Home and Garden. Inspiration, Comfort, Upkeep, and Repair. Because Happy Home + Happy Garden = Happy You! Stay tuned to get the latest updates.
11m ago
If your home ever feels endlessly disorganized and cluttered, you’ve probably wished for more storage space. And there are so many ingenious ideas to help save space, from simple organizers to extra shelf room to handy DIY IKEA storage solutions. We’ve seen the classic IKEA Billy Bookcase turned ..read more
1d ago
If you have trouble keeping plants alive, try out these "entry-level" plants that this New York Botanical Garden expert suggests are worth a try ..read more
1d ago
If your bathroom feels bland and disorganized, that might mean it’s time for a makeover. While a makeover might sound like a major renovation, it doesn’t mean you need to go above and beyond in your materials or your budget. There are plenty of subtle organizers and decor that can make a huge ..read more