On The Wing Photography
I'm Mia McPherson, a northern Utah-based bird and nature photographer. On The Wing, Photography has the stories behind the images. It contains blog posts with my photos and the stories behind those photos plus my extensive photo galleries which contain more than 10,000 images of birds, wildlife, flowers, and trees along with images of the incredible landscapes I visit. I don't bait..
On The Wing Photography
10h ago
I spent years being Blue Jay deprived, so I am really relishing seeing, hearing, and photographing them now. Having Blue Jays in my viewfinder is truly a joy ..read more
On The Wing Photography
1d ago
Yesterday, I was delighted to see and thrilled to photograph a young Swamp Rabbit not long after sunrise, from the deck of my dear friend Steve Creek's garden ..read more
On The Wing Photography
4d ago
This morning I'm sharing one White-throated Sparrow photo taken late last month on a cloudy day. I was thrilled to see and hear this gorgeous bird ..read more
On The Wing Photography
5d ago
Along with a cool front, the juncos have returned to Arkansas, including this subtle but lovely female Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco I photographed yesterday ..read more
On The Wing Photography
5d ago
A few days ago, an old Facebook memory showed up where I shared that I had seen my first of season Tundra Swans and I realized I won't be seeing them this year ..read more
On The Wing Photography
1w ago
Happy Halloween! ? Today, I’m sharing a black-and-white photo of a Common Raven calling out from a snowy mound with the Great Salt Lake stretched behind ..read more
On The Wing Photography
1w ago
A group of warblers is called a bouquet. This small collection of Yellow-rumped Warbler images from Arkansas makes me smile just like a bouquet of wildflowers ..read more
On The Wing Photography
1w ago
I photographed this Great Blue Heron two days ago when the autumn sky was gray with clouds on Sally Jones Lake at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma ..read more
On The Wing Photography
1w ago
While wandering on foot yesterday at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Steve Creek and I found some blooming Juda’s Bush to focus on and photograph for a bit ..read more
On The Wing Photography
1w ago
While I was outside yesterday, I watched and photographed a young Fox Squirrel slowly climb down from an oak tree and run across a thick layer of pine straw ..read more