Callum's message for his 5th Birthday
Callum Border Collie And His Autistic Human
3w ago
Woof woof and a happy hello to one and all! It's so nice to be back to bark with you. I should have been back to bark with you all sooner but to bean honest doggy I just couldn't get myself motivated to get on the computer to write a blog. You know how it is when your mind feels lazy and you don'tfeel like doing anything. I didn't forget about all my pawsome readers though because you are all tucked in nicely in my doggy heart.Can you believe that I'm 5 years old now? Where does time go? I can more
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I have Thousands of Readers,But Wrote This Just For You!
Callum Border Collie And His Autistic Human
3w ago
A happy woof woof to you all. It's me Callum your favourite border collie blogger back to bark with you all some more.I wanted to be back barking with you sooner but that darn writers block struck again. Anyways I am a happy boy to be here to bark with you all now.And speaking of 'happy' that's exactly what I'm going to bark about!I was thinking to my doggy self about all the bad stuff you humans hear about on the news and on social media and it got me to thinking that none of it should stand in more
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Exciting World News with Callum
Callum Border Collie And His Autistic Human
2M ago
Woof woof woof to you all. I am such a happy doggy to be back to bark with you all some more. I'm an excited boy to sharea very special interview I did with Mr. World.Callum: Welcome to my blog Mr. World!Mr. World: It's my pleasure Callum and please call me Wilbur.Callum: I'm rather embarrassed to admit I had no idea your name was Wilbur.Wilbur: Please don't be embarrassed Callum, there's not many who know my first name.Callum: You're looking a bit frazzled Wilbur is everything alright?Wilbur: I more
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Time in a Bottle
Callum Border Collie And His Autistic Human
3M ago
Woof woof and happy tail wags to all. It's me your favourite border collie blogger Callum. I am such a happy boy to be back to bark with you all.Last month my human and I and my Auntie Susan and my Uncle Dave and my Auntie Rebecca had a continuation of life celebration for my humangrandma. It's hard to believe that she has been living on the other side for four years. My human and I know that she is always with us in spirit. I know that gives my human so much comfort, knowing that her mom c more
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A Very Special Recipe
Callum Border Collie And His Autistic Human
5M ago
Woof woof woof and happy greetings to you all. It's me Callum your favourite border collie blogger back to bark with you some more. You know this doggy is getting a little impatient waiting for this world to get better so I decided to take matters into my own paws. I think my special recipe is just what the world needs. And the best part is all the ingredients are free. ​Okay now for my special recipe....Take two hug-fulls of love,mix in one hug-full of compassion,add one hug-full of patie more
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Jars and Boxes. Oh My!
Callum Border Collie And His Autistic Human
6M ago
Woof woof and happy greetings! It's me again your favourite border collie blogger Callum! For this blog I decided to ask my human what things frustrate her the most. I'm a sure doggy that a lot of you will be able to relate to these.First thing on the frustration list is jars that are hard to open. Oh boy does my human ever get frustrated when she can't get the lid off a jar. Her conversation to herself goes something like this, "who glued this damn lid on? Breaking into a bank would more
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Ear you go!!
Callum Border Collie And His Autistic Human
6M ago
Happy greetings to you all! It's me Callum, your favourite border collie back to bark with you some more. I should have been back to bark with you sooner but I didn't have a doggy clue what to bark about. Well it popped into my mind on my walkies with my human that I should bark about ears. I can hear you saying but Callum isn't that a boring thing to bark about? Now be honest with this doggy have any of my barks been boring?Okay now onto my topic about ears. I'm sure a lot of you humans realize more
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Some Random Thoughts From My Doggy Mind
Callum Border Collie And His Autistic Human
7M ago
Woof woof and a happy hello to all my pawsome readers. Me and my human hope that everyone is enjoying their summer. For this blog I am just going to bark random thoughts from my doggy head. Did you know doggies like me get a lot of random thoughts in our head. I'm a sure boy that kitties and other animals do too. Okay on to my first thought... This doggy would like to know why anyone would want to share negative stuff on social media. I'm a sure doggy there are lots of pawsitive uplifting posts but it seems they only want to show depressing stuff to my human, at least on face book anyways more
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Furry family Are Not Disposable
Callum Border Collie And His Autistic Human
9M ago
Woof woof it's me Callum your favourite border collie blogger back to bark with you some more! I have something very important to bark about, something that breaks my doggy heart and my human's heart too, and that is people abandoning their furry family members. My Auntie Susan recently told me how she read about a man who left his kitty in a carrier and his dog in a ditch. The poor dog ran after the car. The kitty was rescued and I'm a pretty sure boy the dog was found too. In another case a dog walker found a starving dog abandoned in a park, the poor pup was just skin and bones. Those more
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Words and the Spells They Cast
Callum Border Collie And His Autistic Human
9M ago
Woof woof and a happy hello to all my pawsome readers. It's me your favourite border collie blogger Callum back to bark with all of you some more. My human suggested that I bark about words because she finds words fascinating. According to my human words can harm and words can heal. I guess that's why they say the pen is mightier than the sword. This doggy doesn't understand why anyone would want to use words that could hurt someone. Like my two legged grandma says,if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all! You know if my paws had thumbs, I would try to make a magical more
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