The Okayest Hunter Blog
An okay blog for deer hunters, turkey hunters, or really any hunter. Our mission Is to put an end buck shaming and make it "okay" to hunt, how you hunt, and for whatever you hunt for. It's not about the most miles hiked, the biggest buck or the latest gear. We believe hunting is about having fun, and making everlasting memories.
The Okayest Hunter Blog
5d ago
I know we have a lot of ground to cover to find shed antlers, but if you make an effort to slow down and keep your eyes on the ground you won’t miss the easy ones.
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The Okayest Hunter Blog
1M ago
It doesn’t matter if you’re chasing a trophy buck or a tag-filling doe—your hunt is worth celebrating.
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The Okayest Hunter Blog
2M ago
keep it simple with the “Okayest Holiday Gift Guide.” We’ve put together a list of products that we love and use with the intention that it’ll give you some ideas for the holidays. We’ve even broken it down into categories for you. So, let’s get the holiday shopping started. Heck, you might even find a gift to get yourself!
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The Okayest Hunter Blog
2M ago
The late season can be tough in terms of staying off of the deer’s radar and getting picked happens all too often. Compared to the early season, when the foliage is dense, staying hidden can be a challenge, even if you have on your best hunting plaid!
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The Okayest Hunter Blog
2M ago
While mosquitoes negatively affect hunter movement in the deer stand, they can however affect deer movement. Deer don’t particularly like getting swarmed by bugs either. While they are more tolerant and tough than us, mosquitoes will indeed drive their movement.
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The Okayest Hunter Blog
3M ago
There is no doubt that hunting is special, but the most special aspect is that we hunt with those we love. Sadly, because we are human, nothing lasts forever. Whether it’s Grandpa greeting everybody as they arrive back to camp or a wild pack of kids throwing things into the fire, we don’t get these moments forever. Don’t ever take deer camp for granted, enjoy every second you can while you
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The Okayest Hunter Blog
3M ago
Firearm season is a special time for whitetail hunters. For many, the next couple weeks will make up the entirety of “deer season.”
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The Okayest Hunter Blog
4M ago
You can only read so much or watch so many videos, but truly to understand hunting, is to experience it. Motherhood is the exact same thing. You won’t understand it, until you do it.
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The Okayest Hunter Blog
4M ago
As bowhunting picks up steam, it's time to embrace elevate your game in the deer woods. Here are some practical hunting learnings we've distilled from the Dropping Pins podcast you can apply this hunting season.
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The Okayest Hunter Blog
5M ago
"We still have machines in our Florida facility that Fred Bear himself worked on," Shutts mentioned. "It's an incredible feeling to be part of a company with so much history and tradition. Our heritage is something we hold on to, even as we keep innovating." -- Ryan Shutts
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