Durability of Hard Skills
by SLG
8h ago
This is a topic of much interest to trainers and “doers”, or at least it should be. However, I don’t often hear it talked about. Lots of chatter about the fastest way to do this or that, but very little interest in how durable a given technique might be. How long can you keep your ..read more
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Testing my Dry Practice
by SLG
6d ago
This post was supposed to go live last Saturday, but it didn’t happen, so the shooting is a few days behind my practice as of now. Be that as it may… After a couple of weeks of dry practice to get back into the groove, I thought I would film a short video showing the ..read more
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Getting Back to Training
by SLG
2w ago
With my hand injury having prevented me from training for a bit, I need to start getting my shooting back into shape. The best way to do that is dry practice, so I have been at it for a short time each day now. You can of course practice almost everything dry, but in my ..read more
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“Correct” Trigger Control
by SLG
3w ago
You may have noticed that I have had a little less shooting content lately. Unfortunately, that is a result of a support hand injury that has kept me from being able to grip the gun well. I am starting to heal and am getting in my dry practice once again, but it may be a ..read more
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Read a Blog?
by SLG
1M ago
If you are reading my blog, you are obviously a dedicated person with some extra time on your hands to waste on me. If so, you may very well like reading another much better blog than mine. Justin, who is at Swift, Silent, Deadly is a very accomplished guy with a serious background in operations ..read more
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The Amazing NRA
by SLG
1M ago
I hope everyone had a great holiday season. Here at Pistol-Training.com headquarters we have been relaxing and enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. No doubt someone heard that I wanted to continue riding my motorcycles for a bit longer this year and was kind enough to make it happen. I needed a break from writing, and ..read more
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Trigger Control is the Most Important Thing!
by SLG
2M ago
How many of you have heard that? How about grip is the most important thing? Maybe being black and white about subtle issues is the most important thing? Maybe looking good is the most important thing? Trigger control control is the most important thing…if your grip is subpar. Grip is the most important thing…if you ..read more
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Shooting Gloves
by SLG
2M ago
Since I mentioned shooting with gloves in the last post, I thought I would expand on that a bit. If you live in a place with seasons, you probably find shooting pistols less pleasant when it gets cold out. Extra layers make Instagram draws difficult to pull off, and numb, cold fingers make fast accurate ..read more
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Cold Weather Training.
by SLG
2M ago
Hopefully everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and is spending time with family and friends. It may be a little colder out now, but that doesn’t mean we should stop training. Now is a good time to work on your pistol shooting with gloves. Carbine or rifle shooting with gloves is always easy, and colder weather ..read more
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LEM and Trigger Control
by SLG
2M ago
Here are some videos of the LEM in action. I have less than 300 rounds through the gun and it is coming along nicely. I need to shoot it a little more consistently, and once I have finished my first 1000 rounds, I imagine I will be most of the way there. The trigger break ..read more
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