. MeatEater is an outdoor lifestyle brand founded by renowned writer and TV personality Steven Rinella. Host of the Netflix show MeatEater and The MeatEater Podcast, Rinella has gained wide popularity with hunters and non-hunters alike through his..
MeatEater » Hunting
3d ago
No one wakes up addicted to meth. Just like no one casually strolls into the backcountry to hunt elk. There’s a natural progression of slipping into hunting madness, and turkey hunting can be the gateway drug that sends a person down that rabbit hole. Tags are cheap, it requires little gear, and I can’t think of anything more fun than watching a tom strut and gobble his head off on the other side of a shotgun bead. Whether you’re taking a youth ..read more
MeatEater » Hunting
3d ago
I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty broken up about waterfowl seasons being over. Late winter means the days are short and depressing, and just when I’ve missed enough ducks and geese to actually start hitting some, it seems like things are about to close. But it isn’t all lost yet. March is the final gasp for waterfowlers before they need to hang up their waders for the summer—and March is all about snow goose hunting. A snow goose hunt is a ..read more
MeatEater » Hunting
5d ago
Shooting birds is a perishable skill. It’s not like riding a bike, and I’m reminded of that opening day of duck season every year. So what is a bird hunter to do during the months between one hunting season and the next. Sure, you can shoot clays, but clays don’t juke and dive and speed up when you least expect it. And, besides, you can’t eat clay pigeons. Here’s the good news. You don’t have to stop hunting birds just because the fall is over ..read more
MeatEater » Hunting
5d ago
You recognize the names P.O. Ackley and Roy Weatherby, but what do you know about Charles Newton? Not to be confused with Isaac Newton, Charles Newton was another inventor and engineer who some have called the “father of high-velocity rifle cartridges.” Newton designed several popular cartridges that are still commercially available (.250 Savage, .220 Swift, and .22 Savage), but he also pioneered his own high-speed rounds that failed to achieve ..read more
MeatEater » Hunting
1w ago
The forest grew darker and damper the deeper the Gnome rode up the winding, worn logging road. He sat atop his trusty mule, Thelma, pulling Louise behind them with empty saddlebags upon her back. Their big ears twitched at every suspicious snap in the woods. He took in a deep breath of mountain air. The smell of elk lingered in the darkness like a whisper—they were getting closer. The Gnome had spotted the massive bull days ago. He’d heard him ..read more
MeatEater » Hunting
2w ago
Two experienced Louisiana duck hunters are lucky to be alive after their boat sank and they were forced to light a fire in their cooler to keep warm. Texas Game Wardens reported on January 19th that they were called the week prior to Bois D'Arc Lake to look for two hunters who had been reported missing. The men had been hunting the North Texas lake for the past two days, but their wives became concerned after not hearing from them after the sun ..read more
MeatEater » Hunting
2w ago
The maximum range a hunter can take an ethical shot on an animal is limited by a variety of factors, including the shooter’s skill, the stability of the rest, the ballistic capabilities of the cartridge, and the accuracy of the rifle. If we’re being honest, it’s that first factor that limits most hunters, including yours truly. But that’s a topic for another day. Right now, I want to look more closely at an assumption that many hunters make, and ..read more
MeatEater » Hunting
2w ago
My friend Jack is a tough retired Montana logger who hunts like a cougar. Sure, he enjoys his hunting buddies. But for decades now, each hunting season, he disappears alone into the high country with a simple kit of dried food and a rifle after bighorn and elk. Often, he returns with game. Always, he returns with an adventure. While I share Jack’s taste in solitary hunting, I don’t have quite his tenacity. For me, a day or two alone is often ..read more
MeatEater » Hunting
2w ago
Guns are loud. They also recoil. Neither of these features are pleasant for the person pulling the trigger, so gunmakers have spent considerable time and effort creating products that mitigate these effects. The two most common are muzzle brakes and suppressors. Muzzle brakes are designed a million ways from Sunday, but they all feature a series of ports that redirect the gasses expelled from the barrel and reduce felt recoil. Suppressors, on the ..read more
MeatEater » Hunting
3w ago
There is an innate curiosity in us all, hunters especially. We are driven by the same question that drove early settlers deeper into the wilderness, just beyond that next ridgeline, to carve out their own place on the land. But having room to roam is increasingly challenging these days, as cities overfill and the hills that were once unspoiled succumb to blaze orange. However, if you have the grit to face a challenge, the boot leather to burn ..read more